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Amero sighted and ready for launch

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posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 04:14 AM
G'day all,

Im currently listening to RBN live on the following link -

And they have just interviewed someone that had extremely important information for you Americans out there. This guy, I forgot his name, but I notted the other points, had spoken to a Federal Agent who has wanted to remain anonymous who stated that he had seen pallets full of freshly printed "Amero's" all shrink-wrapped and ready for transportation in a bank vault of supposedly a 'Major" Big Bank that operates nationwide. This was spotted in Pheonix , Arizona. The Fed Agent says he feels disgusted by seeing proof of the rumours that have been circulating. In his own words he thinks that they'd be ready to go in about 30 days or so.

The host of the radio show also mentioned that he was in contact with a bank employee of this particular bank that HAS full clearance and is endeavouring to get some photos to proove it.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, the Fed Agent mentioned that the exchange rate would be 4 to 1. Im not too good with exchange rates but hopefully someone out there can help me.


Just thought I'd do my duty and pass on the fresh info to my feloow Yank ATS'ers

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 04:33 AM
Thanks for the heads up M8!

I have been seeing alot of articles about certain oil markets dumping the dollar, and this causing alot of problems for the American economy.

Any more info you could pass on would be greatly appreciated.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 05:09 AM
so, is that 4 american dollars to one amero, or 1 american dollar for 4 ameros?

will my wages also be converted, what about my bills.....I'd hate to have my wages end up getting crunched times 4 while my bills got expended times 4.

but, then we all heard the President's State of the Union address, didn't we...
our economy is doing great, he said it himself. I didn't hear anything whatsoever about an amero, did you? I guess I'll flip a coin, heads...he lied...tails, the amero is just a fairy tale...

someone with some, what's that...should go onto the world court website, and hunt around. maybe we lost a court case and the penalty was we lost the right to have our own economy or something....

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar
but, then we all heard the President's State of the Union address, didn't we...
our economy is doing great, he said it himself. I didn't hear anything whatsoever about an amero, did you?

Hmm... I guess his ploy worked. You seem to be distracted.

And Bush wasn't even trying.


posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 05:37 AM
i cannot see it yet, as the three countries have not really joined anything in any public sort of union.

though i do believe they may have the money printed, does not mean that it is right away.

though it would be interesting to see what the dollar and other curruncies will be worth to the amero.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 05:38 AM
actually, I was distracted during his many of those faces in the audience seemed to be so unhappy, then there was one point she almost appeared demonish....

sarcasm is sometimes lost on these boards, huh?? and well, to me, there is a 50/50 chance here...I have about as much faith in his words as I do many of the stories circulating on the web. I keep hearing little tidbits about this North American Union on CNN and such, but they are always leading up to the story, and I always manage to miss the story. Has any of the mainstream news medias validated any of it? till there is some validation, I might as well just flip a coin.

I was serious about the question ragarding the ratio if anyone knows. and weather our bills, mortgages, wages, and products would also be adjusted by the same ratio. would seem logical to assume such, but logic isn't in a big supply now

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 05:43 AM
The bloke on the radio show was saying that it will sprung onto you in about 4 weeks, and is recommending everyone invest in gold and silver NOW, so you dont loose out as much.

heres the link, Im listening now to this topic -

Now, it is going to be 4 US Dollars = 1 Amero

Thus causing devaluation...correct?

He metioned all your debts will be kept the same but that there would be some sort of adjustment to take into account.

Do you guys think that this is what is going to cause the so called American Economic collapse of 2007? Would this increae the US debt level by four times?

If this is the case, it would cause massive social hardships, people will protest and fight back because this Amero being thrust upon them will give them the equivalent of a debt four times greater in relativity via the new exchange rate.

Please correct me if Im wrong. Or is this what the New World Order wants to happen, anarchy and people uprising, thus a good excuse for martial law whilst the new North American Union takes on Iran and the other countries who want to join in the war. This would give Bush command of the Canadian and Mexican armed forces would it not?

Tough times ahead and ramification around the world.

p.s the guy saying this is Chapman if that rings a bell for anyone.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:47 AM
Yeah sure...

I'll let americans have their guess about the USA,

but as far as Canada goes, I'd say that's Utter BS

Given the Actual "Popularity" Of the american Leadership, I'd have a hard time seeing even our Tory government (wich is a minority government, with a Bloc Quebecois and Liberal Opposition which could break the government )
handing over the military command of our troops to the US

As for the money, well 4 US dollars = 1 Amero isnt causing devaluation, it's not causing anything in fact

It's the thing about the Debt stays the Same, that would be... well... a FIRST time in Modern Economic

And it would also be a complete Mystery as to why the Hell would a country crush himself like that?

If anything, it would faster the downfall of the US economy

Look, If it's really like that in the US, but in Canada We have a Hard time having conspiracies like that, even our Secret Service is a civilian service in which the members are not even allowed to have a Gun

Big conspiracies like that would come out pretty fast with parliamentary opposition like we have

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:00 AM

Now, it is going to be 4 US Dollars = 1 Amero

That would make the dollar worth 25 cents to the Amero or a 75% discount of the dollar. Now is all debt that was created in dollars now going to be 75% less?

