posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 08:27 AM
Faith is more than make believing. It's not just thought up.. and heres why. People gain faith through adherence to a religion. They read the texts
of the religion, and then over time they become more and more confident that it is truth.
This does not open the door to anything imaginable, only that which can be backed up with lots of information from older sources at the foundation
level where special things usually have taken place. For example, Scientology. Scientology would not exist if Hubbard wouldn't have made it all up in
text. There would be no model to go by, nothing written by someone claiming divine providence (what a massive claim to make, i mean, almost certainly
your fellow man wont believe you if he didn't see the miracle or apparition himself, much like you claim to require physical, 4 dimensional,
matter-based proof of a God for it to exist). If you didn't see it yourself, you aren't going to take my word for it.
The old saints of the old testament and new testament knew this. They knew that if they told common men that they had just seen an angel or heard a
Godly voice that most wont believe them, so why do it? because it actually happened, and they're awestruck and perplexed as any would be by such
an encounter.
So even knowing most wont believe, and most will think that said person is crazy, they still tell everyone they can, because it was so BEYOND what
they knew to be.. ie; this physical, 4 dimensional, matter based reality we are in until we die.
There cannot be irrefutable proof of God because if there were, then man would have no free will to choose between God and faith, or not believing in
God and being deceived. If God was physical and in front of your eyes, you'd know without a doubt that he exists, and you'd worship him accordingly.
Tell me, where would the dominion of the Deceiver be? No room for error? Nothing to twist and lie with? Nothing to use to deceive? Satan exists to
deceive us to create the full experience of free will and free choice. This is why faith also exists. God wants his elect.. not someone who was of so
little faith that they never gave God a chance, and denounced him openly. So you cant know 100% with physical proof in hand because if you could, the
entire creation, including mankind, would be utterly pointless. Think of this as the rat race, boot camp, the test grounds. Not all will pass. If all
were going to pass anyways, then why take the test?
[edit on 2/17/2007 by runetang]