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Originally posted by donwhite
My point is business takes, takes and takes more. It never gives back.
Originally posted by RedGolem
NBC news has just reported the Clinton has earned twenty six million in campaign funds in the first quarter of this year. That is a new record. It also confirms the point that was made in the start of this thread, that who ever controls the money will control the election.
Figures for Obama has not been released but it was said they were expecting on the order of twenty two million.
posted by Justin Oldham
posted by RedGolem
NBC news reported Clinton has twenty six million in campaign funds in the first quarter of this year. That is a new record. It also confirms the point that whoever controls the money will control the election. Figures for Obama have not been released but it was said they expect on the order of twenty two million.
I knew she'd be the top fund raiser. With "Dollar Bill" in her corner, she'll be hard to beat. I'm waiting with interest to see what the Obama numbers are. Open mind, folks. Open mind. [Edited by Don W]
Originally posted by RedGolem
NBC news has just reported the Clinton has earned twenty six million in campaign funds in the first quarter of this year. That is a new record. It also confirms the point that was made in the start of this thread, that who ever controls the money will control the election.
posted by LostSailor
“ . . a Reagan quote. I think it fits well.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."
~Ronald Reagan [Edited by Don W]
Originally posted by donwhite
I find it odd that such a successful politician as Reagan would demean his chosen profession. Perhaps he would do anything for a vote? Maybe he was describing himself?
posted by LostSailor
posted by donwhite
Perhaps he would do anything for a vote?
I don't think you can become President this day without being a political whore. Maybe he was just trying to bring this "fact?" to the American people . . because I quoted Reagan does not make me a fan of his Presidency. I just wanted to make sure that is laid on the table. [Edited by Don W]
posted by Justin Oldham
1) Being a small government proponent, me says that enforcement of laws that would actually bring reform to the system would be better for the nation than Federally funded elections.
2) Why? Because when you take away a person's ability to "vote" with their dollars, you rob them of a means of expression. If enough voters got honked off and sent Ron Paul enough money, the mainstream media would pick up on that and ask "why?" You'd know why. It might also inspire you to act.
3) You vote with your dollars all the time. Whenever somebody makes the decision to buy something I wrote, they "vote" for me. Will you have fries with that, or not? Nike or Adidas? Do you want to rent sci-fi, western, or porn? Politicians should NOT be the only ones who can make money work for THEM. [Edited by Don W]
posted by Justin Oldham
Romney's show of big money can be explained by the fact that he's a billionaire . . He lacks staff and multi-State network he'd need to make his money work for him. If he does go ahead with his run, you'll see Hillary wrap herself in the flag while she adopts a more religious tone to her speeches. Christian patriot takes on the Mormon elitist.
If Bill Gates of Warren Buffet "passed the hat" I'm sure we'd all be suitably shocked at what they came up with for contributions . . If I were Hillary's chief political strategist, I'd tell her to say not one word at all about the Romney cash bonanza. Some sources, which are not reliable, suggest that she's got as much as forty million dollars tucked away. In reality, I think she's got a special donor list that she's saving for later. It's an old school fund raising tactic. [Edited by Don W]
Originally posted by donwhite
Q1. What do you think about my theory relative to Hillary staying out front of the field just a noticeable amount but not to swamp the other candidates?
Originally posted by donwhite
Q2. Which brings me to this, IF Obama had close to $20 m. I believe he would have said so. I’m thinking he is in the mid-teens at best. He wanted to avoid 2 weeks of unfavorable comparisons. What say you?
Follow the Real Money
For instance, I can see why Hillary's camp would want to trumpet the $36 million that appeared in many of the campaign fundraising stories. But I can't understand why anyone in the media would lead a report with this number. The real story is that Obama's take for the primary may be staggeringly close to Hillary's, despite the fact that he is a newcomer competing against the most powerful money machine in American politics. We'll know just how close after the Obama campaign releases its own report and the Clinton campaign discloses how much of its first quarter take is earmarked for the general campaign.
Bill had to take the consequences after the public became aware of the Lewinsky scandal. He could have been impeached. Hillary was wise enough to forgive her husband. In fact, her attitude helped save their family. Yet Bill continued to sleep around with other women after leaving the White House. Hillary decided to become president of the United States. By climbing to the top of the political ladder, she will take revenge on all the women her husband slept with. Her lecherous husband does not seem to be capably of keeping his fly zipped (hot pics). Bill is like an alcoholic or junkie who can relapse any moment. His extramarital affairs may cause damage to Hillary’s presidential ambitions. Therefore, Hillary demanded that Bill receive urgent treatment to be provided by a well-known doctor. Having publicly pledged his full support to Hillary’s presidential race, Bill agreed to do as told.