posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:15 PM
360 all the way.
It has way better online support than PS3.
It's library of "next-gen" games is quite large now and is growing far more rapidly than PS3's library.
Microsoft has relationships with every 3rd party developer in the PC Gaming biz. This is a HUGE edge. Sony just likes to piss those devs off, as
Nintendo did back in the Genesis era.
It has a year head start.
It's stealing Sony Exclusive titles left and right.
The only PS3 exclusives so far that I consider to be "must have" games for the Console Fanbois are thus: Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Resistance:
Fall of Man, and Metal Gear Solid.
I think I'm missing one or two other games, but lets just compare that to the exlusives that Sony lost/never had a chance at grabbing in the first
place: Grand Theft Auto 4 (!), Bio Shock, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed (Also on PS3 and PC), Halo 3, etc. I know I've missed at least 5 or 6 other
titles that are either exclusive to 360/PC or are multi-platform.
The Price point of the 360 will always beat Sony mostly due to the fact that Sony is Sony and Microsoft grows money on trees. Software will
always be more profitable than Hardware and that is what will kill Sony in this generation IMO. They are an electronics company that is on the rocks.
Ask any investor and they'll confirm this.