Sorry for replying to my own post! But I wanted to reply to a question, and I'd run out of space! I hope you'll find my additional post of
what do you think of the operations against Paul Bennewitz of Thunder Science? I always ask, how does the ufo community know that this was the OSI's
intention, for him to fataly harm himself?
I don't know anything personally about any operation against Paul Bennewitz. I'd never heard of him until I read your post, and did some Google
searches, I think I have the basic story.
I can say that one of the things which convinces me that the general conspiracy theories are a bunch of bunk is because of the security clearance
investigations, and interviews required to get a TS clearance. I used to do these as an OSI agent, and later as a contractor for the AFOSI after I
retired. The US government goes to great lengths to make sure the holder of a TS security clearance has no criminal record, is honest, a good person,
and can be trusted. To then say that people vetted through this process suddenly become horrible oppressors of fellow citizens, or mass murderers, in
the case of the 9/11 conspiracy theory, is ludicrous in my opinion.
I'm in kind of a unique position, in that I've lived inside it all and I know what it's like. Those who haven't only have movies, TV, and
whatever they find on the Internet as a source of information. Often the Hollywood movies have a theme that the US Government is the enemy. It's
sad, and it really irritates me.
We occasionally got mentally ill people wanting to talk to us, warning us of alien invasions, wanting to have their "government-implanted tracking
devices" removed from their brains, etc... and we used to get rather elaborate letters about subjects like this. We used to have to keep them for a
certain number of months, then destroy them. We actually had a regulation concerning this. What a shame, if I had them all, it would make a rather
cool book! So I can definitely say we do have people who think that some very weird things are going on, and they show up at the local AFOSI
All that said, I am a firm believer that we are being visited, and that these "UFOs" are the product of non-human intelligent beings. I'm not
trying to de-bunk anything here. Not at all. I'm just providing my input as a former AFOSI agent.
Even former astronauts have come forward saying that they have seen evidence of extra-terrestrial craft, or have been briefed into programs where they
were told that we've been visited by an alien species. Well, in my opinion, that's pretty damn good evidence, not to mention the thousands of
sightings and testimony of others.
I believe it not just because of this, but because I saw one when I was about 12 or 13 years old. One flew over my house, and it scared me half to
death. One doesn't forget such things! Secondly, when I was an AFOSI agent, an agent visiting our detachment who had been briefed into a program
which apparently included something to do with UFOs, told me that they do exist and that we are being visited. Actually, he didn't say much, our
casual conversation simply drifted to talking about UFOs, and he told me that if I believe they exist, that I am correct in my thinking. He was
looking me straight in the eye and was quite serious when he said that. The levity of the conversation was gone. That's all he said, and I didn't
ask any more.
Now, that could have been absolute B.S., since this was anything but a formal briefing on my part, and I would have no way of verifying that anything
he said was true. With security clearances, you not only have to have the clearance, but the need to know. I didn't have the need to know. If it
was true, what he said to me was a security breech. If it wasn't, it was just one agent joking with another, and believe me, that happens a lot in
the AFOSI!
[edit on 6-6-2009 by Ben Densin]
[edit on 6-6-2009 by Ben Densin]