posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:42 AM
Well, as I often eat at my desk, I've become kind of a connesiour of frozen dinners, etc. (when I don't have homemade leftovers).
Stouffers, without a doubt, has the best dinners (but they are also one of the priciest).
Recently, Michelinas have become my favorite, as they are usually about a third of the price, and nearly as good.
They just came out with something though, that is really good. Michelinas Hot Subs. They are like Hot Pockets, but without the pesky sleeve, and
they don't burst and leak scalding hot cheese all over you (or give you second degree mouth burns like Hot Pockets). They only take a minute to
nuke, and are consistently great. If your lunch habits are like mine, definitely give them a go.....