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Help me change my mind on religoun

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posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 07:38 PM
Im sorry this post is in the wrong area probably but I didnt know where else to post it. I have fallen in and out of religoun so many times I cant even count. I just dont know if believing is is really worth it anymore. I mean I want to be happy after I die if there is a heaven but how do I know christianity is the right religoun. If it is wrong than millions of people will end up who knows where. I know its a faith thing but if anyone could help change my mind that please feel free to leave input. I really dont want to be wrong when the time comes.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:02 PM
This was said in another thread, but it was said so beautifully that I feel the need to quote it here:

Originally posted by mrwupy
The path one walks will not make them holy. They must make the path holy, regardless of the path they have chosen.

I fell in and out of religion myself, until I finally found my path. It's okay to take your time. It's okay to try different things and see what works for you.

If you want to believe in something, just do it. Ultimately you have to choose your own way, no one else should choose it for you. Choose it and make it your own. Make it holy.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:11 PM
My advice is rather simple.

Imagine what you think a perfect god would be like, their motive and intention, and how they would effect today's world.

Then look at the world, and experience the world as though such an entity exists. See if your perception changes.

Know your self. Why do you do the things you do? Why do you do the things you don't like yourself for doing? Are the expectations of others telling you what is right and wrong?

I say know yourself and what causes you to do the things you do.

Then remember and dwell upon the things you learned about faith, religion, and spirituality.

If you can get your heart (loves), your body (cells/carnal instincts), your mind (thoughts) and your soul (you, the observer, the source of consciousness) to agree upon what is best, and what best complies with your expectations of what God is and should be, then you'll starting building a healthy relationship and bond with that which many call "God".

*If God wanted to have the same, identical relationship with everyone, then why did God create us differently?

The fundamentals of the relationship (the base of that friendship) and the end result may all be the same between all souls and the prime soul, but what lies inbetween the beginning and the end is yours, if you so choose it to be.

These are some of my thoughts on the subject .....
But, ultimatley who am i to stand between you and the almighty?

Personally i believe you are not alone, and not a loan.

Kindest regards,

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:59 PM
wow thanx...both great answers...I guess I do need to find what is right for me...even if it turns out to be the wrong answer in the end...thanx for the advice...we'll see what happens

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Uisge Baugh
wow thanx...both great answers...I guess I do need to find what is right for me...even if it turns out to be the wrong answer in the end...thanx for the advice...we'll see what happens

Even if it turns out to be the wrong answer in the end, if a God exists, then surely God would acknowledge the intentions that you had searching to comprehend God.

Keep a journal. It helps me "de-frag" my mind.

We seldom are the same people with everyone we know in our lives. We are respectfull of their boundaries and we don't want to offend them because we want to belong and be accepted ....

When you write in your journal/diary KNOW that no one else shall ever read it .....

There will be no one to impress, and no reason to lie to yourself.

Hope this advice helps. I'd be more concerned for myself if i mislead you on your path to understanding your spirituality.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 09:16 PM
your not a prof. are you because you are to darn really helped me alot in my thoughts towards god...

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Uisge Baugh
your not a prof. are you because you are to darn really helped me alot in my thoughts towards god...

I'm not a professor or really even a teacher.

I do share my thoughts as best as i can, though.

I didn't really want the name "Esoteric Teacher", but i couldn't have my first pick of "Esoteric Guru".

oh well, life goes on ....

incidently i'm a sergeant in the united states air force, and my job with the air force is that of fire fighter. It's what i have been doing for nearly 9 years now, before that i worked about 12 years with developmentally dissabled children.

empathy and love for the truth, your truth, will lead you to what you are seeking, i am pretty positive about that.

thanks for the compliment,

p.s. I'm no smarter than anyone, i just think a little differently (as do we all). the electrical impulses move at the same speed in my brain as in anyone elses. But thanks for thinking i'm smart all the same.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 01:01 AM
Do you believe in universal Love?