IMO if they are really going to the AMERO they are going to have to create some sort of crisis to make the dollar worthless.... people are not willingly going to give up 75% of their money.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:07 AM
The North American Union is true. They even have a government website that gives info about it. The current plan is (as I understand it) to have Americans contributing taxes to Mexico to strengthen Mexico's economy. Your tax dollars at work, nice, huh? How do Americans feel about giving their hard-earned money to Mexico? The Amero was created to be used in all 3 countries, our economies would be linked together.

OP, thanks for posting this info. This doesn't surprise me.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 02:44 PM
so you're saying the amero will be given out it 4 weeks?

i find that really hard to believe

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 02:57 PM
This is completely impossible. Look at Europe, it took them years of incremental changes to move towards a single currency.

You can't just print up a bunch of 'Ameros' and hand them out instead of dollars. All the records and computer programming of the banks, financial firms, stock markets, and even simple merchants would have to be updated.

There's no way this could be done secretly and quickly.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
This is completely impossible. Look at Europe, it took them years of incremental changes to move towards a single currency.

You can't just print up a bunch of 'Ameros' and hand them out instead of dollars. All the records and computer programming of the banks, financial firms, stock markets, and even simple merchants would have to be updated.

There's no way this could be done secretly and quickly.

Be that as it may, I can see the hand writing on the wall and am going to put my retirement savings into tangibles or euros, just like Bill Gates did.
I would think the richest man in the world might have his finger on some sort of economic pulse. Im gonna buy an island.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
The North American Union is true. They even have a government website that gives info about it.

I would like to see that website, do you have the link to it?

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 03:38 PM
The way Bush runs the country, it would not be suprising to see him cripple it.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Look, If it's really like that in the US, but in Canada We have a Hard time having conspiracies like that, even our Secret Service is a civilian service in which the members are not even allowed to have a Gun

Are you talking about CSIS? If so I can assure you they do carry guns. Ive seen them in Toronto a few times and they ARE armed*. Why would our secret sevrice not be armed? We are not old skool Briton(I think even the Brits pack heat now) The secret service would be involved in more dangerous cases and would require some sort of weapon. Not packing would be stupid.

As for the NAU, Good ole Paul Martin signed us on, so it doesn't matter what the current jackass PM would do. Question: Does any Canadian really think Harper gives a rats ass about us? He's been in Bush's pocket since the beginning. He's also been to Bilderburg! The governments of all three of our respective nations are in on it. It will be implemented on whatever time frame they want. Only revolution will solve this.

*After looking into it further it seems that CSIS is not allowed to be armed. But I did see Uniformed officers working beside CSIS agents who had CSIS jackets on and were visibly carrying firearms. Contrary to the law, some have weapons.

[edit on 24-1-2007 by Chronic_Blaze]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 04:25 PM
Well to all the naysayers out there countries regularly over history have changed currencies and thats a fact. Also another fact is that usually when the switch comes there is always a negative for the man on the street in the conversion, they invariably always take some value off you and never give you value in this process.

I was only just born when they switched from pounds here in Australia to the Australian Dollar and the conversion was in the Governmetns favour. Then they removed the 1 and 2 cent peices with rounding coming into effect wereby from 4c and below it was rounded down and 6c and above rounded up. When this happened the mysterious $1999.99 phenomenom started up and is still with us today.

The Amero could happen thats a possibility and Alex Jones has been saying this will be a reality for years, the fact that the Euro Dollar come into existance is also another indicator of this possibility.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 04:27 PM
I think Melborune Milita is a man that grows wealthy from getting people to buy Gold and Silver!!!! Its in alot of your posts

HHAHAAHAHHA good find man!

This means I will be even more broke then I was before I have like $100 bucks and if its 4 american dollars to every Amero damn!!! I would have nothing

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by KonigKaos
I think Melborune Milita is a man that grows wealthy from getting people to buy Gold and Silver!!!! Its in alot of your posts

HHAHAAHAHHA good find man!

This means I will be even more broke then I was before I have like $100 bucks and if its 4 american dollars to every Amero damn!!! I would have nothing

You have a good sense of humour, i wish I got rich from people buying gold and silver. The best gold and silver I have are my forks and spoons in the kitchen.

Anyway, keep up the discussion, I beleive its important both for the Yanks and the rest out there

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
This is completely impossible. Look at Europe, it took them years of incremental changes to move towards a single currency.

You can't just print up a bunch of 'Ameros' and hand them out instead of dollars. All the records and computer programming of the banks, financial firms, stock markets, and even simple merchants would have to be updated.

There's no way this could be done secretly and quickly.

Agreed. Even putting out our current changed currency was quite a process.

I think the caller's a hoaxer. I believe that in 4 weeks there won't be any "new currency" or even a hint at a "new currency." Everyone on the continent would be aware of such a thing. Merchants aren't just going to blithely accept new money that shows up on their doorsteps.

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