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Climate Change: No-Brainer

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posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:59 AM
"When you look at the temperature of the Earth, it's pretty much a no-brainer. The evidence … is compelling," says Jerry Mahlman, U.S. climate scientist and a former director of NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab. Mahlman was one of 600 experts who reviewed the 1,600 page first segment of a four-part Intergovernmental report on climate change to be released in Paris next week. The segment was edited by bureaucrats from 154 countries after being written by more than 600 scientists, and reviewed by a separate group of 600 experts. The second part of the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will be released in April. It will include a chapter on how global warming is already changing health, species, engineering and food production. Scientists are confident about their documentation of global warming effects - but gloomy about the future. The scientists promise the report contains an "explosion of new data."

Climate change happening, worst yet to come: report

Human-caused global warming is here - visible in the air, water and melting ice - and is destined to get much worse in the future, an authoritative global scientific report will warn next week.

Global warming is "happening now, it's very obvious," said Mahlman, a former director of NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab who lives in Boulder, Colo. "When you look at the temperature of the Earth, it's pretty much a no-brainer."

The February report will have "much stronger evidence now of human actions on the change in climate that's taken place," Rajendra Pachauri said in an interview in November. Pachauri, an Indian climatologist, is the head of the international climate change panel.

Hopefully this new report will satisfy the naysayers, and get everybody pulling in the same direction.

Sounds like we're running out of time.

apc made the point on another thread that we ought NOT to start trying to "fix" the planet - because we're most likely just to really muck things up way worse.

I agree.

We don't know enough about our planet's complex systems to start messing with any of them. And besides, the world ain't broke. We are. The planet works just fine.

We just need to stop trashing our home, and start cleaning up our own messes and helping each other out.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:23 AM
"we're running out of time"...

yet, its all estimates and theory, and not concretely proven.

In a nutshell, what we are seeing is being stated as "global warming" to confuse people about what is really happening (earth changes/ascension), so that when the big changes start happening soon they can go "oh look, we were right, we are in chaos, which is what we said would happen".

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:30 AM
This GW crap is completely assinine. Its like trying to predict the return of Christ. I like how now after weeks of back to back blizzards and snow in Texas and Arizona a forcast for it to be 15-30 below 0 where I live on Friday we get this "admission of fault"

I dont mind theories and research. What I do mind is the government using it as an excuse to enact more legislation, more taxation and grow itself ever larger. I mind it when "scientists" want to inject things into our beef cattle to reduce their "emmissions." I mind it when grants, existing because of my taxes, get awarded on the grounds of whats popular.

Its all fear mongering for control. When do we start building missiles for the impending asteroid collision?

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

its all estimates and theory, and not concretely proven.

You might want to wait until the report is released before you make such definite statements.

FYI - the report was written by a seriously heavyweight scientific team - and they claim they have lots of evidence.

Also note: you contradicted yourself big time.

...its all estimates ...not concretely proven


...when the big changes start happening soon

Sounds like it's you who's trying to have it both ways.


FYI - big changes are happening already.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by soficrow

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

its all estimates and theory, and not concretely proven.

You might want to wait until the report is released before you make such definite statements.

personally i think it will all be estimates, they admit they do not have the computing power to run the computer modeling they need to do. there are far to many variables, and it is all happening at the same time. what does the public do, when one sciencetist say, it is warming and another saying it is not.

the world needs to act as one, if it is, and you are right in saying that if you do not know what you are doing, altering things could make it worse.

what i do find interesting is the sun, at the mo. now i do not think anyone has ever said that man can ever have an effect on the sun, altough we have studied it, i do not recall, ever seeing someone say, that man is capable of doing anything to the sun etc...

the problem if it is a nobrainer, why are not all the science field all in agreement, over what is happening, they simply are not, and maybe just maybe they have left it to late to do anything anyway.

[edit on 24-1-2007 by andy1033]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:28 AM
Thank you Sofi

I anyone wants to talk any further about conjecture, predictions etc on GW and state there is not proof please U2U me I will provide many many many facts figures all independantly verified proving Global Warming.

I will laso be very happy to provide very basic school chemistry and Pyhsics presentation to explain how this happens, how it is impossible to use things such as the modern internal combustion engine and oil based fuels, for you not to produce substances that have again been proven beyond even a pale of doubt to interact within a system like the weather not to produce effects that will produce Global Warming

It is as said a No Brainer. Its simple science and chemistry most chemistry degree students jump over the facts on burning fossil fuels, gases that produce global warming being put into the atmosphere and the results. no theory many many mnay facts for years.

As sofi rightly says this new IPCC report just strengthens and puts meats on the bones of what we expect to happen from this behaviour. mind you the one four years ago again proved this and the one from 4 years before that.

I will not once again waste ATS server space with posting the same repeatable proven and accepted facts on global warming and the mechanics behind it, as said please u2u me and I will be more than willing to educate you.

Thank you Sofi once again extreme weather all around the world, and people still believe the adverts and spin from the oil companies and Bush and co.





"You have voted soficrow for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month."

[edit on 24-1-2007 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by andy1033

...what does the public do, when one sciencetist say, it is warming and another saying it is not.

According to the Guardian:

Global warming: the final verdict

'The really chilling thing about the IPCC report is that it is the work of several thousand climate experts who have widely differing views about how greenhouse gases will have their effect. Some think they will have a major impact, others a lesser role. Each paragraph of this report was therefore argued over and scrutinised intensely. Only points that were considered indisputable survived this process. This is a very conservative document - that's what makes it so scary,' said one senior UK climate expert.

