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The Mysterious Shadow People: What Are They?

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posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 07:51 PM
I don't buy the pics either.

I think the thread has evolved into much more than that, though.

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 10:29 PM
i have, in the course of my investigations run across many anomalous things that most would consider 'ghosts" what i said is of course just my opinion but i really dont think these things have any supernatural abilities, i've come to believe that these things are merely surviving human consciousness' i dont even use the term ghost or spirits but IES (information-energy systems) a term coined by Dr. Gary Schwartz, whatever it is, is just people. granted a person who was evil while here in this dimension will still be evil after having "crossed over" but they are, simply put, just people.......

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 10:44 PM
I'm not sure-yes I believe in ghosts,I've had a distubing experience before,although not with what I'd call a "shadow" entity.I do know George Noory did a show on them on coast to coast am,don't know if anyone else listens to that or not,but whether they are real I can't say,can't rule it out either though,I've only had the one experience with an "evil" invisible entity,that was enough for me.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 12:30 AM
I've never heard of shadow people before, however i see people walking around my place quite often late at nite. It doesn't bother me at all, i only wish i could follow them into 'their' realm, that would be cool.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 12:56 AM
These 'shadow people' are very new and interesting, if they are real. I've seen and heard and read about a lot of paranormal/supernatural and things outta this world so I am convinced we're not alone and the world is much more than mainstream science and history could ever dream. I myself believe that these shadow men are mostly weird manifestations of ghosts such as the mothmen phenomena.

So this probably should've gone under the paranormal forum or aliens at the most. Cryptozoology doesn't really include beings like these although they could be living beings like sasquatch or nessie (who I believe is just a pleisiosaur).


posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 08:51 PM
I have also seen these shadow people from my late teens onward, They sometimes last days before they go away, But i still can-not link them with anything ..... regards ....bjm

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 12:11 AM
Thanks again for the continous input! Btw, I put this in the cryptozoology section, cuz if these are real, I didn't know what to classify them. It seems though that this thread has taken a turn to the paranormal. So sorry if this is in bad section. Can I move the thread somehow?

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Like I've said before, I think that they are just thoughtforms. And thoughtforms also need energy to survive. The energy that they feed on is negative emotional energy, of which fear is the most powerful one. And what easier way is there to get food (fear) than keeping people terrified of you??

I think if all people would stop being afraid and stop feeling the emotion of fear, these beings will just disolve into "nothing". But I think I'll see pigs fly before that...

i LOOOOVE this quote! "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -- it is the illusion of knowledge."--Daniel J Boorstin

anything is possible, but i think you're on to something. why? because i believe EVERYTHING is thoughtforms. the collective consciousness creates our reality.
think happy thoughts.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 01:48 PM
hmm... this stuff is *really* creeping me out...

Anyway, I have an idea:
These shadows could be manifestations of all of the evil/dark thoughts we have. If we give them enough thought, then we may peceive seeing these things. (I'm guessing they're not physically real though)

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Like I've said before, I think that they are just thoughtforms. And thoughtforms also need energy to survive. The energy that they feed on is negative emotional energy, of which fear is the most powerful one. And what easier way is there to get food (fear) than keeping people terrified of you??

I think if all people would stop being afraid and stop feeling the emotion of fear, these beings will just disolve into "nothing". But I think I'll see pigs fly before that...

i LOOOOVE this quote! "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -- it is the illusion of knowledge."--Daniel J Boorstin

anything is possible, but i think you're on to something. why? because i believe EVERYTHING is thoughtforms. the collective consciousness creates our reality.
think happy thoughts.

Your right. Humans 'generally' thrive on Positivity in order to Survive. I believe completely that the mind is capable of things we've yet to discover.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 04:46 PM
1. As far as my ranking of the shadow types, or as to why I have labeled them as such... to me, they are seperate creatures, not just one type in different shape. It is just an impression, a pshycic feeling.

2. What can they be? I don't follow the alien belief, in as far as that they are not visitors from outer space. Now, visitors from between dimensions? That is something else. I think these shadow creatures exist in our world... probably elsewhere as well... that they are able to cross over into our realm as we would into theirs (astral travel). Or maybe we (both humans and the shadows) merge into a threshold as we cross... it is interesting for me, in noting that the times I see them is when I am in a near-sleep state.

3. I am going to have to recant when I said I first started seeing them in my early teen years. Knowing that people can, and do, repress memories, but are affected by similiar events... I have, over this past weekend, realized that I have seen them much earlier in life.

Now, some might be normal child nightmare type events, but I always like to stretch things a bit...

