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Hollow Earth below Area 51

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posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 11:39 AM
i didnt see this posted so here it is

Traveler to the Interior of the Hollow Earth (the link died)

This information was gathered and written down with permission, from a recording taken on the phone January 10, 2002 (Greg Gavin/

Part 1

My name is Colonel Billie Faye Woodard of the United States Air Force.

Arrival and Indoctrination

I was first stationed at Area 51, Nevada, Jan.28,1971 through 1982.

In that period of service I visited the Hollow Interior of the Earth six times, 800 miles deep.

Upon my arrival to Area 51 I was indoctrinated to the existence of tunnels beneath Area 51, and soon after I met several of the Underground Shuttle Operators that have a stature of 13 to 14 feet in height. These tunnels, that transverse the world, are built by a species of beings who have existed here before we, a very long time.

Immediately on my arrival to Area 51, I was made aware of the tunnels and all the workings of the facility itself. They told me that the first 15 levels of the Area 51 facility were man made; that Levels 16-27 were already there. Nobody from our government made them. We were just facilitating them.

My father had been stationed at Roswell. As part of my induction into the military he requested that I be stationed along with him at the Pentagon. There they said �we have a new duty station for you which will be Area 51 facility, Nevada�. Commonly referred to as S-4.

When I went into the Pentagon I was a second lieutenant. When I came to the Pentagon they gave me the field commission as first lieutenant. After 3 weeks of being there they handed me my full colonel rank, saying �you have to be a full colonel to be stationed at this next facility�.

There were 150,000 personnel in this facility, approx. 85% military personnel and 15% civilian. Following my arrival I was taken underground and did not see the light of day for 11.5 years.

The Tunnels and Shuttles

The Walls of the Tunnels are very smooth. If you were to pull a hollow tube through a ball of clay you can get an idea of how smooth. The walls have what is likened to a marble finish, which are made of a metal substance, impenetrable; the surface of the walls can not be penetrated even by a diamond drill nor will a laser penetrate the surface.

Remember there was a time when we used to see troop movements from point A to B on the Earth�s surface, continually. It was not that long ago.

Now, you rarely see this. Now they use tunnels to move all these troops at long distances.

The tunnels are wide enough to drive 2, 18 foot wheelers side by side.

Stemming from Area 51, one shuttle goes out to the Pacific Ocean - 350 miles due west of Monterey - where there is a pyramid; another shuttle goes to the Cheyenne Mountain facility (inform. on this facility can be found at ).

The length of a large shuttle machine is approx 1/4 mile long. Interior inhabitants make use of these machines - a huge vessel for moving large numbers of people/beings/whatever quickly.

The smaller shuttle is 50-60 feet in length, this was the kind I was in.

The speed of the shuttles is faster than the speed of sound, they can travel from Area 51 to the main interior of the Earth in less than 10 earth minutes.

In 5-6 minutes you are there.

The material used to make the shuttles is the same substance that made up the skin of the spacecraft at Roswell.

The shuttles run on electromagnetic power using the Earth�s grid line.

The operators who I mentioned earlier who are of a stature of 13-14 ft. in height, look like us in their appearance but much more highly evolved, and speak through telepathy.

The men have beards or not, and the women�s skin is flawless, indeed having a perfect clear complexion.

Their expression for humans is one of concern for Us - as they see where we humans are headed.

continued in next post

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 11:40 AM
There are seven civilizations residing in the Inner Earth - which are governed by the principles of harmony. They understand and they speak all languages of the earth. Their understanding of medical knowledge is phenomenal.

(recorded 1.10.2002 and part one written down 1.14.2002, G. Gavin,

Part 2

My Personal History

At the age of 12, while walking through a field of corn with another friend I had a paranormal experience. I was taken into a UFO vehicle and transported into the Inner Earth. Here, I lived for 6 months among the Hollow Earth residents.

You may imagine the wonder of my parents especially of my Father who was in the military service, at that time when I disappeared, then to mysteriously return in 6 months. It was due to this experience that I believe my Father made certain that I was engaged under his wing at the Pentagon and later directed to serve at Area 51.

I am not the biological offspring of my father, but an adopted child as was my sister.