Link thanks to VoXiSo

the world needs to act as one, if it is, and you are right in saying that if you do not know what you are doing, altering things could make it worse.

Appropriate action absolutely does NOT have to involve "altering" anything except our own behaviour, and acting to 'save' society, different cultures, peoples, and threatened components of our own human legacy.

the problem if it is a nobrainer, why are not all the science field all in agreement, over what is happening, they simply are not,

Real scientists are in general agreement - the denials come from the The Denial Industry.

and maybe just maybe they have left it to late to do anything anyway.

A kind of war-oriented, fatalistic world view, imo. ...It may be too late to take back all the poisons we've dumped into our world, or the gases we've released. And it might be too late to stop the dynamic we've started or triggered.


"Doing something" does not need to be about attacking or starting a "war on."

We can always adapt, accept change, go with the flow. We can stop trashing our home, and start cleaning up after ourselves and helping each other.

Small things often have great effects.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:54 AM
quick look at the russian perspective eh? how about narrowing it down to just the last 2 months reporting?

After some of the coldest temperatures on record last winter, the first winter month of this year has seen temperatures in Novosibirsk in Western Siberia rising above minus 3 degrees Celsius (26.6 degrees F).
According to the weather service, winter in the first 10 days of December was six to eight degrees warmer than the multi-year average of minus 16-18 degrees Celsius (3.2 - minus 0.4 degrees F) in Western Siberia.


and some more eh?

MOSCOW, December 21 (RIA Novosti) - The number of natural calamities in Russia more than doubled over the last 10 years as a result of global warming, the Russian minister of emergency situations said Thursday.
"All that is happening is the consequence of the continuously warming climate," Sergei Shoigu said. "Over the last 10 years as a result of such warming the number of natural calamities in our country more than doubled, rising from 150 to 350."
The Kolka glacier collapsed September 20, 2002 in the Republic of North Ossetia, burying 116 people under tons of rock, mud and ice, including a film crew led by one of the country's most popular actors and directors, Sergei Bodrov Jr.

Warming climate doubles natural calamities in Russia - minister

Sorry yes this is normal? of course in the natural earth fluctuations of weatehr and tempratures permafrosts and glaciers and tempratures naturally change SO QUICKLY OVER SUCH A SHORT TIME LINE dont they? its all natural the man from OPEC said so...mmm well please find me the research and evidence form the ice cores and rock samples to show this....strange I have a degree in science and I cant find them...

some more?

The Kolka glacier collapsed September 20, 2002 in the Republic of North Ossetia, burying 116 people under tons of rock, mud and ice, including a film crew led by one of the country's most popular actors and directors, Sergei Bodrov Jr.

Roman Vilfand said that between January and November, 371 dangerous natural phenomena - including extreme cold, heat waves, strong winds and driving rains - were registered throughout Russia.

"The year also ends unusually with the abnormally warm weather in late November and early December, when plants even began to bloom in some areas," Vilfand said.

On December 15 Moscow saw an all time record high winter temperature for the Russian capital, as thermometers climbed to a maximum of 8.6°C (47.48°F) in comparison with the previous record-high temperature of 8.1 °C (46.5°F), set on February 17, 1989.

Record number of dangerous natural phenomena hits Russia in 2006

"January 10, with a temperature of plus 8, was the warmest in the first 10 days of January in the entire history of meteorological monitoring in Moscow," the hydro-meteorological bureau for Moscow and the Moscow Region said.

Weather experts also said the temperature did not drop below 5 degrees Celsius (41 Fahrenheit) last night, beating the record set January 11, 1991.

The current high temperatures in some cities of European Russia have led to never-before-seen phenomena, including blossoming flowers and swelling buds in the city of Kursk, 370 miles southwest of Moscow.

Moscow enjoys European winter with record high temperatures

"January 10, with a temperature of plus 8, was the warmest in the first 10 days of January in the entire history of meteorological monitoring in Moscow," the hydro-meteorological bureau for Moscow and the Moscow Region said.

Another record has been registered in Nizhny Novgorod in the Volga Region, beating the 1971 high with the temperature climbing to 3.9 degrees Celsius (38 Fahrenheit)

Warm weather and strong winds contributed to a new flood in St. Petersburg yesterday, with water in the Neva River, which flows through the city founded in 1703 by Emperor Peter the Great, rising 2.2 meters (7.2 feet) above the control mark.

Central Russia experiences unprecedented warm spell

MOSCOW, January 15 (RIA Novosti) - The first two weeks of January have been the warmest the Russian capital has seen in 130 years, a top meteorologist said Monday.
The weather expert said that on January 10 the temperature climbed to plus 8°C, beating the 1957 record of plus 4°, and on January 11 it hit another record of plus 8.6°, surpassing the record set January 11, 1991 (plus 4.6°).

Moscow enjoys warmest January in 130 years

Still think this is normal? Where do you get your norms from Mercury or venus??

"Thursday night, the temperature climbed to 3.5 °C (6.3 °F)," said Alexei Lyakhov, head of the hydro-meteorological bureau for Moscow and the Moscow Region, adding that the previous record for Moscow night temperature was 2.9 °C (5.2 °F), set in 1939.

Record high night temperature registered in Moscow

It goes on and on, for every part of the world, the storms in Europe and the UK, the ICe in the US and warm cold change etc etc and all in the last 2 months Wake UP!

regards Elf

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