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"If you could "out" the truth to the rest of the world how would you do it?"

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posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 10:01 PM
You blew in with a good observation (hehe),

I think you mean not only what methods of getting the information out to the general public, BUT also how can it be presented so it is believed-as it will be denied and ridiculed.

Yes, yes and more yes!! This has to hit everyone hard. It can't be misinterpreted, and it needs to get to everyone.

You also said,

Unfortunately, I seriously doubt most any print publication would move forward on it as soon as the Federal Gov. declares the info top secret +, as then anyone who prints/copies/hosts-websites.....would be guilty of treason and THAT is punishable by death in the US.

The bold stuff, I KNOW. There used to be so little stuff you could get killed over in the U.S. Now there's so much stuff to get killed for. Just, left and right, death here, death there.

I'm being half serious by the way. I think Cheney and the Dept. of Homeland Security want to make parking in a handicapped spot an offense punishable by death. The law would be written as, "Any person who attempts to obstruct, or willfully delay a handicapped officer of the Dept. of Homeland Security from getting into the Baby's R US store shall be put to death."


Even if it did get out, it would be denied and back to PROOF??????

That's where it is right now, so no, we don't want that.


You see, knowing something and being able to prove it to others are completely different things.

Ain't that the truth....It's not "the" truth, but it's a good point...We want the truth that doesn't take much more effort to prove it to others.

Thank you very much for your post, mrmonsoon!!

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 10:20 PM
You said,

Why not start a ufo or paranormal channel and play informative documentaries all day?

It's an excellent idea!

I've talked to a friend about this before.

You know, it's already a joke to have movies, books, television shows, Internet videos, the Disclosure Project, etc., just an ocean of UFO and alien stuff in our culture - we're swimming in this stuff - and our government that still doesn't seem to know what's going on.

Our government knows who I called two months ago, but they don't think UFOs are real. I hesitate pointing this out, but maybe someone from the government will read it and a light will go on, like, "We've been so naive for so long..." hahah...Not likely LOL DISCLOSURE!!

This isn't a bad idea,

Please someone with deep pockets do ufology/paranormal studies a favor by starting such a channel and if possible make it a satelitte channel so people around the globe can finally learn the truth.

Someone maybe in the private sector, with funding, and a satellite, could have a free channel that broadcasts the truth 24/7. We DO have the Internet, but the TV thing's not a bad idea...


Since of freedom of speech is allowed I don't see under what grounds the american government can block this...

The American government doesn't operate under its own, or any other government's laws. In fact, our government is a criminal entity that has hijacked the public service institutions and legislature of the United States and commits all sorts of illicit acts,and furthers its own ends under the guise of freedom and Democracy.

The government's follies are becoming so impossible to ignore, it's like watching some unattractive, drunk guy stumble out of a frat house with a vomit-stained t-shirt and loudly hit on some pretty girl. You don't want to watch, but you can't avoid the situation, and it's very, very uncomfortable.


For gods sake there are even bomb making and alqueda based sites on the internet and nothing is being done to prevent them from fullfilling there agenda!

That's the selective agenda of the U.S. If you're not on the radar it doesn't matter what you do...

Well, the times they are a-changin'...

Peace, SkepticGreek74!!! Thank you for your perspective!!!


posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Superbowl halftime show........a few saucers burning a cropcircle in the turf would do it.


posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 11:35 PM
You just amaze the guys in the stadium, the moment the sauces appear the signal would be lost....remember Jackson nipple? now they transmit with delay....

In my view if someone has the info 2 things could happen:

1) IF THE ATEMPT WAS NOT VERY GOOD , they put the army of disinfo to work and mistical debunkers (we have our share here on ATS), so all info would become entangles, blurred and conflicting.....

