posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 05:31 PM
For along time, it has been proven that under diress, people are capable of tremendous feats, not physically possible in everyday life. From the
mother that lifts a wrecked car off of her child's legs, or the 125 pound weakling who carries a 300 pound man from a burning building. It is under
these conditions that we can attribute some of these amazing feats to adrenaline, our own bodies' natural "Nitrous Oxide". But there are those
individuals, who can do some of these things on a regular basis, and yet they fly below the radar with little more than a flicker. Every day, each and
every person on this planet ponders the 2 biggest questions they will ever have in their lifetime:
1. Why am I here?
2. What is my purpose in this life?
And yet, every day, we continue with our daily routines, and dismiss most of the decisions we make that will determine the answer to one if not both
of these very important questions. Where does Willpower come from? Is it a chemical reaction? It would seem that willpower could be essentually
limitless, however, is it also possible that willpower could be tied to a persons mood? The drive of a buisnessman to get that promotion is really no
different from the same athlete who pushes himself past his limit to win the race, only to collapse from exhaustion after. Much like Lance Armstrong
winning the Tour de France so many times. His drive to win, to succeed, to go beyond his own bodies' limits pushed him far beyond what the rest of
see as "Normal". We cannot understand how one person is capable of such feats, so we accuse them of drug use to enhance performance. This is just an
example however, you can find these situations everyday, all around you.
Does our will follow our brain to direct our lives, or does our brain determine how hard we pursue our dreams? Can a person alter their very reality
by just "willing it to happen"? If we have such power locked away in our minds, bodies, and spirit, then what is stopping us from changing the world
to what we want it by a mere thought? Is our own exsistance a mere reflection of our will?
Most importantly, where is your willpower stored, where does it come from, and does it have a limit?