My sister was killed by what is referred to as the �secret government�. I was able to combat their negativity with my mind, which is stronger, and survived their attacks.

It is my knowledge through my guide Zora, an Inner Earth scientist who is 150,000 years old, that my sister and myself are originally from the Inner Earth, that our true parents live in the Inner Earth. When our Father took us in as adopted children we did not speak a language known to any surface culture.

I have an unknown blood type. I have never had a disease of any kind. My blood has been medically examined and destroys all viral infection when combined with other blood samples in a lab setting.

Hollow Earth Vortexes

The Hollow Earth residents have the ability to split the ocean floor and create a vortex, as is shown with the Bermuda Triangle. There are 7 different levels in these vortexes, and equipment and beings are brought in and placed corresponding to these different levels.

The vortexes act as doorways for entrance or exit to the hollow interior of the Earth.

There is more than one triangle area off of Florida, one at Lake Erie, and another off the coast of Mexico, one off of Japan; as well as other geographic locations of the Earth. These are called �quiet zones�.

These doorways allow creatures from the interior to come out and in such as the Sasquatch, LochNess...etc.

All planets are hollow as is the Sun, which is really a planet. There are civilizations in the Sun which have colonies in the Earth�s subterranean regions.

Seeking Entry

In order to locate an entrance to the Inner Earth, where ever you are underground, all that you need is your compass. The compass will spin as if you are standing at the north pole at the tunnel entrance to the Inner Earth.

When I left the service, I no longer had a means of going into the Hollow Earth. It was necessary that I seek another way. I, and a party of interested seekers, rented a plane which took us to the very rim of the North Pole.

coming next in Part Three: Journey to the North Pole Entrance, and more

�this is Lieutenant Colonel Travis of the United States Air Force, you are violating international air space, you will turn around immediately or you will be terminated�

(recorded 1.10.2002 part two written down 1.17.2002, G. Gavin,

Part 3

The People of the Interior

The people of the interior were very free with showing me around, very articulate in showing you what is exactly going on - they do not hold anything back.

continued next post

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 11:42 AM
They always ask permission when working with nature, they ask the plants for permission before consuming them or cutting them down, they ask the Mother Earth before they build on it, and do so build with the lay of the land which best suits their environment, a practice similar to the American Indians; therefore seeking to preserve a harmonious state at all times; wanting to be one with nature at all times; they are more spiritually advanced than surface dwellers and greatly respect Mother Earth.

The atmosphere is crystal clear, as a rule there are times clouds, but nothing like rain clouds.

The temperature is a constant 73 degrees.

The people in the interior speak directly with the animals, and the animals speak directly to the people of the interior.

There is no need for hoarding for everything is free, no need to create in abundance as everything is ample. A process of bartering is more common than trade in money.

This is basically a utopian culture with no depression leading into violence. No parties seeking to make war and gain dominance over each other. There are none richer nor poorer.

There are aero-ships (we term on the surface as flying saucers) in which a part of themselves, a part of their personality goes into the creation of the aero-ship through the process of thought, due to their very powerful minds. This makes the aero-ships perfect in design and execution in motion.

Only a few persons of the surface have these similar abilities to create, due to the repression of these abilities in childhood by religion, education, and family fears.

The people of the interior are allowed to enter the space of their imagination, if you will, and there they create.

Disease will not enter their bodies - for it is not allowed.

As surface humanity enters into the coming 4th dimensional phase, the Inner Earth people will come forward and more deeply work with us on the surface.

People on the surface are presently so involved with the sense of �me� that they can not live together harmoniously.

People of the surface who seek to reach the Inner Earth inhabitants through meditation, will receive it.

Children who are being born now are becoming more capable of using the wholeness of their brain, which is in common practice in the Interior.

One of the first things they showed us in the interior was their capability of interplanetary travel and time travel. The basis of time travel is likened to bending space, which comes through the power of meditation and by the acceptance of being an unlimited being. If you train your mind at a subconscious level that you are an unlimited being all things are possible.

On the surface, capabilities to experience this infinite power are more easily awakened at such portals as Mt. Shasta which serves as a space time portal directly to the Inner Earth. Once in the surroundings of Mt. Shasta you are drawn into the �harmonious state�. In my experiences at Mt. Shasta the Telosians are projecting an aura of great harmony in a lovely atmosphere.