2)IF THE ATTEMPT ws very good, they would kill him, someone beat me to it but Jesus did that on a small scale and they killed him, .... paraphrasing Jack Nicholson..


posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 11:40 PM
If I were to out the truth to the public, I'd focus on arts and entertainment. Create an environment through popular media which would make those shocking things i must reveal seem commonplace. Make movies about them, books, tv shows, websites. Inundate all media with whatever great secret it is that has been kept for so long until it seems as if we've always lived with the hidden knowledge. We quote it to each other during lunch for laughs. We spend our Friday nights posting bulletins on websites just like this one about our own views on the secret news. Then all of the sudden it just becomes true, real, probably kind of beautiful in a clinical, artistic sort of way.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 07:27 AM
Hi Annee!!

You responded to the "technological" spread of information with,

A lot of people still do not have computers...That is why I stated it should be put in print and distributed. Believe me - those who do have computers will get it on the Net quick enough.

In this case, those who hear the message with the means to get any information to those without technology would hopefully bring the message to the others.

Here is a way that could happen. Someone speaking the native tongue of the people who don't have this technology (who are sadly, sadly behind the times..I mean, come on, people! I'm kidding...
) could bring the technology to those people.

If there is a message being broadcast, bring a television, if the people are in a village and don't have electrical outlets (PEOPLE!! hehe) bring a portable television, or radio.

And if the message isn't in their native tongue - which it SHOULD be; any disclosure event is prepared to bridge a slight dialectical gap, then have a translator on hand to explain things.

The bottom line is, there is always a way to bring the message to every person on this plane, unobstructed and free from commercial interruptions!

Thank you, Annee!! It's a very good point, and will be critical later on...

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 07:30 AM
Hey, deltaboy!!

You suggested,

Do what the X-Files show, that man who jumped over the gate to bring the cd to the President.

OK, you go first. Hope you're faster than the Secret Service agents.

Really, though, during a disclosure, you probably want to be "away" from the White House...Say, somewhere near the South Pole....hehe

Thank you for your thoughts (I never saw that episode, by the way. Truly, though, to approach the president as if he were not in the loop to some degree would be ridiculous...)

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:14 AM
Siren, how's it goin'?

You supported a comment I made about sitting on your butts and doing nothing,

quote: A society full of people who sit and do nothing does not flourish or advance, but decays and dies.

Exactly and just maybe that is what is needed.

I'd rather not. However, my personal belief is that the harm and wrongdoing that our societies perpetrate on the planet, and other human beings doesn't paint a positive picture in my mind of our society.

As far as that's concerned, the ugliness and inhumanity needs to stop. And if that means our society decays and falls apart to realize this truth and change it from the bottom up, then maybe that's what needs to be done.

This is just an uninformed, personal observation, but my hope and belief is that it's not necessary for this to occur for change to take place, total and irreversible change.

What I DO know is that war is being bred out of each succeeding generation. I think we've been falsely lead to believe that aggression (against other people) is our nature.

Our nature is harmony. To form communities with other human beings and engage in a nurturing and harmonious way of life. I'm not totally convinced that, aside from fighting other groups for survival, as our ancestors did, that war is a part of who we are. The majority of this planet want peace, happiness and harmony.

The majority of this planet are lead into war against their will by the few. There is no longer a need to fight for survival. And we are at a place where I can now say I know a man from Australia, a man from the UK, a man from the Middle East and many more. And I can safely say we were thinking the same f'ng thing!

From where I stand in the United States, I am ashamed and very regretful that we are at war WITH ANYONE!

The institutions that have perpetuated war do not do so from the heart, but from the wallet. They don't act out of the need to protect the many, but a need to protect their assets; and to profit.

Dick Cheney may be the last warmonger we see in a position of power, ever. At least, I believe, one of the last of a dying breed - a dying generation, who mistakenly believe that there is any good reason to send people to die by the thousands.

Although, I don't place total blame on that individual, as there is much more going on behind the scenes than Dick getting out of bed and gunning for Middle Easterners.

Siren, you also said,

quote: it is, to me, an offense to our spirits to passively suffer these evils.

It is not by any means a passive experience. It takes extreme control over ones emotions and sensibilities to maintain ones course in life while dodging the pitfalls. Falling and getting up, being thrown down and getting up, being maligned and ignoring it, being cheated and blessing it.