I watched the Twilight Zone and Outer Limits growing up, and casn honestly say nothing on those shows bothered me (or else my parents would not have allowed me to watch them, right?). However, the episodes that have always stuck in my head, that still, deep down do bother me, have been the ones showing these... creatures made of smoke, or the frail doll like creatures that you saw nothing of, for they were behind a fog.

Another thing that made me cry and run (literally) was in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"; the scene being when the UFO opens up, and you see these tall, thin, shadowy beings. NOT when you see the aliens, but just before they come out, when they are nothing but shadows.

4. Are they evil, or demonic in origin? For the most part, I'd say no. In my "levels", clearly types 2&3 are curious... seekers almost. Type 1 is... a pawn (after seeing this type, a "higher" will usually follow); the type 1 cannot do anything, it is almost as if it is checking things out. Now, the type 4 (the large shapeless one) I think is more along the lines of a guardian type creature... mindless, but reminding you to dread carefully. The type 5, however, is clearly "evil".

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 04:55 PM
It's possible that these "Shadow People" are to us what we are to them, just that. To them, we could be the ones who are the 'ghost' type beings that see us the same way that we see them.

[Edited on 22-12-2003 by Sapphire]

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 05:05 PM
ive been seeing a lot of crazy stuff lately. i can elaborate more later

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 08:29 PM
I know someone that sees shadows out of the corner of her eye, like creeping up the stairs, or hiding by a doorway. She calls them the gremlins, and says that they move things, and hide items. If you ask for them back or tell them to stop, you'll usually find them someplace you've already looked at.
odd, but not the scary shadows you guys have been in contact with.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by Sapphire
It's possible that these "Shadow People" are to us what we are to them, just that. To them, we could be the ones who are the 'ghost' type beings that see us the same way that we see them.

[Edited on 22-12-2003 by Sapphire]


This goes right alone with a theory I hold that "ghosts" may actually see us as the entity that isn't supposed to be there. And it kind of makes sense if you think about it. If the spirit of us is an ethereal energy, then that spirit should be visible to another ethereal being...but maybe not the non-ethereal things about us. For instance, this could explain why ghost have been seen to walk through walls. That wall may not have been there in their time - so they can't see it. It has no ethereal spirit. There is data by paranormal investigators on this.

I don't think the shadow entities are ghosts. Not the one I encountered. And I personally believe (this is just an opinion I've formed and I could be totally wrong - but it stems from my own experiences) that unlike "ghosts" they seek people out for a specific reason.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by billybob

anything is possible, but i think you're on to something. why? because i believe EVERYTHING is thoughtforms. the collective consciousness creates our reality.
think happy thoughts.

You have the same idea like I do. I once read an article (can't remember which one) about first order and second order beings. The first order beings were directly created from the source and the second order beings were created by first order beings. Second order beings are unable to generate their own (emotional) energy so they must get them somewhere else (often from first order beings).

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

Originally posted by billybob

anything is possible, but i think you're on to something. why? because i believe EVERYTHING is thoughtforms. the collective consciousness creates our reality.
think happy thoughts.

You have the same idea like I do. I once read an article (can't remember which one) about first order and second order beings. The first order beings were directly created from the source and the second order beings were created by first order beings. Second order beings are unable to generate their own (emotional) energy so they must get them somewhere else (often from first order beings).

This is interesting Bandit and billybob. It would kind of back a theory of "evil minions" - spawns. Yuck!

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 07:21 AM
shadow people? ghosts? meh

teleportation, on a phenomenally advanced rank....
i think we need to broaden our horizons, that "smoke" we see has to be a combustion of some sort, and has to look at something that combusts in such a way with "air" so to speak.
air? why yes

that narrows it down, and could possibly give us an insight on what/how this phenomena occured.
btw, merry x-mas every1, if im not around on the 25th (being sweet
a splattered with snow

posted on Feb, 3 2004 @ 10:55 PM
ive seen those shadowy people. if youre mexican or religious youd be able to specify them as demons. lurkers. behind doors. everywhere. and theyre Textreal

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 05:36 PM
A friend of mine experienced this. For 2 weeks he was literally 'crazy' and kept saying that his shadow was trying to kill him. Kept saying something about a 'black man' or a 'black demon' chasing him and torturing him. He begged his mother to pray for him but she would do the 'short' prayers and tell him he was fine. He didn't do drugs or anything of the sort.

His mother found him one night curled up on the floor in a fetal position, white as a sheet, eyes wide open, teeth clenched. And overall look of intense fear on his face. Autoposy didn't show any real cause of death. He clenched his teeth so hard it cracked his teeth.

I wonder if these are the shadow people he was talking about.

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