posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Well one, I think you are quite comfortable with your sexuality. Which would answer the questions pertaining to your willingness to share affection
between both sexes. As for the slurs towards an individuals sexual preference, I think you are missing the point.
It is not the word itself that is harmful. It is the message that we as society has tagged to it. There are plenty of derogatory terms that we can
list that have been tagged with meanings that do not necessarily represent the word. But they are considered inappropriate due to the definition we
as society has placed on it. As for T.R. Knight leaving the show due to the comments, I would have to disagree with that action. I do not condone
Mr. Washington's comments, but I think we should let bygones be bygones. He made a mistake, he's openly apologized and "appears" to be making
serious strides to resolve any issues within himself.
The show apparently had seriously considered the idea of having Washington leave the show. They had decided against it which may have not sit to well
with Knight.
Every individual is going to react to the term differently. Whether you are heterosexual or homosexual, you can not speak for Knight or any other
homosexual. The way I would react to a derogatory term, and the way you would react, even if we share the same preference or attribute, we can only
speculate how each would react. To criticize someone for reacting in a specific manner is certainly unfair.
Also, I don't think the title appropriately fits the subject. You say, why be embarrassed for what you are. T.R. Knight is a homosexual. He is not
a faggot, fruit, or any other negative term that can be labeled.
He is a homosexual, until that term grows a negative connotation, and we all have to learn another word.