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Who's against the North American Union?

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posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 06:12 PM
Guess what people. A resolution has been introduced in Congress, showing their discontent for the formation of the North American Union.

This link goes to the Government Printing Office Web Site, of which contains the official versions of Bills and Resolutions that are on the desks of our Congresspersons.

Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States
should not engage in the construction of a North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway
System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico
and Canada.

Also, pay close attention to the Congresspersons that have introduced the Resolution to stop the formation of the North American Union. Your 2008 Presidential Nominee... Ron Paul.

Mr. GOODE (for himself, Mr. WAMP, Mr. JONES of North Carolina, Mr. PAUL,
Mr. STEARNS, Mr. DUNCAN, and Ms. FOXX) submitted the following concurrent
resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Transportation
and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on Foreign
Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in
each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction
of the committee concerned
additional source


Write to these people to show your support. Write to your own Congress Representatives to urge them to support this Resolution.

[edit on 1/23/2007 by Infoholic]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:35 PM
Why are these people opposing us becoming something that no one is suggesting we become?

THe so called 'North American Union' is not being seriously advocated, and connecting highways in the US, Mexico, and Canada, especially merely have faster transport of trade goods, hardly means that the federal government is going to be disolved.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
THe so called 'North American Union' is not being seriously advocated, and connecting highways in the US, Mexico, and Canada, especially merely have faster transport of trade goods, hardly means that the federal government is going to be disolved.

Not being seriously advocated?

Explain to me why a Congressional Resolution is being presented on the Congressional Floor to back out of the steps being taken to form the N.A.U.

Merely faster transport of trade goods? Yea... to further fund the N.A.U.

Hardly a means of dissolving the federal government? Ask each of the members of the European Union to compare their current rights as apposed to what it was before the E.U. was formed.

Dissolving the federal government? Do you honestly believe the United States Constitution will remain when the N.A.U. takes place? Do you think the United States government will rule the other two nations when the N.A.U. is formed?


[edit on 1/23/2007 by Infoholic]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:29 PM
There is no way in hell we are going to dissolve everything our forefathers did to unionize with Mexico and Canada.

There is no way the GOP will allow a unionization with Canada OR Mexico - Canada, too liberal and will unbalance the liberal and conservative ratio in the U.S.; Mexico, flood of poor immigrants.

I'm sure most Americans wouldn't want a union either. This isn't a HUGE issue, but it definately is an issue.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:43 PM
It is one step towards one World Government, it will start with the North American Union and will expand into the Pan American Union. Eventually all the unions will join together and one currency will be formed to please the bankers who are behind this NWO effort. It won't be stopped, you will not be given the choice or chance to stop it.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by DraconianKing
It won't be stopped, you will not be given the choice or chance to stop it.

I sincerely disagree with this statement DK...

It can be stopped. We are given a choice currently under our Constitution and Bill of Rights to put an end to all their crap. We are given a choice under our Constitution and Bill of Rights to stop it.

The key is that the general populous of the United States needs to exercise their rights to "tell" Congress to get these steps changed, as is being done with the Resolution mentioned in my original post.

It takes us all to stand up to our government. Just a few won't get it done, but with the majority of Americans realizing that "we" control our government, "we" can do anything.

[edit on 1/23/2007 by Infoholic]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Infoholic
Explain to me why a Congressional Resolution is being presented on the Congressional Floor to back out of the steps being taken to form the N.A.U.

Because there are paranoid, irrational people in congress. People don't need a good reason to put up something to a vote in congress.

Merely faster transport of trade goods? Yea... to further fund the N.A.U.

So you say.

Hardly a means of dissolving the federal government? Ask each of the members of the European Union to compare their current rights as apposed to what it was before the E.U. was formed.

Again, this is a highway.

Dissolving the federal government? Do you honestly believe the United States Constitution will remain when the N.A.U. takes place?

There isn't going to BE an "NAU".

This isn't a HUGE issue, but it definately is an issue.

Its not a huge issue, its an imaginary issue. There is no "NAU". People talk about security cooperation, and they scream "its the NAU". Twenty years ago it was "the UN superstate", 50 years ago it was "the NWO", and a few hundred years ago it was 'the illuminati', etc etc. Still, nothing happens. I wonder what the new formulation after the "NAU" will be? Looks like people are already worried about a 'global caliphate', maybe that will be it.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Because there are paranoid, irrational people in congress. People don't need a good reason to put up something to a vote in congress.

OK... so you are telling me that SPP + S. 3622 = paranoid irrationalism? They might be in Congress, but there's plenty more where that came from. You are in denial, Nygdan.

Originally posted by Nygdan
So you say.

Beautiful debunking technique.

Originally posted by Nygdan

Hardly a means of dissolving the federal government? Ask each of the members of the European Union to compare their current rights as apposed to what it was before the E.U. was formed.

Again, this is a highway.

You are avoiding the point of that quote. The highway is going to be the main artery of connecting the three nations. It's more than just another highway. Again, ask each of the members of the European Union to compare their current rights as apposed to what it was before the E.U. was formed.