There are different perspectives on this; as different as there are people. To me, passive resistance is one choice. The Native Americans may have responded in this way, and now they enjoy casinos and second class citizenship.

I understand what you mean about not letting your passions rule, but there is merit in stepping forward, and stepping out and denying untruths, oppression and exploitation. We are where we are, because we have failed to act against this negative tide that has washed over each of our countries.

You commented, again, on an earlier post,

quote: why be a pawn in a game i dont understand?

There is no one who fully understands and only a few have glimpsed the depths of the deceptions.

And these people have been appalled at the horrors they've witnessed. Part of the motivation behind disclosure is to free many individuals who we rarely hear about, who suffer behind the scenes; and this includes those countless numbers who have witnessed these things, but dare not speak about them - to stop the cycle entirely.


quote: i will do what i can, with what i have. and when i enter that 4th dimesion, i, and i alone will answer to my god.

I think that is a wonderful place to be, but, know for sure, others have been there too. If it is the correct path, the way to do it will be made known to YOU!

This is an important point. The more powerful forces behind everything that goes on on this planet also protect each and every one of us. The people involved in these larger events that go on behind the scenes are supposed to be there. And we are supposed to be here where we are.

Your path may not involve directly engaging, or becoming involved in this scenario. When disclosure comes to pass, you may be whisked away to a safe place, because there are others whose job it is to become involved. It's as easy as that.

If it's not your - you can use the word destiny, but "job" or "assignment" would also work - to get involved, then you won't. Certain people may ask to be involved, and they may or may not be allowed to.

Otherwise, you are here for your own reasons. It is not your responsibility or place, perhaps, to fight the power; but many do have that job.

The motivation behind this disclosure should never be forgotten, and that is freedom, truth and compassion, period. It comes from a good place, and everything returns to this good place.

You also said,

quote: I honestly do not see any reason for the government to say "we've been hiding this from you for years".

It sounds as if you believe the government is actually in control and they don’t have apprehensions or get queasy or are scared shhhhhhhhhhhhhless.

There's no reason for our government or military to come clean. The motivation is the exact opposite; it's in effect suicide to do so.


quote: The main thing is that you would have to involve as many people knowing about the TRUTH as possible. Only then would you be remotely safe.

You can not trust anyone. Every person, house, car can be bugged. You make the assumption that people don’t know. They do and have chosen comfort over a life of turmoil. The friend you confide in will alert them and your life will be altered before you get out the door. If you want to get the word out, be willing to do it on your own, because that is the long and short of it. If God has ordained this mindset within you, then there is nothing no one can do to stop it. God is the only place of refuge.

It's true about surveillance. A lot of people have stated ways to get the truth out to as many people as quickly as possible.

One of my ideas was to burn CDs and deposit a copy in as many public places as you could. Why would you keep this information with a few friends or family members when that would virtually ensure that harm would come to them?

Thank you for all of your points, Siren!! There are people who don't want to become involved in a disclosure event, and aside from receiving the truth, I don't know that those who don't want to participate will have to.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:21 AM
Hi, Infra_red!!

You said,

I would probably call and or write the major UFO community about my proof stating that I want to call a meeting in which all could view and or inspect said proof.

Simultaneously, I would enlist all of you good people in spreading the word to the world via internet, newspaper, tv and whatever other medium available....

Documents have had their time in the sun. I've personally seen countless military documents through the Freedom of Information Act and the government still denies the existence of UFOs. "Care to look at this document, President Bush?" Don't bother...

One way to hijack the worldwide press would be to take out personal ads in every periodical on the planet and point everyone we know - and don't know - to those personal ads. We could put critical information in those personal ads. Also, duh, the Internet, as well as Public Access Television (love that LOL).

And your last point,

If it was living proof such as a actual alien, I would ask for their help as well (i.e. mass public landings or some sort of advanced tech). I don't think that in this day and age of hoaxing that any sort of document would be believed by the masses.

