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Russian Aircraft @ Groom Lake?

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posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by FULCRUM

Get a grip.

Mystery solved.

so if i find a site that says the brazilian army is the most powerful you will believe that too...

sorry i dont believe in every little piece of thrash that is thrown at me...

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:43 PM
I have actual photos of these USAF MiG-29s..

Buy and send me a scanner and i will post those!

Just belive it, this is for real.

[Edited on 16-12-2003 by FULCRUM]

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:45 PM
russian.. usaf has migs, mig-23 mig-21 mig-29 etc.. from the cold war era, yf-113/112 if im not mistaken were mig-21 and 23

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by SectorGaza
russian.. usaf has migs, mig-23 mig-21 mig-29 etc.. from the cold war era, yf-113/112 if im not mistaken were mig-21 and 23


You are correct.

We have talked about this..

Just seems that Russian wasnt around then..

(His on denial.. cant face the truht..)

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:50 PM
ok ok it a mig...

its a mig...

but the first one cant be proven...

also i believe its a mig cause i found some German MIG-29s...

so if Germans have them then so deos US...

i already said that US has migs...

i was talking about the website...

you cant just believe every peice of thrash throw at you...

or atleast i dont believe everything that is thrown at me...

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 01:05 PM
The US has had Mig aircraft for a pretty long time. These aircraft had dedicated flight crews that would fly against the instructors from the Navy's Top Gun and the AF's Aggressor Squadron at Nellis, so these instructors would actually know what it was like to fly against a Mig so that they could replicate that in the fighter schools.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 01:13 PM
It's a known fact that the US has been flying captured Russian (formerly Soviet) aircraft at Area 51 since the 60's, i forget the squadron's name but i'll put it up later, usually we had bought them through some cover company so we can put them through their paces, we originally got the idea during the Korean war when we asked somebody to defect with a MiG 15 and somebody did, it gave us alot of information that we didn't have.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 04:11 PM
I would guess that the Mig-29s are flown by Germans. It could have been part of Red Flag exercises at Nellis where the Germans do fly Mig-29s.

Here is a list of commonly seen aircraft over Nellis.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 04:15 PM
Ill repeat this just once and then i will leave you to it..

USAF owns and operates more than 20 MiG-29s, maybe even more than 30..


October 1997

THE UNITED STATES purchased 21 MiG 29 fighter aircraft from Moldova during October, pre empting Iran's efforts to acquire potential delivery systems for weapons of mass destruction. The capability of 14 of the Russian made aircraft to deliver nuclear weapons, although disputed by Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev, allowed the acquisition to be carried out under the Defense Department's Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program.

Under an agreement finalized on October 10, the United States acquired 14 MiG 29Cs, described by U.S. officials as wired to permit delivery of nuclear weapons, six MiG 29As, one MiG 29B, 500 air to air missiles and all the spare parts and diagnostic equipment present at the Moldovan air base where the aircraft were stationed. In return, Moldova will receive a cash payment, humanitarian assistance and non lethal excess defense articles such as trucks. Although the value of the package was not disclosed, Reuters reported on November 5 that Moldovan Finance Minister Valeriu Chitan said the cash payment equaled about $40 million. New aircraft of comparable capabilities cost approximately $20 million to $25 million apiece.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 05:43 PM
not even just MiG 29's, but MiG's, Sukhoi's, Yakolev's, and all kinds of other Russian aircraft

Mig 21's and MiG 23's even have their own US designation because of the number of them we have owned, YF-110 and YF-113 respectively :

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 06:16 AM
There have been Russian aircraft have been at Groom Lake for years. All the aircraft designated YF-112 through YF-116 are MIG's. they are tested by a special squadron called the Red Hats.


posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 09:46 AM
There was a new show on TLC last night about Area51. Chuck Clark,an Area51 investigator hiked up Tikaboo Peak with another guy.They both spent the night atop the peak looking into Area51 with a Celestron telescope.The next morning they saw a Mig29 flying above them.The plane was clearly visible in the video.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 02:50 PM
there has been one more rossian airplane in the hands of USA the so called YF-117

aside of that you do know that the plane was built on base of a theory from a russian scientist

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 05:46 AM
US also have Russian Helicopters

I saw a programme on Dicovery (wing?) about US helicopter 'agressor' crews, they flight Mil-24 Hinds every day (the russian apparently are lucky to fly once a month) they reckoin they know the aircraft better than the Russian crews because of the amount of lying they do.

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by vorazechul
there has been one more rossian airplane in the hands of USA the so called YF-117

aside of that you do know that the plane was built on base of a theory from a russian scientist

yeah, pyotr ufimtsov.

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 05:58 AM
Numerous times here at ATS..

But here goes:


Su-22 (From Su-7 to Su-22, generally aircrafts of Fitter series..)



At least US has/has had 1 of each of these..

CIA actually operates many Mi-8/17 and An-12s..

For clandestine missions..

And it is also possible that US has/has had:

Several different Yakovlev types.. Like 'Firebar'


posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 11:53 AM
alright you know wut this is wut i think. In the first pic, it looks like a mig-29(it really does cause the mig-29 doesnt have its engines as close to each other as they are in the aircraft in the second and third pic. its still too blurry to tell though) and in the second and third pics it looks like a su-35. Besides i knew all along that groomlake had migs. and to prove it, i saw on TLC the other day a guy who was trying to discover the secrets of Groom Lake, they even found someone to say wut it is. The guy had camped out of the base and he knows he was being watched, but he was in legal boundaries of the base. also the next day of being camped out, in the morning, they saw a mig-27 in the sky over the base, they also had a radio expert listening to wut the aircontrol operators were saying to eachother. they also went to a civilian sat company that takes pictures of everysingle place on the planet acording to request. the guy had asked for pics of groomlake and they company regretingly gave it him. also to prove that the government was on their tail, secret military peronal appeared at the guys desert home and took harddrives, documents, the guys life and even took his monitor. they left a not for him saying wut they had taken and there was a warrent with it too. so yeah he was jipped.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:46 PM
It almost looks like the F/A- 18 fighter in the pictures.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 06:19 PM
the US could've stolen the plane and test flown it.....if not, i hope they shot it down afterwards

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 04:52 PM
SilQ, your first name jesus?

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