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Countdown to War

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posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 01:24 PM
There can't be a countdown to war because war has never ended.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 01:43 PM
Face it no matter who is president. The United States has battled to the death in every country were oil is concerned. Whether it was small scale CIA or invading Iraqi controled Kuwait. We will not be told what to do when oil, is on the line. On the positive side my best friend has been to a lot of these places. He is a soldier, i wont give much in details. But the way he tells it. The regular common people (non radicals) love that we are were we are. To them we are outsiders, but atleast we are trying. They love the people who are trying to make it safer for them. In Kuwait they won't even let him pay for a meal.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 03:04 PM
Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) are not storage tanks like you see near oil refineries, they are underground salt domes more or less.

A seam of salt some 3000 ft underground that was formed on an ancient sea bed. The SPR drills into the salt and they inject water into the salt forming a salt slurry in the solid which is pumped off to the surface and stored in above ground tanks for later use.

Once the salt slurry is pumped out, a dome is formed underground and this is used to store the crude oil. The salt dome does not allow the transfer of water or oil to pass from the solid surronding salt pack making it perfect for storing crude oil. So underground water is safe from contamination.

Once the SPR has crude in the dome. And only in a National Emergency the President or the Sec of Energy can issues orders to pump from the SPR.

The salt slurry stored in tanks on the surface is pumped to the bottom of the salt domes forcing the crude up the top of the dome using suction pipes and then transfered directly to oil refineries using under ground pipelines.

New domes would take years to build or construct if they started now, unless new domes have been built and we have not been told which would not surprise me and the gov is filling them now following TSOTU speach.

Another kicker here is that SPR in an emergency would be only for the military and homeland security use. Not for civilian use, so we would depend on the market to fill our tanks and heat our homes unlike what happened after Katrina when the SPR went to fill market needs...

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 03:40 PM
It's interesting what senator Ron Paul has to say about it:

[url=]> watch here

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 04:28 PM
If there is an attack on Iran, the administration will see enormous protests all around the US and world, and people would pressure the Congress and Senate to stop funding for the war (and believe me they will get 2/3 the vote because believe it or not, not all Republicans are neocons or agree with Bush's policies).

I just DON'T see how it could happen...unless Iran attacks and starts it. And it can't just be an attack on an air craft carrier, but something big.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 04:38 PM
Actually RR an attack on an aircraft carrier with a sunburn missile they definately have in abundance of is first of all unstoppable, we have no defense for it, and second, would probably mean loss of ~4000 Military personnel. That would fit the "big" bill in a lot of people minds

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Arkangel4time
Actually RR an attack on an aircraft carrier with a sunburn missile they definately have in abundance of is first of all unstoppable, we have no defense for it, and second, would probably mean loss of ~4000 Military personnel. That would fit the "big" bill in a lot of people minds

Well if they admitted to it, and did kill thousands of military personnel wouldn't that be big in your mind?

I don't agree with going to war over what Iran is saying. But if they do kill thousands of our people that would constitute enough to go to war with them.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
... the US is going on the market to double it's strategic reserves of oil.

... my secret Bushspeak decoder ring interprets that signal as step one in the countdown to a major escalation of American military activity in the middle east.

The stategic oil reserve is Iraq.

In order to double the size of the reserve, Iran would have to be added to our portfolio.

Greatest Oil Reserves by Country, 2006

Rank - Country - Proved reserves (billion barrels)
3. - Iran - 132.5
4. - Iraq - 115.0

Any questions?

[edit on 25-1-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
I believe there is a relatively new carrier battle group in the gulf. The principle carrier is an older one and there is some thought that this may be to draw fire from Iranian "Sunburn" missles which are possibly nuclear tipped "Exocet" style ship killers. There have been major war exercises going on on both the Iranian and allied sides in the area recently. The false flag news website would be a way of keeping up to date on that sort of thing.

I'm sorry, never a nuclear tipped surface ship-ship missile. Never have I heard of that even a consideration. It's either an IRBM or a conventional cruise missile, but not a nuclear tipped exocet. That defeats the purpose. The Exocet is a ship to ship missile! Not a nuclear delivery platform!

Wargames have always been going on by all nations at all times, doesn't mean the entire world is going to war with itself. We're just getting ready in the case that we do go to war... which I believe we will.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
If there is an attack on Iran, the administration will see enormous protests all around the US and world, and people would pressure the Congress and Senate to stop funding for the war (and believe me they will get 2/3 the vote because believe it or not, not all Republicans are neocons or agree with Bush's policies).

I just DON'T see how it could happen...unless Iran attacks and starts it. And it can't just be an attack on an air craft carrier, but something big.

