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Will invading Iran result in Draft

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posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:06 AM
I'm hearing more news about retention of soildiers in the field, how tours are being extended for soildiers already deployed.

with this happening in the Iraq and Afganistan, would it be nessecary to institute a draft if we get in a major conflict with Iran?

it would seem we are low on troops levels as is, adding another conflict just doesn't seem possible without a huge surge in our military personal.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:12 AM
the problem is that they would need justification for an invasion. bush will leave america in a situation they cannot get out of, and hillary already saying so, that she knows this and she is just going around, saying bush should leave iraq just for her supporters. she knows they will not be leaving, and whoever is president will be left in a bad situation.

talking about a draft is ok, if your over the draft age, i wonder what kids that young think about such a scenario. to get the draft going, something big would have to happen.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:16 AM
I am prime draft material, exatly the kinda guy they would want so far as age, health and body type goes. so i ask out of a real concern for myself and my peers and brothers.

i could easily see a scenario where there is another attack on usa soil, and that would be justification to start it, esp. if said event was blamed on Iran.
this could happen.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Stewart Lewis
I am prime draft material, exatly the kinda guy they would want so far as age, health and body type goes. so i ask out of a real concern for myself and my peers and brothers.

i could easily see a scenario where there is another attack on usa soil, and that would be justification to start it, esp. if said event was blamed on Iran.
this could happen.

Well, this may be a 'test' of what Bush means when he says 'you're either with us or against us'.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:26 AM
i am not "with us" or "against us". i am US.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:29 AM
I doubt if you'll see a draft as a result of Iraq, Iran or any of these "smaller skirmishes." I think the only time you will have a real chance of seeing a draft reinstated would be in a total, all out, world war. A war where sides are drawn, nations are fighting nations on various fronts etc.

Remember, the polititians who vote for or against the draft will be doing so with their own children and/or grandchildren in mind as well as the nation itself.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:35 AM
I dont think that people need to worry about a draft yet. Even after you get out of the military you are subject to a call back. Usually you have a 2 year inactive researve status that you are obligated for and after that you are still subject to a call back. It is more like a "side door" draft where the back door draft is what they are currently doing. There are some situations that would call for a draft, ie complete invastion of the ME. And one more point our military system is set up for an all volunteer force. Managing conscripted force is totally different. The needs are different. The UCMJ would have to be revampt for that.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:37 AM
ultralo1, pardon my ignorance, but what is UCMJ?

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Stewart Lewis
ultralo1, pardon my ignorance, but what is UCMJ?

I'm guessing Uniform Code of Military Justice..

[edit on 29-1-2007 by bluesquareapple]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:50 AM
Whoever thinks the politicians will send their children to the front are: FOOLS! LOOK AT VIETNAM! The politicians made so much of a beurocracy of things that the rich kids all got away scot free! They will do it AGAIN! They will enact a draft WHEN the mercenary forces are unable to keep up the numbers, once the mercenary forces are whittled down too much they will start a draft to keep things going. Iraq can be sustained by rednecks (go to South East Ohio and you WILL know what a redneck is, two definitions: dictionary and real life) as well as the crazed right populace which is about 30% of the population or less. With this they can sustain themselves thanks to mercenary forces.
The politicians bringing about a draft means they have something big planned, and probably bigger than any Iran conflict since they would use mostly air and long range bombardmen, only a fool would try and challange Iran on the ground right now, they have been training for years for this upcomming war.
If you are draft age, and ARE drafted, remember this: will you fight FOR them or AGAINST them? If you go: you are fighting FOR them, if you "dissapear" you are NOT fighting for them. Just remember, there will always be those idiots who oppose EVERYTHING they do and in the moment of truth back down and take up a gun and do as they are told too. They are the cowards, so in a way a draft will separate the wheat from the chaf in the anti-war movement.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:55 AM
Whoever thinks the politicians will send their children to the front are: FOOLS! LOOK AT VIETNAM! The politicians made so much of a beurocracy of things that the rich kids all got away scot free! They will do it AGAIN! They will enact a draft WHEN the mercenary forces are unable to keep up the numbers, once the mercenary forces are whittled down too much they will start a draft to keep things going. Iraq can be sustained by rednecks (go to South East Ohio and you WILL know what a redneck is, two definitions: dictionary and real life) as well as the crazed right populace which is about 30% of the population or less. With this they can sustain themselves thanks to mercenary forces.
The politicians bringing about a draft means they have something big planned, and probably bigger than any Iran conflict since they would use mostly air and long range bombardmen, only a fool would try and challange Iran on the ground right now, they have been training for years for this upcomming war.
If you are draft age, and ARE drafted, remember this: will you fight FOR them or AGAINST them? If you go: you are fighting FOR them, if you "dissapear" you are NOT fighting for them. Just remember, there will always be those idiots who oppose EVERYTHING they do and in the moment of truth back down and take up a gun and do as they are told too. They are the cowards, so in a way a draft will separate the wheat from the chaf in the anti-war movement.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:06 PM
many are those who volunteer for war.

