posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 02:34 PM
So I was sittin' here doin' some thinkin'...........
So I says to myself, Self? Are those terrorist attacks always planned on a date with a meanin' and stuff?
We all know that The World Trade Center attacks happened on 9/11. 911 being the national emergency number in America. Hmmmmmm, those sneaky terrorists
think they're so clever.
What else..........
Hey what about that bombing in India. It was what July 11? WAIT!! Is it a coincidence that the India bombing was on 7/11? 7-11!!! Oh Man!
Hmmmmm............When will the next attack be? C'mon brain, you need to do some really extra good thinkin' and stuff about this!
I'm gonna go get my fancy calendar and figure this out! I'll be back. We'll teach those terrorists!