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Countdown to War

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posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:19 AM
I heard on the radio that the US is going on the market to double it's strategic reserves of oil. Call me skittish if you like but my secret Bushspeak decoder ring interprets that signal as step one in the countdown to a major escalation of American military activity in the middle east.

Having seen what I've seen over the last decade I am now assuming that Iran will certainly be attacked. At this point not even a year at a Swiss finishing school to polish up his manners and all manner of honeyed words from Ahmadinejad can stop the coming onslaught.

Am I right? Am I wrong? How bad is it going to get?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:28 AM
Face it America we will be in a major conflict with Iran very soon. Why else would we be seeing ships in the Gulf, if the US wasn't looking to provoke a war with Iran. My fear is that things will really start to get ugly once the "Cat is out of the bag" There is no telling what direction this war could go. I bet that somehow Israel will be attacked, and then we could be into a major war in the Middle East. I'm curious to learn what people think will trigger this war? Will it be an attack by Iran, or will it be another False Flag Event.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Good thread, thanks for starting it. In addition, I have also read in several places that the U.S. does indeed plan on using nuclear weapons.

It has an article about it but I've read that somewhere else, too, just can't remember where.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:31 AM
does the Battleship Maine ring a bell? Cuba? history tends to repeat itself.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:32 AM
My hunch is that Israel will attack Iran's nuclear programs (with our assistance of course). Iran and others will retalliate and we'll have to step in to help 'our friends'. More importantly, does any know how long it takes for oil to reach the US from tyhe ME once we place an order? I'd expect it to take months.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:49 AM
Good post.....

But not entirely sure it should be on the 911 forum......


posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Mike Ruppert addresses the issue of how long it takes "well to tank" for Middle Eastern oil to get to the US consumer. It is a matter of weeks I believe, four to six weeks comes to mind. I could exert myself to check for sure, but it is something like that. This whole issue tolls the bell for Venezuela also because it just takes a few days for Venezuelan oil to reach the US market. Economic stability depends not only on supply but on timely supply. The oil has to be there on schedule, regularly. It's very important.

I have a terrible feeling that serious devastaion of Iran is going to take place. Tying up a lot of US troops with snipers and IEDs is a great idea until you realize that it may make it necessary for the administration to take some of their larger firecrackers out of the toybox. The N word is one I hate to say in this context but I fear the worst.

Prior to the first gulf war, Saddam Hussain didn't seem to realize that once US troops started to be shipped to Saudi, his goose was cooked. I think this petroleum reserve gambit is a similar in significance. I think the die is cast now and there will be a major war in the middle east.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:55 AM
With the possibility of the NAU and the potential collapse of the dollar looming, as well, perhaps Pres. Bush sees this as his last chance to top off the barrel, so to speak, to accomodate the doubled demand of the NAU and the interruption in supply caused by the collapse of the petrodollar system.

Either way, we are in for a long, tough ride ahead.

Batten down the hatches! They're already battened down? Well, batten them down again! We'll teach those stinking hatches! (Bugs Bunny classic)

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:56 AM
what is all this "there WILL BE A MAJOR WAR in the middle east"

right NOW, there is a major war in the middle east, we are discussing the proccess of making it a public spectacle

"...Now selling tickets to tonight's fight!!"
thats what the hype may be about.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:09 PM
What will life be like if we go to war with Iran? What will happen if the dollar looses all value? Will there be a draft? Can America fight a war on both fronts? Will it just be us bombing them, or do you think we will actuallys send in ground troops? Will it happen this year? I can't even begin to answer these questions. Will this be the drastic social, and economical change that will result in a One World Government after the war(s) have ended? I think the music has been playing for a while and now it is time to dance. What are you planning to do if the dollar drops, and there is a draft? Will you stay here in America, or try and go elsewhere and earn the Euro? Just some things to think about, and would love any ideas that any may have.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Sadly, you are probably correct. Either way, having a larger oil reserve only makes sense in a world run by oil. However, I'm quite confident this means an attack on Iran is on the horizon like we all envisioned when Bush Jr. gave the famed "Axis of Evil" speach.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:20 PM
". . . it takes about six weeks to get a drop of oil from the Persian Gulf into an American gas tank. If it comes from West Africa it takes about two weeks, and if from Venezuela, only four days." p.31, Crossing the Rubicon, by Mike Ruppert.

