posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 11:02 PM
I often ask myself this question, in both conspiracy and non conspiracy mindsets regarding 911.
Of course, there is only one answer in the non conspiracy mindset, and that's that the terrorist mastermind has an IQ of 60. You don't pull a
lion's tale unless you're a complete waterhead.
So I figure that question isn't really worthy of discussion. However, if we take the conspiracy as fact, then what now?
First we have to identify a motive.
Then perhaps we ask ourselves has anything been truly gained yet due to 911? I honestly don't know the answer to that question and I'm looking for
the answer here.
Now we ask ourselves what can be gained through this continued war on terror? Securing Iraqi oil? Is that worth 6000 lives?
It's not, but perhaps it's a small part of the puzzle.
If the CT is true, then we must stay in Iraq to protect Halliburton's oil tankers from freedom fi... I mean "happyness hating insugants."
So where does this lead? And let's not get into vauge NWO and Hulkamania theories here, let's try and identify the various possibilities for the
next step.
Must we win at ANY cost?
More troops?
Carpet bomb?
Would we need to create support with more "false flags?"
eh, I know I had a coherant post when I started writing this, but I'm sure you get the gist of it. I'll add more tomorrow in an attempt to esplain
more gooder.