Right on, my man!! You will get your mass landing. They will also help you dig under the pyramids at Giza, Egypt, to unearth things that will blow your mind as part of this disclosure.

Thank you for your thoughts, Infra_red!!

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:23 AM
That's a great suggestion
I'm serious!

Superbowl halftime show........a few saucers burning a cropcircle in the turf would do it.

I WILL say that people might think it's Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown (couldn't resist)...

The television networks might try to black out the event, but that would be prevented. The saucers are equipped with satellite technology

So, basically, sports fans would be the first to get the message. haha

Peace, ORB!!

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:29 AM
Aloha, kix!!

You said,

You just amaze the guys in the stadium, the moment the sauces appear the signal would be lost....remember Jackson nipple? now they transmit with delay....

Fortunately, in this case, we were able to see the nipple on every periodical and the Internet shortly after, thank god.

You also said,

In my view if someone has the info 2 things could happen:

1) IF THE ATEMPT WAS NOT VERY GOOD , they put the army of disinfo to work and mystical debunkers (we have our share here on ATS), so all info would become entangled, blurred and conflicting.....

2)IF THE ATTEMPT was very good, they would kill him, someone beat me to it but Jesus did that on a small scale and they killed him, .... paraphrasing Jack Nicholson..


Jane, you ignorant slut! If you choose a small scale disclosure, yes, you may end up a pork chop.

This is why the question was open and allowed for "outside assistance" *hint hint*.

It's understood that those brave souls that have come before have had a hard time of it, but that's going to end. No more.

So have at the disclosure in any way you would like. Imagine ET firepower at your disposal (but remember, you're on a peaceful mission to get information out, not effecting a vigilante revenge...).

Thank, Dan Akroyd!!! (seriously, thank you, Dan) and kix!!

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:45 AM
jbill wazzup?

You opined,

If I were to out the truth to the public, I'd focus on arts and entertainment. Create an environment through popular media which would make those shocking things i must reveal seem commonplace.

Make movies about them, books, tv shows, websites. Inundate all media with whatever great secret it is that has been kept for so long until it seems as if we've always lived with the hidden knowledge.

We quote it to each other during lunch for laughs. We spend our Friday nights posting bulletins on websites just like this one about our own views on the secret news.

Then all of the sudden it just becomes true, real, probably kind of beautiful in a clinical, artistic sort of way.

This is obviously precisely what is happening. Well, either this movement, which began with sci-fi back in the 50's, and progressed through Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T., etc., is simply a movement to feed the public's desire for this subject matter, or it's an indoctrination into this reality. A balanced view is probably more accurate (i.e., it's a mixture of both).

However, as a friend aptly stated it, these are what could be considered "muse" messages; messages from spirit, the universe, ETs themselves, however you want to look at it; and therefore it could be viewed as an indoctrination.

In a larger sense, what we create comes from inside - is directed from "inside", and this creative process is always a progression; its new. In that sense, everything we create draws us forward, so it's all an indoctrination into the unexplored universe before us...

jbill, the poetic and (not clinical) artistic culmination you speak of is not just around the corner, it's happening now. What is around the corner, however, is the big one. It's what we've been building up to...And by design, we've been sent into a virtual frenzy waiting for it to happen...And so it will...

I wanted to add that music plays a significant role in the coming months with regard to the disclosure/revealing that will occur over the next 12 - 60 months. Music also holds muse messages.

In particular, a music concert in the eastern U.S. will be the location of a significant sighting event that will be a prelude to a larger landing scenario in the coming years...

[edit on 27-1-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 27-1-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 09:41 AM

Why do you ask?

Hmm... you sure seem to have a lot of time to participate in this thread - are you getting paid to catalog these?

Paranoid or not - I am not sure whether we should put all our disclosure strategies out on the table for everyone to see.

The people opposing disclosure certainly do not.

[edit on 27-1-2007 by TruthMagnet]

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 10:10 AM

If it's not your - you can use the word destiny, but "job" or "assignment" would also work - to get involved, then you won't. Certain people may ask to be involved, and they may or may not be allowed to.