Originally posted by Nygdan

Dissolving the federal government? Do you honestly believe the United States Constitution will remain when the N.A.U. takes place?

There isn't going to BE an "NAU".

You're right, as long as someone (ya know, those paranoid irrationalists you say exist) does something about it.

Originally posted by Nygdan

This isn't a HUGE issue, but it definately is an issue.

Its not a huge issue, its an imaginary issue. There is no "NAU". People talk about security cooperation, and they scream "its the NAU". Twenty years ago it was "the UN superstate", 50 years ago it was "the NWO", and a few hundred years ago it was 'the illuminati', etc etc. Still, nothing happens. I wonder what the new formulation after the "NAU" will be? Looks like people are already worried about a 'global caliphate', maybe that will be it.

- Yes, it is a HUGE issue for every American citizen.

- And all these entities that people "screamed" about came true, did they not?

[edit on 1/23/2007 by Infoholic]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Nygdan, again... Seriously, are you a government propagandist or something like that?

There is no way the GOP will allow a unionization with Canada OR Mexico - Canada, too liberal and will unbalance the liberal and conservative ratio in the U.S.; Mexico, flood of poor immigrants.

HAHAHA. Yeah right. Bush signed it. Bush is in the GOP if I remember?

I'm sure most Americans wouldn't want a union either. This isn't a HUGE issue, but it definately is an issue.

Well, I agree. Americans and Canadians are against it. Mexicans on the other side... And It's a HUGE issue. Because it would dissolve constitutions.

Personally, I'm doing everything I can to counter it.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:11 PM
Great find Infoholic!
At least we have a few elected officials looking out for us

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:14 PM
I'm against it naturally, but you watch somthing will happen that will kill this bill, because the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the moving force behind this effort for the NAU, we know it will eventually succeed.

Text"President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy. Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada. President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming, much as the European Union has formed."

Imagine 32 million canadians adopting the US dollar over the whacky canadian dollar

Text"Canada will abandon the loonie (Canadian dollar) and become the US Federal Reserve's 13th district 'within five years' unless the government changes its policies to prop up the eroding Canadian currency, Jeffrey Rubin, chief economist for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, is quoted as saying in a report in The Financial Times. While other Canadian economists have begun forecasting a shift to the US dollar in 10 to 20 years or more, Rubin's is considered the most slender time frame in Canada opting for the US currency. As the Canadian dollar is slowly becoming obsolete, government officials on both sides consider the border between the two countries also 'obsolete'. If at all, it will remain in symbolic terms'."

so you see the wheels are turning for this UNION to take place.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:19 PM
I'll die before I submit that's for sure. I won't let my country under those power-hungry people. And Canada won't adopt the US dollar, we will have the amero for the entire north america, just like the Euro.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:28 PM
have any of you played the game "state of emergency"? thats what this proposell makes me think of....well if our governments all over the world hook up for one global purpose of trade then it would be a corporation and the nwo at the same's super simple really. we are witnessing conciously the transformation of the nwo comming into power. can we stop it? yes. how? i don't know, just get on your feet and march, write your congressmen. motivate and teach everyone you know about what the reality of overt control is....billions are still duped by our government. poor souls, we are awakening though, thats why we are here.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by k4rupt
There is no way in hell we are going to dissolve everything our forefathers did to unionize with Mexico and Canada.

Corporate America might have something to say about that..along with the ridiculous number of illegal aliens getting across the border every single day.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Ross Cross]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Infoholic
OK... so you are telling me that SPP + S. 3622 = paranoid irrationalism?

If you think that those bills equate to a 'North American Union", then yes. Its cooperation between nations, not dissolution of sovereign governments, not even unionization ala the EU.

They might be in Congress, but there's plenty more where that came from. You are in denial, Nygdan.

Because of google results for "north american union"?

Beautiful debunking technique.

Its entirely approrpriate in response to your 'bunk' technique. You have done nothign other than to say 'they want to build a highway' and 'they want to cooperate' and then claim it is proof of a plot against the federal government. You keep making claims, but you're not backing them up.

The highway is going to be the main artery of connecting the three nations. It's more than just another highway.

Its a highway that will allow shipping companies to have a more efficient and centralized package inspection and security procedure, and switfly move goods to their markets. If anything, its an expansion of American values into mexico and canada, not a suppression of free america.

Again, ask each of the members of the European Union to compare their current rights as apposed to what it was before the E.U. was formed.


You're right, as long as someone (ya know, those paranoid irrationalists you say exist) does something about it.

It is pointless to work against something that isn't even out there, its like elephant repellent.

And all these entities that people "screamed" about came true, did they not?

What? Not a single one of them did. The UN is NOT a superstate, its a weak, inept, sidelined, weak organization with no political teeth. There is no "NWO" ruling over us as a global dictatorship. The Illuminati Order fought for liberty and was destroyed by church and state autocrats, and last I checked, there last real caliphate was beaten and his empire over part of the middle east was torn apart.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Nygdan, again... Seriously, are you a government propagandist or something like that?

Why? Because I have a difference of opinion from you?

HAHAHA. Yeah right. Bush signed it. Bush is in the GOP if I remember?

