posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 10:52 PM
I constantly listen to Coast to Coast AM and the mysterious Universe Podcast and an interesting connection seem to emerge.
"Sound and Harmonics"
Ancient texts tell of civilizations who communicated with other realms with the pitch of whistles.
The metal healings and Zen states of Monks, Mystics, and Shaman through the sustained drone of chanting and or use of whistles or mass singing.
The evidence that the pyramids and ancient mounds may possibly have been great musical instruments whose purpose is yet unknown.
Individuals who have witnessed the el chupacabra have stated that it made a high pitched whistle sound and vanished into thin air
Recent videos have shown up on the net of salt on speakers set to certain frequencies, and the patterns that emerge are very similar to those of
classic crop circles.
(You can see a video of it by searching for speaker salt in Google or youtube)
Just thought that all these interesting things whether true or not are all tied to sound.
Maybe sound is the secret to understanding and unlocking the “alleged” multi-dimensions and or other realms of conscious. That certain
frequencies or pitches sustained over a period of time could be the key to these otherwise closed doors in the physical world??