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what is in Fort Knox besides gold?

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posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Anyone have any speculation of what the goverment stores in fort knox besides gold?

I guess the facts are, rare national treasures both homeland and abroad are stored there, obviously gold and precious metals are stored there, also DRUGS / narcotics are stored there. Some rumors swirl that biological chemicals are stored. It seems like a pretty important building, and I dont think they have so much protection for it just for gold bricks.. I think it would be much easier to get into Area 51 than Fort Knox..

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 10:21 PM
I see you watch the history channel

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 10:25 PM
Lol, I guess that makes three of us

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 10:25 PM
lol!!! YEP! that show was awsome and really got me thinking now

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 10:50 PM
I DVR'd it. I'm actually watching it right now!


posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 11:58 PM
i recorded that because 2057 was on.
but who know whats in there? it sure is heavly guarded

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:33 PM

i recorded that because 2057 was on.

crap-o-la, what time/day is that 2057 on? I've been trying forever to find it and set a record time on the DVR for it... but keep missing it.

Anyhow anyone tried looking up fort knox in google earth or other programs? It is definatly blurred out.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98

i recorded that because 2057 was on.

crap-o-la, what time/day is that 2057 on? I've been trying forever to find it and set a record time on the DVR for it... but keep missing it.

Anyhow anyone tried looking up fort knox in google earth or other programs? It is definatly blurred out.

It's very unlikely you will find any public aerial photograph of fort knox in recent times due to national security. The most recent image I've found is from '98.


posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:52 PM
what if nothing is at Fort Knox, it's purpose being to fool the people into focusing thier attention on ft. knox, when the real goods are in place whose name is never published.

everyone and thier mother thinks something really important is at Ft. Knox, which is exactly why I wouldn't keep anything of great value there.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:05 PM
here is a picture i made

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Stewart Lewis
what if nothing is at Fort Knox, it's purpose being to fool the people into focusing thier attention on ft. knox, when the real goods are in place whose name is never published.

everyone and thier mother thinks something really important is at Ft. Knox, which is exactly why I wouldn't keep anything of great value there.

There is at least a large portion of US gold reserve at Fort Knox. It would be illogical (nice pattern to follow with the current US government though..) to not use the most secure site for such an operation. The security is so tight that there has only been one tour ever in the history of the depository.

According to locals, trees have been destroyed around the reserve with new barriers being constructed around previous fences. Most likely, fences aren't the only security hardware being upgraded. With current satelite photographs being blurred, it's obvious the depository is still active. Not to mention it's stationed next to a mechanized unit of the army. Would anyone actually try to break in against these odds?

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Large portion of US gold? Like nothing at all? Because the dollar isn't backed by gold, and the US is in debt, and all the gold the US got during WW2 is now abroad... So no gold in Fort Knox.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:18 PM

A popular and recurring conspiracy theory, as alleged by Edward Durrell, Tom Valentine and others, claims that most of the gold in Fort Knox was sent to London in the late 1960s by Lyndon Johnson. [2] [3] [4] In response, on September 23, 1974, Senator Walter Huddleston of Kentucky, eight congressmen, and about one hundred members of the news media toured the Vault and opened a sealed cell door which has been sealed with seven seals for over thirty years since it was first delivered there revealing a room which was filled with gold, approximately 36,000 bars weighing over 11 million troy ounces. Radio reporter Bill Evans, when asked if it seemed like the gold might have been moved in just for the visit, replied that "all I can say is that I saw gold there" and that it seemed like it was always there. Additionally, audits of the gold by the General Accounting Office (in cooperation with the United States Mint and the United States Customs Service) in 1974 and the Treasury Department from 1975-81 found no discrepancies between the reported and actual amounts of gold at the Depository. [5]. Approximately ten percent of the bullion is audited annually to ensure the amount and purity matches official records. The theory continues to persist, however.

It was some rather im pressive video... The kind that's hard to dispute... Unless you have an agenda... Then the Kool Aid is tasting mighty fine.

[edit on 29/1/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:40 PM
Mirthful Me: Yeah, in 1974. Now, Fort Know is empty IMO. There's nothing inside. I'm pretty sure there's more gold in the Chase Manahattan Bank than in Fort Knox.

[edit on 29-1-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Large portion of US gold? Like nothing at all? Because the dollar isn't backed by gold, and the US is in debt, and all the gold the US got during WW2 is now abroad... So no gold in Fort Knox.

Not to be rude, but do you randomly dream up sitatuations?

