I've been a healthy person my entire life, never had any allergies to anything until I was around 21. One day I started getting itching sensations
in little random spots, and I couldn't help but scratch. There was nothing there, no rashes, nothing that even the dermatologist can see. The
itching would also only last for little while, then 'jump' to other spots on my body, and so on. As you can see, nobody can go out in public
scratching like a mad man everywhere, so I decided to take Reactin, and it helped. No more itching.
At that time, I couldn't be bothered to find out the cause of this itching. As long as I was taking Reactin, I was fine. I figured I'm probably
allergic to dust or something in the air. I even bought special dustproof sheets for my bed and pillow.
I kept taking Reactin for about 5 years when I realized that this is not the solution. It is expensive, and I really don't want to take this
medication for the rest of my life. I then decided to go see an allergist 'specialist' here. After doing the random tests, he told me I was
allergic to the following:
- chicken
- chocolate
- dogs
- cats
- grass
- dust
- bread
- pollen
- peanuts
This came as a shock to me as I never experienced any symptoms throughout my life when I was around these plants and food. He then suggested that I
take shots that included the allergens stated above, in little doses, and that will make my body get used to it. The only catch, I can't take any
Reactin while I'm on it. I refused because again, I can't go scratching in public, and also, I didn't believe I was allergic to all these
Another year went by when I was talked into going to see another specialist, but a russian doctor named Felix Ravikovich. I figured 'great, same
thing again' but I decided to give it a try.
I went to see him, and he explained that his treatment is not guranteed, however, it can only get better. It was only $100 for a 20 shot program, and
the cost of the medicine was $100. I was thinking, wow, doesn't he keep any of this money? oh well.. He also sold me his book, for $25, called
'The Histamine Connection - The Plot Against Asthma Allergy Patients'. I thought wow, this guy is milking me for money here, but fine. I'll read
his precious little book.
I'm no 'science-tician'
but it opened my eyes. As far as I know, all allergy medicine prescribed out there is called 'anti-histamine'. It
stops the production of histamine in the body. For people with allergies, there is an overflow of histamine in the body, and one consequence of that
is making the immune system very hypersensitive. Anything (foreign matter) can set it off. This explains why some people get symptoms when around
cats, or some around dogs, etc.
So anti-histamine blocks the production of histamine > immune system is calm > no symptoms > no itching, sneezing, etc. Obviously, this is only a
temporary relief, and the next day, you have to take another anti-histamine pill.
What I didn't know, is that histamine has many roles in the body. It affects the nervous system, the brain, your stomach, also it's responsible for
libido as well. By blocking histamine, your body is having other issues as a result. The cure? you go to a stomach doctor, get more pills for your
stomach, have more side effects, and the circle continues. The point is to keep you coming back.
What Dr. Ravikovich does he targets the 'faucet' that produces histamine in the body and repairs it so there isn't an overflow. Let me type that
again. REPAIRS IT not blocking it. He goes after the ROOT CAUSE of it, unlike masking the symptoms like our anti-histamine friends.
By doing so, he can actually cure you. He's cured over 3000 patients, including myself, and I never ever imagined I will be off allergy
I've been off it for the past 2 years, and never had the symptoms come back. For this, he got in legal trouble from the Ontario Medical Board and
had his license suspended for a bit. They even did a show on TV about him, unfortunately I didn't know about him at the time.
I urge everyone to buy his book for the measley $25 CDN from his website, just google his name, inform yourself, and perhaps you can also be cured
like me.
Thanks for taking the time reading this post.