Otherwise, you are here for your own reasons. It is not your responsibility or place, perhaps, to fight the power; but many do have that job.

I have been fighting all my life. I speak from knowledge and experience and the fact that you seem to think it will be a neat little thing and all controllable makes me question if anyone on this board is equipped to handle what is beyond the initial motivation.

To disseminate the truth, you must possess the truth. Remember, we only glimpse parts of the truth.

Go ahead, ask a member when was the last time they did a spiritual battle. When was the last time they had to totally trust God to lead them?
When did they speak out boldly when their crowd was in opposition to them? When did they ever have their family killed, their dog killed, been knocked in the head, been cut, beat, followed, harrassed, should be dead but by the grace of God is alive. Find me two who can testify.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 10:49 AM
lol - Saucers at half-time, exposed nipples. tehehehe

I'd enlist the elusive and daunting mystique of MIB - those scary bastides would probably be able to wake everyone up at once. They're like guardians of a portal - some kind of sucking whirlpool between dimensions.

I think they only answer to the akashic snake.

It's almost like everyone knows already, it's just not quite certain.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 12:09 PM
TruthMagnet, I was wondering when someone was going to come forward and ask me what the hell I'm doing! I'm not kidding.

I will be totally honest. I don't have a life LOL

Seriously, I have a friend that asked me to post these questions.

He is a regular guy who lives in the United States (which is where I live) with his lovely wife and two adorable kids, and he just happens to believe he's had some pretty far out experiences. These experiences include time travel, which he says was introduced to him by...*drum roll*...himself (a future himself).

I too am a regular guy who works a regular job in the Northern Virginia/Washington DC Metro area. I completely understand where you are on the paranoia thing - totally. LOL

But, I am sincerely interested in pursuing these topics, and I want to show that I'm serious about it. People are taking the time to post - why? Because they want to connect with other people and share their points of view.

That's why I'm here. I just happened to be very excited about the subjects, AND I believe if I show my sincerity (if I can make that come through), then others will feel free to do the same. I have access to a computer at work that I can use to type responses, and I live on my computer at home, period. Case closed.

This stuff is very important to me. In fact, the exchanges on these boards is of paramount importance to all of us. I sincerely believe this. The Internet is picking up where our governments and social service institutions have failed miserably.

PLUS, this is an unbelievable place to share ideas with people around the planet without censorship, and we can speak our hearts and minds without repercussion. It's kind of the same philosophy that you can be open and honest with a person you meet on the street sometimes than you can with your own friends and family (sometimes this is the case).

It's the same kind of principle here. It's a sanctuary of sorts. But those individuals that you are paranoid about do infiltrate these sanctuaries. So I understand your caution...If I am aiding those people, it is only as some byproduct of the discussions though which I'm engaging people; that the responses may somehow tangentially benefit these individuals. But to be overly concerned and have that affect your sharing information with others is ludicrous.

Look, you don't have a "government" or "Black Ops" spy dissing the government - I don't care what they hope to achieve. And if you read my threads on here you can see I'm not happy with the status quo.

Of course, if you're a really advanced paranoid type you could say I've been "building a trustworthy persona" to infiltrate and get people to expose themselves. Please, don't do that LOL

I am glad you asked TruthMagnet. Seriously. I have been really sharing my personal opinions and beliefs, and you can see that the speed with which I'm trying to get the stuff out that there (I can type fast :lol
is not enough time to "think through" some sort of "baiting" angle to get people to talk.

My friend and I were talking about this this morning, and that is how important it is for people to be able to share this stuff with each other. Each and every view here counts, because we're all the same.

Anyway, I appreciate the question, and promise I'm sincere. If you aren't sure u2u me and I'll send you more info.

Yes these boards allow for anonymous posts, but you can't let these titillating conspiracy theories hijack your mind and invade all of your "happy thoughts", as much as certain elements of the government would like that to be the case.

Share, and share whatever you want, but obviously use common sense. In the question threads I've started, none of the information is damaging, or could be used against another. It's all just opinion.

