posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 10:22 PM
Does it really matter if it has become a civil war or not ?
Doesnt outright anarchy best catergorize it?
We have so many foreign nationals fighting various other foreigners..
We have american military fighting iraqi's, and now iranians...
We have militias systematically killing anyone they please...
We have mercenaries killing iraqi's..
We have bombs going off left right and centre...
We have scores of dead turning up by the dozen all around baghdad...
Some showing signs of torture..
And we have the leader, who instigated this war with his head so deep in the sand, its only taken 4 years, to understand its out of control.
We murdered the only man capable of controlling the people of Iraq,
We have provoked its neighbours so much, that we are approaching the line to start bombing them.
And now, we are sending in more troops, beliving more bloodshed and bullets will solve the problem.
Like, how the hell, have we gone, from being attacked on American soil by Osama,
to being in an endless war, IN Iraq with no way to get out ?
Weve murdered the leader of a country, occupied his nation, and become stuck in a quagmire...
yet we have no clue where Osama is?
Its like a horrible night mare,
How the hell could any logical human create a stiuation from position A to position B?