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My thoughts on Dulce, New Mexico

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posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:07 AM
This March I am planning to re-visit Dulce, New Mexico.
I have a lot of mixed emotions and thoughts on the "myths" surrounding the town of Dulce and its well-known (by most "ufologists") alleged underground facility.

In the final week of February of 1990, we (a Japanese magazine and TV crew and myself) visited the town of Dulce to see if there were anything substantial behind the rumors of the alleged base.

We stayed at the Best Western Inn then and spent a few days in Dulce.
We interviewed quite a number of local Jicarilla Apache residents of the town and definitely heard testimonies from some who definitely told us that in the mid 70s and early 80s there were lots of sightings of unusual lights in the night sky over Dulce. Also we interviewed a few of the local ranchers regarding the alleged "cattle mutilations". (I had read a number of newspaper clippings while I was living in Arizona in the mid-70s, regarding reports of sightings of "strange lights" over Dulce, New Mexico).
The TV crew and I tried to get to the Archuleta Mesa but unfortunately, the road was not passable due to some snow left from a storm a week ago then.) Therefore we never found the "base".

But what was strange was that when we were interviewing the people on the streets, we were suddenly apprehended by Dulce's Indian Police Chief and were taken to his office. Our IDs were checked. After more than an hour and a half, we were finally released. We asked the police why we were detained. We were simply interviewing people on the streets. The Police Chief, before finally releasing us, said that he did not want to talk about the alleged "base", period.
Therefore, we came back from Dulce, with unanswered questions.

This is why, I have decided to re-visit Dulce this March.
Therefore, I do not have anything conclusive yet to say about the Dulce, even though I visited there in 1990.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:42 AM
Everyone should check the link on this guys signature. Very interesting!!!

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Norio Hayakawa
This March I am planning to re-visit Dulce, New Mexico.
I have a lot of mixed emotions and thoughts on the "myths" surrounding the town of Dulce and its well-known (by most "ufologists") alleged underground facility.

I just wrote the following on my main site and would like to share this with you (since it is more in detail, also, rather than copy and paste, I am typing here word by word):

Sometime during the mid 80's, a rumor began to circulate widely among some "ufologists" about an "underground U.S./alien base" near Dulce, New Mexico. The rumor had its beginnings even from around the late 70's.
Is there, or was there ever such "underground U.S./alien base" there?

With this fascinating thought in mind, in 1990 (the first week of March of 1990, immediately after coming back from Nevada to help produce a TV documentary on Area 51), a team of Japanese magazine and TV crew and myself flew to Albuquerque, New Mexico and drove all the way to Dulce to see if there was anything substantial to the allegation that there was such as "base".

We checked into the Best Western motel in Dulce. We spent a few days there looking for the base (which was allegedly located under Archuleta Mesa, outside Dulce). However, we could not locate any such base, partly because some roads leading to the mesa were closed off, due to the snow on the ground.

However, in town, we interviewed many locals, i.e., the Jicarilla Apache Indians, some of whom claimed to have seen strange lights in the night skies and some military helicopters in that area, especially during the late 70's and the early 80's. (While living in Phoenix, Arizona in the late 70's, I remember seeing newspaper clippings on the Dulce "lights" in various New Mexico newspapers which someone had sent me. But at that time I didn't care that much to pursue it).

My conclusion, after being in Dulce, however, was that there was nothing solid to substantiate any such allegations, at least on the surface.

The only curious thing that happened to us while in Dulce was when we were detained by the Police Chief while interviewing people on the street and taken to his office. (The Police Chief's last name, if I recall, was Velarde, if I am not mistaken.)
We were there at his office for about an hour and a half, during which time he took down all of our IDs. We aksed him why we were being detained. Was it illegal to interview people on the street? Was it because we were extremely curious? Was it because it was a strange sight to see about nine Japanese men with TV cameras interviewing people on the street in such a small lndian town? He didn't give us a straight answer. It was only at the very end, right before he released us that he definitely said to us that he didn't want to talk about such thing (the base?) and that he didn't want to have anything to do (or even be associated) with such.