And as much as it's becoming dangerous to express anti-government sentiment around here (U.S.) we're still free to do it. If you let fear stop you from doing that, then the terrorists have won (and I'm talking about the government when I say that - the government terrorists).

Peace, TruthMagnet!! I'm for bringing the truth and nothing but the truth!! To every person on this planet...And I sincerely believe that's going to happen and soon!

[edit on 27-1-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 12:28 PM
You said,

I have been fighting all my life. I speak from knowledge and experience and the fact that you seem to think it will be a neat little thing and all controllable makes me question if anyone on this board is equipped to handle what is beyond the initial motivation.

Siren, I appreciate you sharing this. I have not been involved in these things to any degree that I know of, except to say that I recognize right from wrong.

We are still free to speak our minds and share - without fear of reprisal (unless you live in China).

This sharing of viewpoints and opinions is all we're doing here. There is nothing dangerous about "speaking" of these things; and certainly it's clear to everyone here that talking about something is not the same as doing it.

In this particular case, the question was only posed as to "how" someone would either like to effect disclosure, or we can add, how would you like to see disclosure effected.

Maybe we can make that addendum to the original question and ask for people to share how they would like to see it happen.

Siren, I can't begin to understand the struggles and horrors that people go through trying to expose the truth. Part of the motivation here is that we want those struggles to end. The enemy of truth is strong, and we want a force that will hold that enemy still while the complete and total truth makes it to each and every person on this planet.

The reality of this is not laughable; it's not funny. But don't lose your sense of humor. Some people are posting humorous examples of getting the truth out, but part of what's motivating myself to post here is personal frustration, but also a compassion and empathy for every other person, who is just like me, who has suffered directly or indirectly from this injustice - you are included.

We're just talking and sharing ideas. We're not urging anyone to step forward and do something. That is up to that individual. And history would show that the universe is not exactly on the good guy's side at times.

We want it to be now. So if you would like to see disclosure effected by a massive fleet of both human and ET good guys, if you would like this to happen around the globe and be transmitted instantaneously - because that's what it will take - then say it!

That's all. This is not an avenue to try to decide how someone should come out with their photos or their government documents, because those days are gone. That won't work.

This is for people to let their minds and their hopes soar and envision a world they truly want to come to pass. Because that world may just be right around the corner - and neither you, nor anyone else will have to suffer for what they know any longer. No f'g way!!

If feel ya, Siren!! Keep the faith! There are good things around the corner...And you will be looked out for all the way...

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Even if you are on the up and up - my point remains.

Maybe these discussions should not be is such a public place.

No need to give "comfort to the enemy" - if the enemy is defined as those who use their consderable influence and resources to oppose full disclosure.

I know there are people out there who have a very workable multi-faceted plan for disclosure - there is little to gain by exposing their considerable preperations to the public at large at this time.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
"If you could "out" the truth to the rest of the world how would you do it?"

What if human perception does not allow for humans to be compatible with the truth you want "outed"?

Thank you in advance to anyone posting a response!!

ad = add
v = arrow pointing down
ance = ants

ad + v + ance = advance
add + arrow down + ants = advance

in flew ants = influence

serve hail ants = servailance

You serpant = U surp ants = usurp ants.

just some of my thoughts, which i adopted from humanity's teachings.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by clearwater
lol - Saucers at half-time, exposed nipples.

everything is encoded with truth, every word. ....


phonetically pronounced ni pil

silly bulls (syllables) OLAY!!

ni pil [mirror] lip in or in lip

in lip is nipple, if you can see a correlation, if not there is no commonality, nor even a coincidANTS.

ANTS, SIR maybe the answer if you believe ....

the SECRET is the SEEK WRIT.

just my thoughts on how full disclosure would be made, that is.......

IF there was enough paper on this planet to record the truth ....
IF there were enough storage capacity in the minds of individuals
IF there were enough memory capacity in all the micro-processors on the planet .....

Why do we assume we are capable of succesfully comprehending the truth when we have not succesfully comprehended the truth?

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