Bush didn't sign anything that unionized the US and Mexico.

so you see the wheels are turning for this UNION to take place.

But the CFR isn't advocating that there be a NAU or NWO or anything like that. It is advocating more cooperation between the three governments, out of their mutual self-interests. Its not calling for a break down of American sovereignty, or anything like that.
And besides, the CFR is a non-governmental organization, it is well respected, and because of that it is influential, but it can't dictate laws or policy or anything like that. The best it can do is advocate for a position.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 12:15 AM
The powers that be have been planning this for a long time Nygdan.
"new states constitution"
$25 million of your tax dollars were spent on its development.

The links that Infoholic provided show that our tax dollars are being spent in Mexico to improve roads,schools,and other infrastructure to shorten the economic gap between Mexico and the U.S and Canada.

And if no one is "advocating" a NAU where did all the fuss about the "Amero" come from?

I can't believe a mod here at ats would dismiss all of this so easily.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
If you think that those bills equate to a 'North American Union", then yes. Its cooperation between nations, not dissolution of sovereign governments, not even unionization ala the EU.

- Yes, I think those bills equate to a N.A.U.
- It's cooperation between nations, in order to form a Union... in the long run.

Speaking of the Council on Foreign Relations... look at this Nygdan:

When the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States met in Texas recently they underscored the deep ties and shared principles of the three countries. The Council-sponsored Task Force applauds the announced “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America,” but proposes a more ambitious vision of a new community by 2010 and specific recommendations on how to achieve it.
Building a North American Community - Pay attention to the web page "title", Nygdan.

You tell me, Mr. Knows-all... what the hell does that mean? If not to form a Union under the guise of a "prosperity partnership", than what?

Originally posted by Nygdan
Because of google results for "north american union"?

That was used for you to be able to search and read on your own... to signify that it's more than these "paranoid, irrational people", let alone being in Congress.. but anywhere, and everywhere, as depicted by my "googled" source.

Originally posted by Nygdan
Its entirely approrpriate in response to your 'bunk' technique. You have done nothign other than to say 'they want to build a highway' and 'they want to cooperate' and then claim it is proof of a plot against the federal government. You keep making claims, but you're not backing them up.


Infoholic: "Nygdan, what's your name?"
Nygdan: "Nygdan."
Infoholic: "No it isn't."

Yes, Nygdan.... entirely appropriate.

Originally posted by Nygdan
Its a highway that will allow shipping companies to have a more efficient and centralized package inspection and security procedure, and switfly move goods to their markets. If anything, its an expansion of American values into mexico and canada, not a suppression of free america.

Expansion of values!!!???? What are you smokin!?

Here's an idea (one come up with by the "one's in power", not by me...

"Let's unite the U.S., Canada, and Mexico... We'll have them under the same "constitution" so that they alllll have to pay taxes to "us"."

Are you catching on........ yet?

Originally posted by Nygdan

Ask the question, Nygdan. It's not irrelevant, but to those that are apathetic to the future of our country. Yet again... "ask each of the members of the European Union to compare their current rights as apposed to what it was before the E.U. was formed."... It's relevant because they have already seen what will happen with the formation of another union. I'm willing to bet my ATS points on the fact that they lost freedoms.

Originally posted by Nygdan
It is pointless to work against something that isn't even out there, its like elephant repellent.

Are you suggesting that elephants don't exist!?!?!

They, those in power, don't want you to know. They want you to remain apathetic..... and.... they sure as the hell don't want you to stop what they are doing.

Originally posted by Nygdan
What? Not a single one of them did. The UN is NOT a superstate, its a weak, inept, sidelined, weak organization with no political teeth. There is no "NWO" ruling over us as a global dictatorship. The Illuminati Order fought for liberty and was destroyed by church and state autocrats, and last I checked, there last real caliphate was beaten and his empire over part of the middle east was torn apart.

So... the UN doesn't exist? The purpose behind the UN doesn't exist? As stated by Bush Sr.... it'll be here before you know it. The North American Union is but only a piece of the puzzle before the NWO can be put into full effect... "out of the closet".

The Illuminati? Go here:
I'm not going to do all the leg work for you, Nygdan.

The only thing you've been able to do to "debunk" the N.A.U. is support your own opinion with "Nope, it's never gonna happen, cause I said so.

[edit on 1/24/2007 by Infoholic]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 06:58 AM
Good find, Infoholic.
But I must admit that I need to research this further before I make up my mind on it.

I remember Ross Perot warning us about NAFTA. Remember his "giant sucking sound" quote?

But if this is as Nygdan suggests, simply the construction of a trade corridor between the three countries, then I can see it's benefit. Esp. if it has the potential to increase and streamline package inspection and security, and to get goods to market faster.

Gotta hit the books on this one...

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:42 AM
Believe there's no plans for a North American Union???

Then check this website:

Notice that it has a .gov designation meaning it is an official government site.

NAU site

This site covers joint negotiations with Canada and Mexico on internal and external (to North America) trade and defense issues.

Before commenting, I really suggest you read through this.

[edit on 1/24/2007 by centurion1211]

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