Area 51

Of all I saw at Area 51 95% remains hidden from the public.

Going into Area 51 is like going into another world, where they are terribly afraid that other countries and other parties are going to get 'this' information. Their thoughts being �if we admit that the Earth is hollow, with a central intelligence in it this is going to cause discord and fear�. This fear process is generated by the private companies who seek to control and advance their own needs and personal agendas through Area 51.

I left the Air Force due to their domineering ways by those who sought to act like control freaks, who were stagnating my ability to think and act in a creative manner. Accepting that their Orders: not to talk about such information - in which they take it for granted that one will automatically obey.

continued next post

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Because of my outgoing desire to share information and inform the public at large my service pension and all my benefits and rights such as the use of the commissary, dental and medical, were taken away.

I was in the military for 13.5 years, from basic to the Pentagon and then to Area 51.

The genetic engineering that is taking place at Area 51 is with our younger generation.

The �milk carton children� whose photos were commonly seen in the markets in the past, were abducted and taken to Area 51.

Level 16 of Area 51 is the genetic engineering level, where they are using our children for experimentation in longevity and powers of the mind. The major force behind this is what is termed as the �secret government�. There are civilians of the secret government which are in control in several areas of Area 51.

There is a network of tunnels underground that go all the way to Europe, South America - the several continents. And there is an intermingling of this great network of tunnels throughout the globe, of which many governments use.

God bless you and be with you,

Colonel Bill Faye Woodard

note from Editor/Owner Greg Gavin:

Colonel Bill Faye Woodard has agreed to share more information with us concerning the Hollow Earth and Area 51; as well as the phenomena that has surrounded the Colonel from a young child. This information will be presented either in cassette tape or e-book or both.

I will post here and to the Hollow Earth lists at such times as this information will be made available.

Good Journey,


all rights reserved Colonel Billie Faye Woodard copyright 2002

(recorded 1.23.2002 part three written down 1.26.2002, G. Gavin,

thats it.
what do you think?

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 12:03 PM
quite intresting i'd say...dont know if you're well known with the alleged Dulce facility?
but something is confusing here...where does that story, exactly place the dulce story?
And i cant really imagine anything or fantasise anything with the hollow earth theory. sorry for that. hope thise treath makes it al a bit clearer.

greetings Tim

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 12:40 PM
Story reads like a teenager with severe ADD, not dictated by a "full colonel rank"

[edit on 28-1-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by SG-17
My name is Colonel Billie Faye Woodard of the United States Air Force.

why do i suspect that neither your name , nor your fathers appears on any AF roster ?

In that period of service I visited the Hollow Interior of the Earth six times, 800 miles deep. .

at that depth , the temperature is NOT what you claim it to be

These tunnels, that transverse the world, are built by a species of beings who have existed here before we, a very long time.

well i guess that contradicts all claims that USAF / NASA nuclear powered tunnel boring machines made them

When I went into the Pentagon I was a second lieutenant. When I came to the Pentagon they gave me the field commission as first lieutenant. After 3 weeks of being there they handed me my full colonel rank, saying �you have to be a full colonel to be stationed at this next facility�.

utter twaddle , you do not require an 0-6 rank to attend a posting , you require it to assume a command - an important distinction

There were 150,000 personnel in this facility, approx. 85% military personnel and 15% civilian.

were they all " full colonel rank " too ? who saluted who
and more important who did the work

Following my arrival I was taken underground and did not see the light of day for 11.5 years.

hmm , they have a cream that will clear up the skin condition

The Walls of the Tunnels are very smooth. If you were to pull a hollow tube through a ball of clay you can get an idea of how smooth. The walls have what is likened to a marble finish, which are made of a metal substance, impenetrable; the surface of the walls can not be penetrated even by a diamond drill nor will a laser penetrate the surface.

what did the " 14 foot tal telepathic shuttle guys think of you attempting to vandalise thier nice smooth tunnels ?

PS - where did yoou get that laser from ?

Remember there was a time when we used to see troop movements from point A to B on the Earth�s surface, continually. It was not that long ago.

yes , and ?

Now, you rarely see this. Now they use tunnels to move all these troops at long distances.

poppycock -

first - you see troop and logicical demployments all the time

second - why do none of the troops you claim are now being transported in tunnels ever mention it ?