Currently the Democrats control the government, the Republicans completely lost the house in the last midterm elections.

If there is a war with the next president, the democrats would sure as heck have more of a hand in it than the Republicans.

There are protests for Iraq right now... how come we're going to send 21,500 more troops in.

Oil and money speaks louder than people with picket signs.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 07:56 PM
I heard the "Sunburn" missile discussed on Webster Tarpley's "World Crisis Radio" at The show is available in the show archives section on the web page. Tarpley rocks if you want a very brainy discussion of current events and he's had many of the 911 truth movement biggies on the program as well. You can get a good idea of what he is about if you listen to the very first broadcast in the '06 section.

Recollecting now I believe he said that the "Sunburn" was a cruise missle. I was thinking "Exocet" because they were talking about the use of the "Sunburn" against a carrier battle group in the gulf. Iran was running or about to run an exercise on the theme of "denial of territory" in the region. Incidentally the Stennis is the older carrier that Tarpley believes the Bushwackers are willing to risk in range of the "Sunburns".

Tarpley is of the view that the US is in very serious trouble in Iraq, however I think he overstates the case, myself. I think it is more accurate to say that the Iraqi government such as it is is in very serious trouble. I'm no professional obviously but if I were running the US military in Iraq I would remove troops from the cities, secure the oil resources with extreme prejudice and let the Iraqis have their civil war. Then I'd make a deal with the winner.

I think one of the problems with the Bush administration is that they believe all their own baloney (nation building, democracy etc.) They don't seem to be able to be "stand up gangsters". They walk half of the walk, murder, plunder, but they keep the BS coming because they're a Mr. Hyde that still wants to be loved like Dr Jekyll.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:37 PM
Well that baloney is what it means to be American.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:37 PM
I would like to think so. I know that is true for the majority of Americans. In a way that is Bush's major problem. In reality, the Bush administration, at the top at least, does not believe it's own baloney. They are forced to peddle this nation building line in Iraq because the WMD lie didn't pan out. They have to keep pushing this nonsense because the American people at heart are not into bullying the little countries. They've got to be tricked into it.

David Ray Griffin has much that is worthwhile to say about what it is to be American today. I saw a presentation by him on video where he ran over a list of "thall shalt nots" that are being indulged in by America by way of the Bush administration. The vast majority of Americans in their personal lives would never do what is done in the name of America overseas around the world.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
If there is an attack on Iran, the administration will see enormous protests all around the US and world, and people would pressure the Congress and Senate to stop funding for the war (and believe me they will get 2/3 the vote because believe it or not, not all Republicans are neocons or agree with Bush's policies).

I just DON'T see how it could happen...unless Iran attacks and starts it. And it can't just be an attack on an air craft carrier, but something big.

Yep, When Iraq kicked off there were MASS protests.. but they still did it.
Congress and repubs/dems dont want more troops in Iraq, but bush has already said ' the decisions his, and its been made'

so I cant see how anyone can stop him, if he decides to hit iran.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Yep, When Iraq kicked off there were MASS protests.. but they still did it.
Congress and repubs/dems dont want more troops in Iraq, but bush has already said ' the decisions his, and its been made'

so I cant see how anyone can stop him, if he decides to hit iran.

It will be a whole different ball game if he hits Iran.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:47 PM
Maybe so, but who would be able to stop them if they decided to ?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:03 PM

Why else would we be seeing ships in the Gulf,

Umm because we have had US warships almost continuously since 1945.

Good thread, thanks for starting it. In addition, I have also read in several places that the U.S. does indeed plan on using nuclear weapons.

Sure, we are going to go ahead and irradiate all the oil that most of you on the thread think we are trying to steal. Yep that makes sense.

does the Battleship Maine ring a bell

Yes, the Maine explosion was used to start a war, but no, it wasnt blown up on purpose. According to the team who surveyed the wreckage, a flaw in the turret design lead to the explosion (the powder magazine was open to spark producing elements of the turret).

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 12:28 AM
War is imminent with many countries, in that in order for the NWO to become truly global, all non-playing countries (one by one) must be overthrown and/or made to submit the the NWO's plans and the following systems it will introduce.

Iran is just one part of the process, North Korea will too have to be made to bow down to these global plans.
I believe that these plans are based on "sectors" or regions of the globe .ie Middle Eastern region, Pacific region, so on and so forth.

No one should be shocked at any news of conflict or conflict build up, as the push for a NWO has been slowly turning the cogs for quite some time.
And it is only a matter of time before the next conflict, because right now, I believe they are focussed on the Middle Eastern sector of their plans.

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