Lots of talking points come up in a thread like this. One of them is, can anyone understand Ahmadinejad? Is he the only president of a nation on this earth even more vacuous than W? Is he a CIA agent? He's so outlandishly wrong for the part that I honestly believe somebody got to him during the embassy seige days and turned the guy. I'm serious. I cannot believe how cordially he has invited the US to attack his country and the mind boggling number of times he has sent out the invitation.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:24 PM
who stands to gains if we attack Iran?
who stands to gain from the current hate speeches and iranian PR?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Vinadetta
Face it America we will be in a major conflict with Iran very soon. Why else would we be seeing ships in the Gulf, if the US wasn't looking to provoke a war with Iran. My fear is that things will really start to get ugly once the "Cat is out of the bag" There is no telling what direction this war could go. I bet that somehow Israel will be attacked, and then we could be into a major war in the Middle East. I'm curious to learn what people think will trigger this war? Will it be an attack by Iran, or will it be another False Flag Event.

Have we been increasing our naval presence in that area? I haven't heard anything about it. We generally have ships all over the place, so their presence there is not unusual unless coupled with an unexpected growth.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:45 PM
I believe there is a relatively new carrier battle group in the gulf. The principle carrier is an older one and there is some thought that this may be to draw fire from Iranian "Sunburn" missles which are possibly nuclear tipped "Exocet" style ship killers. There have been major war exercises going on on both the Iranian and allied sides in the area recently. The false flag news website would be a way of keeping up to date on that sort of thing.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
I heard on the radio that the US is going on the market to double it's strategic reserves of oil. Call me skittish if you like but my secret Bushspeak decoder ring interprets that signal as step one in the countdown to a major escalation of American military activity in the middle east.

According to the AP story I read on the "State of the Union" Address

Bush said double the reserves by 2027 and decrease gas consumption by 20%.

I DO agree that it really does look like the Iran hit is coming, but remember, we capped off most of Iraq's oil and are sitting on it basically. Depending on who you believe, many also believe that the capped wells in US possesion right now hold a significant amount of oil to be pumped out.

RE: to another poster... I dont think of the USS Maine, I think of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident under Lyndon Johnson. Pretty much proven fact it was a staged incident based on documents posted very many places.

My take on all this Mid East stuff is that its about the coming resource wars (including clean water i.e. privatization of numerous water supplies around the world)

[edit on 25-1-2007 by Arkangel4time]

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:48 PM
has anyone heard of any drills or war games the military plans to run once the carrier fleet is concentrated?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Togetic

Originally posted by Vinadetta
Face it America we will be in a major conflict with Iran very soon. Why else would we be seeing ships in the Gulf, if the US wasn't looking to provoke a war with Iran. My fear is that things will really start to get ugly once the "Cat is out of the bag" There is no telling what direction this war could go. I bet that somehow Israel will be attacked, and then we could be into a major war in the Middle East. I'm curious to learn what people think will trigger this war? Will it be an attack by Iran, or will it be another False Flag Event.

Have we been increasing our naval presence in that area? I haven't heard anything about it. We generally have ships all over the place, so their presence there is not unusual unless coupled with an unexpected growth.

Presently we have a Carrier Strike Group in the Gulf plus assorted Subs as well. The USS Stennis Carrier Strike Group will arrive on Station end of February 07 to add to the numbers. We also have the USS Boxer Assualt Strike Group(~2000 Marines, helicopters and amphibious assault craft.)

There is also a NATO armada(very large too) parked off the coast of Syria for peacekeeping purposes. I wasn't aware that Syria had a formidable navy (or any at all).

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 01:02 PM
Regarding the State of the Union Address, I hadn't heard the 2027 figure. That does put a different complexion on the issue. It would seem based on that to be less urgent. The end of the Bush tenure in office though argues for haste. This is getting into deep politics, but I believe Webster Tarpley feels that the oligarchs behind Bush and the neocons want a change of stewardship. The neocons may have shot their bolt. If they can be held off until Bush is out of office there's a chance (very slim) that Iran won't be crushed and that some kind of accomodation can be reached with it. I fervently hope so. Iranian chicks are awsome, and I would not want to see any of of them jostled.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 01:24 PM
The current status of the reserves would last the U.S only a mere 75 days, double that and we have 150, to 180 tops; now, that is not sufficient enough to carry out a war against a country as formidable as Iran if that's what many of us have in mind. The war against an Iraq which would have seemingly been a darling turned out to be a slaughter on both sides and we're expected not to rule out the cause of aggressive action against Iran over conjecture and supposed technology which top U.S Intel experts judge will take over half a decade to create and that if Iranians are posting themselves to be a nuclear power.

What tickles my mind is whether or not the American and International community will even place their soldiers and trust in this administration to carry out a war against Iran. I hardly bet if this war manifests itself that a large proportion of this earths population will be in arms. I think we've had enough of this bull#.


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