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WTC steel found buried at ground zero after all this time

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posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Well, I guess it all didn't go to China...

The surprising discovery of World Trade Center steel in the past week raises more questions about what was left at ground zero in the cleanup after the 2001 attacks and how the service road was created in the first place.

The steel, found during a dig for human remains that has yielded nearly 300 bones in the past three months, includes two heavy beams that were stacked horizontally in the landfill, as if moved and placed there, a person with direct knowledge of the discovery told The Associated Press. The person was not authorized to publicly discuss the findings and insisted on anonymity.

The discovery was confirmed by officials for the city and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owned the trade center.

This article describes the fact that they are still finding parts of the towers, and many other smaller items at ground zero. If this was a cover up, it was a crummy job. I mean, is there not one person on this board who has a friend or knows someone who works down there? I would think that if anything that was related to explosives was found, that it would have been reported. What do you think?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
I would think that if anything that was related to explosives was found, that it would have been reported. What do you think?

I think you could be right and you could be wrong. If it was the US government, then I'd say no. If it was terrorists, then I'd say yes probably.

I say probably because of my own thoughts about Mossad and the possible cover up of the US to conceal that they were involved.

As for the steel. That amazes me. How could they just bury large steel beams? And people say there was a thourough investigation of the steel. My arse there was.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:18 PM
Quick get the steel to the lab and find out if there were explosives involved.
Maybe they can find out more information about the melted steel now that they found some more, that is if they dont ship this load away too.
Does anyone have some pictures of this stuff they found?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:26 PM
The only reason I have never thought Mossad, is that if Israel wanted us in a war, they would need only one airstrike, and we would have to be at their defense.

It seems within the article that it states that some of this material is actually still remains, driven into the ground ,cut and left to remove at a different time. It jsut amazes me what is still down there. Didn't anyone see Poltergeist? You moved the headstones, but you didn't move the bodies. That enitire area should be closed and made sacred ground.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
That enitire area should be closed and made sacred ground.

I agree.

As for Mossad, you make a valid point. But, as far as I know, Mossad doesn't operate that way. They'd rather make us think that it was Arabs that did something so we attack the Arabs instead of Isreal attacking someone and having us defend them.

But, I'm on the verge of de-railing yet another thread, so back to the steel.

You mentioned that it was to be moved at another point in time? When were they planning this? Or did they forget about it? I guess I should read the article. Reading it now.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:49 PM
I myself have always thought that ground Zero should become a memorial park with a memorial stone. Somewhere for the whole public to sit on the grass and reflect and enjoy this little patch of green in the middle of a bustling city

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:52 PM
There's more to the story that you didn't post Esdad. Why?

The person with knowledge of the discovery told the AP that three connected steel columns that once formed the facade of the trade center were also found below the road. Another column was found on the other end of the trade center site, where the Port Authority is building a retaining wall for three planned office towers, the person said. Unlike the stacked columns, this steel appeared to be burned at one end.

I wonder if they will do any tests? What do they mean by burned? Is it blackened from fire? Is it contorted from heat? What does burnt mean when it comes to steel?

Diane Horning, who lost her son on Sept. 11 and is a leading critic of the city's search for remains, said the steel discovery proves that the city ended cleanup too quickly and paved over the service road without searching it.

"They built it so that they could get their project done ahead over schedule and under budget, which was always their first priority," Horning said. "It's repulsive."

Welcome to corporate America dear.

[edit on 2/1/2007 by Griff]

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
It seems within the article that it states that some of this material is actually still remains, driven into the ground ,cut and left to remove at a different time.

Does it seem within the article or does it say within the article? Because I didn't read anything that sounded like that to me.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:58 PM
Thw WTC site is some of the most expensive land on the whole face of the Earth, it's impossible to expect nothing to be rebuilt on the site. A memorial is appropriate, but I think rebuilding is also appropriate since it shows that we won't let the terrorists win.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 01:05 PM
I did not want to post the entire article, so I posted the first few paragraphs, the teaser as you will to read the article itself.

The person with knowledge of the discovery told the AP that three connected steel columns that once formed the facade of the trade center were also found below the road. Another column was found on the other end of the trade center site, where the Port Authority is building a retaining wall for three planned office towers, the person said. Unlike the stacked columns, this steel appeared to be burned at one end.

I would think that it was driven into the ground and then cut to remove pieces, or was it something else...also

The columns were about 18 feet long and perhaps 60 tons each. Officials believe the steel columns, located a week ago just 2 to 3 feet below the surface of the road, were deliberately set there at some point during the cleanup, perhaps to stabilize heavy machinery in use at the time.

Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler, who is overseeing the search for remains, declined to speculate on how the steel might have ended up where it did.

Digging was halted in the immediate area surrounding the steel columns until the Port Authority removes the steel. The columns will be put into storage at a hangar at Kennedy International Airport, agency spokesman Steve Coleman said Wednesday. The hangar stores all sorts of artifacts from the trade center, including what was believed to be the last column removed from the site in May 2002.

Seems that they also could have just been used in the excavation, or were they purposely put there?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Seems that they also could have just been used in the excavation, or were they purposely put there?

Good question. If they were purposely put there, how do they know it is steel from the towers? Could there be anyway to verify that?

Edit: I really didn't mean to sound like I was second guessing you Esdad. English and grammer where never my strong subjects and sometimes I'll post something and read it later and think to myself "boy did I sound like an a** there".

[edit on 2/1/2007 by Griff]


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