posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 03:58 PM
It is clear that our leadership has lost all it morals and ethical disputes, I pre-suppose.
We will never know all that they have been concealing therefore it is pointless to even try to verify what we are told, for its' merits. Just think
to yourself..."O.K. this IS true so what better I do in order to best prepare myself for the reprocussions...then share info with us too.
Ive already learned more about the truth since I first started observing this forum. I am seeking out
higher grounds I can get to from my location with the least likely hood of bumping into national gaurds in case marshall law is put into place...thats
for sure.
Any links to good topographcal maps for free would be deeply appreciated. Also intersted in maps showing underground water resevoirs and the
likes. please respond.