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Violence related to video games

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posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:27 PM
Research has shown that violence has been linked to video games. Some people say that the idea is ludicrous. Others choose to believe in this.

Here is my theory: The amount of time you spend playing violent games doesnt matter, but how young you are. What do you guys think.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:34 PM
while i have spent more time going on mindless killing sprees than the actual missions in gta, i definately gotta agree with ya. seeing senseless violence in video games (or on tv and movies) at a point where your not mature enough to understand senseless violence can definately help create a negative outlook on violence in a developing mind.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:38 PM
I came up with this thread because i just read this article...

Really disguisting.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by MrJingles
Research has shown that violence has been linked to video games. Some people say that the idea is ludicrous. Others choose to believe in this.

Here is my theory: The amount of time you spend playing violent games doesnt matter, but how young you are. What do you guys think.

i have plenty of violent video/computer games. and in no way am i a violent person.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:40 PM
Anything can cause violence, games, TV, music, the loaf of bread under your bed. I think the main reason everyone thinks video games are evil and cause violence is because of those kids who shot up there school. But chances are their minds were warped before they got into playing games. But you both have a point, its probably not the greatest idea to give a 6 year old a copy of Vice City.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:41 PM
I do not agree that video games create violence.

I've played video games since I was 4 years old. (Off topic--I kick butt!!) I remember playing Contra and laying fools down with crazy weapons. I'm not a violent person. I think the problem lies with a person's mentality. If one cannot realize that a game is a game, or a movie is a movie, or a song is a song, then what can you do?

Violence has been around as long as mankind itself.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:47 PM
But your missing the point, the games will create such mentalities so that children won't understand the difference between a game and real life. IMO any way.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:47 PM
Wow, thats about the same age that I started playing games at *hums the super mario theme* I think that the people who whine about video games should look out at the world right now and consider the bigger issues like terrorism and such over Little Jimmy playing Counter Strike... And look after their kids, would you try and go murder some kid and stick him in a ditch when your 10 years old and your mothers standing beside you?

[Edited on 15-12-2003 by Kinote]

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:49 PM
Played video games since I can remember, I know I played atari like at 3 n#, then 1985 nes came out so I was either 4 of 5 when I got it. Also got the sega master system then too.

it went like this


I like violent games. I have yet to go around commiting violent acts.

Maybe I need to play more doom lol.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by MrJingles
But your missing the point, the games will create such mentalities so that children won't understand the difference between a game and real life. IMO any way.

I don't think so. If anything, I think the atrocious acts of mankind make it difficult to understand the difference between a game and real life.

Everyone is looking for a scapegoat, especially one that takes attention off of the real problem-Ourselves.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 06:34 PM
Well, I have been playing violent video games for a while too and think the idea of violent games = violent people really depends on how deep you take the violence and the killing, etc. To me, violent video games are somewhat like a rollar coaster, I don't scream because I know nothing is going to happen to me. "But Adam, how does this connect?" Might you ask? Well violent video games show images of not-to-sweet acts being committed, but I know in my mind (I guess it's kind of like a block I have created) that its not real, just as I know that (usually, anyway) a roller coaster isn't going anywhere. I think that if anyone actually does gain a violent nature from video games, they haven't set-up a mental block like us who have been desensitized.

Well, that's my view. Thank's for reading!

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 06:42 PM
I played Doom when I was around 7 and found it to be exteremely fun

Yet, I am one of the least violent people in my school.
I believe that its the person behind the game, not the game itself.

[Edited on 12-15-2003 by PsionicGamer]

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by MrJingles
Research has shown that violence has been linked to video games. Some people say that the idea is ludicrous. Others choose to believe in this.

Ask any normal kid.

I LOVE video games and i have some of the most violent out, yet i'm a perfectly calm and sane person, i've never felt the need to go out and bust a cap in someone.

The Governments just looking for a scapegoat, first it was manson and TV, now its videogames.

Well heres the fact for ya... We're not #ed up because of the games, its the parents fault, but you all knew that anyway, you just dont want to acknowledge it.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 06:46 PM
i have played games since i was about 3 and i have no violent habits and dreams of killing people. But i do know peopel that sometimes the games bread violence in them also. So im kinda torn between this. I think they might be right but id disagree if they try to impose sanctions on video games.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 06:49 PM
i've played video games since i was 3 myself, although the most violent my childhood games got was eating ghosts, stomping on evil mushrooms, and blowing up aliens without the bloody aftereffects. nowadaws kids are growing up with games that let you maim your enimies (and some of em innocent pedestrians) in the most brutal ways imaginable. while these games probally wont turn little jimmy into a crazed killer overnight, i think a bombardment of violent images at an impresionable age can condition kids to think that violence is the norm. dont get me wrong here though, society has allways been violent long before the tv was invented, and i strongly believe censorship is not the answer here. but i also strongly believe that parents have to be more responsable with what they show thier kids.

[Edited on 15-12-2003 by mutehalo]

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 06:53 PM
On the contrary...

I think video games give us a good way to express our violent feelings without hurting anyone, i should do a study into how they can lower the aggressiveness of people.

When i'm pissed i play vice city or sim city and generally proceed to level everything around, its calms me down and i feel much better afterwards. If games are unavailable i generally berate people on ATS, its normally when i call them FOOLS or the like

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 07:09 PM
Only have to use your mind and don't buy a game like doom to your 8 years old kid

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 07:15 PM
Well, as an avid video game player, I will stand in the industry's defense. I play SOCOM: US Navy SEALs as many know, if you have seen a couple of my threads on BTS
, and it does involve some to alot of violence. Some of the members in my family play it, but there is no effect. I have seen this effect though, on some people. Here is what it comes down to:


1) Can increase eye/hand coordination
2) Can increase vision (seeing things from afar)
3) Can improve skills with hands
4) Can STOP violent sprees, because you are sometimes releasing stress in these games.

These are somethings that they can help with, if played in a respective amount of time of course.


1) May lead to violence issues in certain people
2) May lead to loss of eye sight if over done

These are probably the biggest argued cases for the
down sides of video games. In the end, I suppose, it all comes down to human choice, like many things in life. You have the power to create it or stop it, so don't blame others for your problems. Responsibility.


[Edited on 15-12-2003 by WeBDeviL]

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 07:32 PM

AARRRRRGGGHHHH! The huge red pixles! I think im going to go beat someone up now...
Seriously, if this causes someone to become violent, they shouldn't be allowed in public.

As for all the violent games in general (as Nerdling said) can be great stress relievers. It's better than beating up a person because you had a bad day, no?

As an afterthought, perhaps they also increse your memory. I play games where memory is required, or you will be wandering around for hours (Half-Life anyone?). I dont know if they have done any studies on this or not, but they should

*edit* heh, previous picture wasnt working. I though I might have looked a bit loony yelling at a non-existint picture

[Edited on 12-15-2003 by PsionicGamer]

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 07:41 PM
As an avid gamer i have to defend hese claims that games cause people to comit violent crimes....society causes this or maybe an imbalance in the brain chemicals......well it is my veiw that games can prehaps prevent the cause of violence......lets say someone pisses you off in traffic and you want to kill them...just go home and play a bit of Vice City....problem solved. Games are a release for aggression.....and if you get angry playing a game maybe you should go get yourself commited at once!
I remember a few years back when Half Life was blamed for the murders of a couple of security guards...what a load of #. People kill because......well i don't know i'm not a criminal or a criminal psychologist. But people should stop blaming games and just admit that they are f**ked up to begin with.

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