Do you believe in Equality of all mankind?

If you do, then Christ is already the answer by default.

But..Words without Deeds are hollow and do not mend mankind.

Its like the guy that has the antique car in the garage that he polishes, and tells a few people he knows about. But hes afraid to get it out and drive it.

Love Driven in the greatest sense of the action is Christs wishes. .In doing that, you honor God, you honor Christ and you help your fellow man.

When you do these things...Christ said that God and he will show themselves to you.

The Holybrotherhood of Man calls on all faiths for a common Good.


[edit on 28-1-2007 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 10:28 AM
ET's advice is great. I went through a similar process myself.

During my process I came to believe that everyone worships something already. Many will argue that this isn't true, but I have yet to find someone who truly worships nothing. To me, 'worship' is a term meaning one's priorities, whatever one puts first in their lives and focuses on in the heart, mind, and deed.

I know people who worship their jobs, I know people who worship money, I know people who worship their children, I know people who worship themselves, and I know people who worship a wide variety of GODs.

I also believe that whatever we worship, we are in the process of becoming. If I worship my job I become a fantastic employee. If I worship money I become a fantastic materialist, or consumer.

When you think about defining your GOD, you might want to think about what you want to become. You might ask yourself what qualities your highest self would really want to attain.

I could be wrong about this, but it really helped me to find my path.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 03:01 PM
Uisge Baugh
here's my advice
just research every religion you know about
learn about them
attend at least 1 service of each that you can

it helped me find my way
and form a new opinion on religion
well, i became an atheist
so i'm a bit of a bad example
or maybe i'm a very good example
who knows

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
I'm not a professor or really even a teacher.

But you play one on TV.

Seriously, Uisge Baugh, you've gotten some great advice from the Guru and everyone. I also LOVE MrWupy's words. No wonder I adore the man...

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 05:05 PM
Uisge Baugh, even if you do not choose a religion, believe in God. Only God can grant earth life and Eternal Life. Serve God like no other Being. If you serve the KING like the KING, you are serving Him well.

Try to develop a ritual where you pray each day. I pray each day and it has served me well. Discern between the best prayers and try to develop a few prayers of your own. Remember that God hears each each thought and therefore each prayer.

God Bless!!!

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 09:27 PM
Uisge: I just want you to know that you are fine and a lot of people go through that. You have your whole lifetime to get closer and closer to your truth. Nobody is perfect, don't be so hard on yourself, and be realistic with your goals!

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 10:42 AM
just one more piece of advice for you
don't go out seeking the whole truth
seek out parts of the truth
because those that tend to claim that they have the absolute
tend to not have so much
find the components
put the truth together for yourself

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 10:55 AM
thanx for all the help...Youve all made great points...I did take top religouns of the world in high school and that was started to make me think if I was right or wrong...Youve all helped me so much...thanx for all your support and insight...who knew there were smart people in this world

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

well, i became an atheist
so i'm a bit of a bad example
or maybe i'm a very good example

You have to rely on your intelligence to sift through it all.
Then make your own mind up.
I feel the more you learn the faster you turn away from religion/god.
Well, thats how it is for me.

who knows

None of us!

I feel personally, it is all a big fat retarded LIE.

What did Jesus really say on the cross?

Matt 27:46-47 KJV
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

The Aramaic Pe#ta for Matt is 27:46
ynTqbv anml lya lya

Eil lyaequals El. This is a shortened form of Elohim (God).

Hebrew word eilim is the plural of the noun for god, eil, though in the phrase b'nei eilim seems to refer merely to the host of heaven.

sorry, just find it amusing that lie spelt backwards also pertains to elohim, god, 'I am I' which pertains to the whole OM Ra concepts.

Hilarious...don't you think?

ET may be able to shed some more light on this re bible codes etc.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 11:14 AM
haha good info...I cant tell that you really researched this one haha...does really make you think what he really said up on the cross...


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