Outside of town, we also talked with some ranchers in that area, some of whom claimed that some of their cattle had been mutilated mysteriously, especially during the early 80's.

So, what is my conclusion to this? I tend to be a healthy skeptic on the alleged Dulce "underground U.S./alien base", despite the fact that we were temporarily detained at the Police Chief's office.

It's been 16 years already, since my first visit to the area.
I have decided to re-visit Dulce this March, towards the end of the month.
If anyone would like to join me, just e-mail me at:

[email protected]

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 03:54 PM
Norio, welcome to ATS!

I've been a follower of your research ever since I first found articles on the web back in the '90s.

I hope that you'll post your findings and any pictures you take from your trip to Dulce here for everyone to read about. Dulce is always at heart of everyone who reads the posts in this forum and having members head out there is always a huge draw.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 03:57 PM
Good luck Norio and ty for telling us all of your plans in advance.Let's hope the local authorities are more welcoming this time and that there no sudden snowfalls.

Can't wait to read of your results.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Did you ever do this and what if any were your findings.


Originally posted by Norio Hayakawa
This March I am planning to re-visit Dulce, New Mexico.
I have a lot of mixed emotions and thoughts on the "myths" surrounding the town of Dulce and its well-known (by most "ufologists") alleged underground facility.

In the final week of February of 1990, we (a Japanese magazine and TV crew and myself) visited the town of Dulce to see if there were anything substantial behind the rumors of the alleged base.

We stayed at the Best Western Inn then and spent a few days in Dulce.
We interviewed quite a number of local Jicarilla Apache residents of the town and definitely heard testimonies from some who definitely told us that in the mid 70s and early 80s there were lots of sightings of unusual lights in the night sky over Dulce. Also we interviewed a few of the local ranchers regarding the alleged "cattle mutilations". (I had read a number of newspaper clippings while I was living in Arizona in the mid-70s, regarding reports of sightings of "strange lights" over Dulce, New Mexico).
The TV crew and I tried to get to the Archuleta Mesa but unfortunately, the road was not passable due to some snow left from a storm a week ago then.) Therefore we never found the "base".

But what was strange was that when we were interviewing the people on the streets, we were suddenly apprehended by Dulce's Indian Police Chief and were taken to his office. Our IDs were checked. After more than an hour and a half, we were finally released. We asked the police why we were detained. We were simply interviewing people on the streets. The Police Chief, before finally releasing us, said that he did not want to talk about the alleged "base", period.
Therefore, we came back from Dulce, with unanswered questions.

This is why, I have decided to re-visit Dulce this March.
Therefore, I do not have anything conclusive yet to say about the Dulce, even though I visited there in 1990.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 11:55 AM
HI Norio, I have to say you must be very cautious when dealing with the BIA . They have deep and secret roots in the N.M. area and especially when it comes to the private lands that they own and operate upon. I have some experience with the area as I lived in Taos for a couple of years. You must first ask permission before starting to question tribal members. They have ancient customs that they take very seriously and there are even times of year when they close the public areas to respect the traditions of the young boys being trained in the tradition of their ancestors. These little Kiva boys can do anything they want to during the teachings and the entire tribe including the BIA will rally around to protect them. I am in no way deterring you from your adventure, just giving a word of caution to step lightly when approaching the locals for information. The other thing is that in N.M. often cultures clash like the Spaniards (not mexican) and the Indians. So if you are questioning one group dont be obvious when moving on to the other race. Not all are like this but most are. Local resturants and bars are good meeting places for the locals that like to talk. Also you could go to some of the various museums and be sure to visit the Los Alamos area. The hot springs are a good place to meet people too.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 06:38 PM

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 06:47 PM
I have followed your work with great interest and we have spoken a few times on your travels, how did the return journey go did you run into the same problems as the first time ? i would love to read your update and what you find, very nice to see you around and hard at it.

Blessings Azz


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