The speed of the shuttles is faster than the speed of sound,

such a " shuttle " would be tracked on siesmometers everywhere it went

The shuttles run on electromagnetic power using the Earth�s grid line.

what earth grid line ? how the hell does it supply the multi giga wats required to accelerate such huge " shuttles " to such sppeds

The operators who I mentioned earlier who are of a stature of 13-14 ft. in height, look like us in their appearance but much more highly evolved, and speak through telepathy.

you cannot scale a human up to 14 feet tall , without SERIOUS redesign - just look @ the health problems suffered by the worlds tallest men [ 8 ~9 feet ]

extra ordinary claims require some evidence - is there much point continuing this ?

[edit on 28-1-2007 by ignorant_ape]

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:01 PM

My sister was killed by what is referred to as the �secret government�. I was able to combat their negativity with my mind, which is stronger, and survived their attacks.


It is my knowledge through my guide Zora, an Inner Earth scientist who is 150,000 years old, that my sister and myself are originally from the Inner Earth, that our true parents live in the Inner Earth. When our Father took us in as adopted children we did not speak a language known to any surface culture.

I have an unknown blood type. I have never had a disease of any kind. My blood has been medically examined and destroys all viral infection when combined with other blood samples in a lab setting.

I think someone is confusing this with "The Children of Witch Mountain"...

These doorways allow creatures from the interior to come out and in such as the Sasquatch, LochNess...etc.

All planets are hollow as is the Sun, which is really a planet. There are civilizations in the Sun which have colonies in the Earth�s subterranean regions.

and people wonder why ufology/paranormal science gets laughed at..

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 01:33 PM
You are a sad strange little man.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 05:45 PM
This thread is awesome! If it isnt true, it is most definitely a great SciFi tale. Keep posting and I will keep reading

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 12:43 AM
is this a new series from sci-fi channel?

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 06:08 PM
As a former member of the USAF, I stopped reading when it said he was promoted to Colonel after about 3 weeks at the pentagon. I should have known better when he started saying that his Dad got him the assignment because he wanted them stationed together. Then they both got chosen to be stationed @ Area-51, how convenient.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 06:34 PM

I am confused..could someone help me.

Troops move 14 foot colonels at the speed of a thats not it.

13 speed of sound shuttles moved my father to the Pentagon and it took the light of day 11.5 years to find us? still not right.

My minds power killed my sister and and father but I found them both on witch mountain.

I am so sorry but I am utterly anf twaddley confused by this entire mess.

Why are threads like this permitted on ATS? Unless ATS is really a secret entity of...oh nevermind!


[edit on 22-2-2007 by Midwest Agenda]

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 12:47 AM

Posted by anon_99309 on 01-03-07 @ 12:39 AM

Children, this is why you shouldnt ever toke the crack rock

I'm sorry but I saw this on the anonymous boards and it mirrors my feelings on the whole hollow earth "theory". Aside from that I think this would fit better in the short stories section of the board.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by StevexO
As a former member of the USAF, I stopped reading when it said he was promoted to Colonel after about 3 weeks at the pentagon. I should have known better when he started saying that his Dad got him the assignment because he wanted them stationed together. Then they both got chosen to be stationed @ Area-51, how convenient.

God, thanks im not the only veteran who flipped his lid about this 0-1 to 0-6 promotion nonsense just so he could be stationed with pappy. I guess our superiors in the military really are nice guys with great family values eh? "Hey this kid is cryin' general, we've got to step promote his ass to full bird right away and station him where his 150,000 year old biological parents live, even though he brings shame to his family for having average human height and intellect."

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 11:18 PM
WOW i must be stoned. i sat down a read all that and i want to say i feel enlightened and then on the other hand come man i am about to right a book on your encounter with 14 ft thingy's

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:50 PM

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

at that depth , the temperature is NOT what you claim it to be

How would you know? Have you been 800 miles deep?

you cannot scale a human up to 14 feet tall , without SERIOUS redesign - just look @ the health problems suffered by the worlds tallest men [ 8 ~9 feet ]

Several cultures have written about giant humanoids.

Being skeptical is best paired with an open mind in my opinion.

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