The US dollar is backed by gold.
The US is in debt.

The other statement that you have correct is that all the gold we recieved during WW2 is no longer there. Many countries had sent their most precious artifacts and various items of historical significance to the US for safe keeping; which were returned when the war was over.

Debt has nothing to do with the gold. In order for someone to take out a loan, someone has to back the money. People and companies who have millions stored in the bank are the reason individuals can take out these loans. These are basics of the US banking system..

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:43 PM
Yea, In the history channel show about fort knox there were a couple interesting points.

1. you remember France DEMANDING they get gold for our debt? We gave it to them and that is what lead people to start worrying and want a public audit. I wonder if anyone else has pitched a complaint and got what they were owed?

2.FDR made it "illegal" for the common citizen to hold stocks of gold. And "illegal" was the exact word the history channel used.

Wikipedia article on the gold reserve act

Now in the wiki article it simply states that by 1975 Americans could freely own and trade gold. Was the act repealed then? Or are we just going by word of mouth until our next financial disaster?

Taking Vitchilo's side I must say that tungsten weighs in at 19600 kg/cu.m now gold weighs in at 19320 kg/cu.m.

Now then how hard would it be to have a bunch of tungsten bricks cast with voids in them just large enough to make the volume to weight difference equal out to that of gold and have them coated in a say 1/4 inch layer of gold so that the stamps would still look good and show off one (of the many rooms) that is "full of gold" to make the public happy for the time being back in the 70's. hell, they even let them weigh the bricks.... not on a very good scale mind you. Makes you think.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:53 PM
here is a table of current holdings :

At September 30, 2000 and 1999, the market value of gold was $273.65 per FTO and $299.00 per FTO respectively. Gold inventories consisted of the following at September 30:

FTO Statutory Value Market Value
2000 245,262,897.040 $ 10,355,539,091 $ 67,116,191,775
1999 247,078,556.034 $ 10,432,200,209 $ 73,876,488,254

At September 30, 2000 and 1999, the market value of silver was $4.8875 per FTO and $5.575 per FTO respectively. Silver inventories consisted of the following at September 30:

FTO Statutory Value Market Value
2000 7,075,171.14 $ 9,147,696 $ 34,579,899
1999 19,835,748.11 $ 25,646,220 $ 110,584,296

The combined gold and silver reserves consisted of the following at September 30:

Statutory Value Market Value
2000 $ 10,364,686,787 $ 67,150,771,674
1999 $ 10,457,846,428 $ 73,987,072,550

thats over 600 tons of silver , and and over 7500 tons of gold

thats a lot of bullion , i want some

but seriously - dispite the density of bullion - there is still quite a volume there

plus - it is audited on a yearly basis

there seems to be a prevalant culture on ATS that if the US govt or any related agency makes a statement - there are those who will believe they are lying .

despite a total lack of evidence for thiis belief

do you have any evidence ......... at all ?

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 02:18 PM
To say that that is a table of current holdings is a bit of a stretch, the last date is sept 30, 2000. That would be like saying my expired tags are current even though they say 2000.

That aside do I have any evidence, no they haven't let anyone in to fort knox since the 70's or should I say the almost current 70's. I have never seen one of the bricks ran through a bandsaw either. I wasn't stating that I know that the gold is just a bunch of tungsten bars, simply that it is plausible do to the lack of disclosure.

Also where did this statement come from? I would like to see some more transparency in the operation myself. Thats all then I wouldn't leave my mind to run and consider such craziness.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 02:23 PM
I think the goverment would hide other treasures more valuable and possibly damaging than just gold bricks in the vaults. The history channel mentioned chemical and biological poisons... i wonder what other goodies would shock the general pubic. (massive stockpiles of mophine and opium where housed there as well).

Given the security and secrecy of the building i think this would make a interesting topic. I've read more stories about area51 workers ect.. than i have about an ex Fort Knox employee.

[edit on 29-1-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Stewart Lewis
what if nothing is at Fort Knox, it's purpose being to fool the people into focusing thier attention on ft. knox, when the real goods are in place whose name is never published.

everyone and thier mother thinks something really important is at Ft. Knox, which is exactly why I wouldn't keep anything of great value there.

Replace Fort Knox in the above quote with Area 51 and you might have something.

The Fort Knox Depository is the USA's safety deposit box. Yes there is gold, silver and probably other valubles kept there, because the existance of these items isn't a secret. There is no reason to try to play a shell game with Fort Knox.

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