it is a strange and dark mystery why so few volunteer for peace.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:38 PM
They should Just get it over with man...tired of seeing it everyday..

seems like they just want to see deaths..go to iran..a hell of a lot more of Our people are going to die in there then iraq.

and if they do a draft..

they are making us do something we don't really want to do.

so what do we do?

do we try to rebel back against our "leaders in office?" or do we go under the false coat of "your country needs you to be drafted"

what is our country now? what is our leader?

does the leader = the country?

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:43 PM
I think a draft now would cause civil unrest, resulting in civil disobedience here at home, justifing the need to bring in foriegn troops to keep the peace here, enacting the control measures now on paper.

Not likely, or probable, but certainly possible.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:46 PM
I've been wondering where Bush & Congress were going to get the 92,000 new soldiers for their armed forces expansion... I mean, if you set a goal to get that many more soldiers within such a relatively short time frame... how do you do it? Tell recruiters to convince more people to join? Doesn't seem likely...


Good thing I'm in school!
Off to class I go...

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:22 PM
America, for the most part, is no longer a "united nation." We are so diverse and denationalized that a call to arms would fail. You'd certainly get a hefty sum of US supporting minute men, but then you'd have to deal with the uprisings.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:37 PM
With globalization many jobs are leaving the US. That would kind of leave a ready made group of potential draftees. Perhaps there is a method to their madness. The military may be the best option for many.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:38 PM
If the US does decide it neccessary to invade Iran then I sincerly hope there will be a draft. A call up might be the kick up the back side middle america needs, when white collar workers start recieving letters throught the post telling them to report to duty that would hopefully cause people to REALLY stand up to washingtons foriegn policy.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 02:16 PM
Dama you have a point there, and I have said that too on this forum: they might use a draft so they will CAUSE more civil unrest, thus they can declare martial law. 92,000 more, sure as HECK not going to happen at this rate, however, if they can get 92,000 more mercenaries.... that might work....
America has NOT been a "united" nation for over 10 years, the bible thumpers have been going bonzo at anyone with brown skin and says "Buenos Dias" instead of "hello." This has helped to tear the nation appart, however we are placed into THREE sections:
1: bible thumpers, NWO supporters
2: Anti-NWO
3: Stuck in between because both sides beat them up and ignore them
Thus I believe in making a fourth side, one that takes #2 and #3 and unites them against #1. As Ceasar said: "DIVIDE AND CONQUER!" They have used it VERY well againt the people of America, they have divided us, they turned us not only on each other but against others as well. The Mexicans are not our problem, the Chinese are not our problem, the NWO people ARE our problem. We have a common enemy we need only get people to realize it and then fight them as one not three or four groups.
People no longer care (this is my theory) because whenever the government talks they leave them out, they say: "IRAQ! ENEMY!" which Iraq never was, then when someone says: "Hey! What about us? We have no jobs!" They ignore them. So why fight for what refuses to admit to your existance till they need your flesh and blood?
Just remember: Being in school no longer cuts it, the second you graduate you could be drafted, and if your in college forget it, the second you finish the term your gone.
So once again:
If they start a draft, make a choice and fast when you get that little slip of paper in the mail: join them or fight them. Join them by showing up at the station, fight them by never showing up.

There will always be those who get caught up in it and are "stunned" and wind up going, they never thought such a thing would happen.... and that they would be chosen.
Just remember, if they want to control society they need only "remove" the leaders of these organizations that oppose them, then their ranks will crumble from chaos and fear. They need not take EVERYONE just the key people to stop organizations from rebelling.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 02:17 PM
lol Maybe ,may-be not ! Whats ironic is when I went to Lackland AFB. in 1976 half of the base was taken up by Irainian soldiers( they were still considered friends then ) that we were putting threw basic training, and my TI(Technical Instructor) was a 16yr.vetern TecSargent filipino from the Philippines. And in the 8 years that I spent active duty in the USAF I came across many that were not Americans, that would eventually gain citizenship after serving active duty ! ,they still had to take the test .
But what I am saying is there is always ways that the goverment is replenishing there ranks.Lets say the goverment offered a deal with the illegals in USA to gain citizenship (just A And also for those would be draft dogers ! It's alot harder to go North and South now.

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