posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 01:36 PM
What this is called is Harlequin ichthyosis. Most born with this die within the first two days of birth. I can assure you this is not an alien baby.
The baby most likely has what is the skin condition listed above. I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I have watched a wonderful documentary on two
British families that have children with this condition. It is an incredible challenge in every aspect of life to live with this condition and care
for someone with it.
One set was sisters, and their story is absolutely incredible. I would like to post the link to information on these sisters because their story is
reallly worth the read.
Harlequin Ichthyosis
Here are more case images of this condition which will show that this case posted is not one of a kind.
More cases
The documentary took place in the family homes, medical institutions, and universities. The great news is that they might have a better grasp of this
condition now, and these people with this condition just might have a chance of a normal life.
This documentary truly touched me and I am very happy for these families ... they have been through so much! You can read more about this documentary
on the link above. Here is a quote from the site listed above to shed some light on the research that has gone into this condition.
Research led by Professor David Kelsell from the Centre for Cutaneous Research, has made a major breakthrough in this disorder. His team have found
that a gene called ABCA12, which codes for a protein that is important in lipid transport, skin barrier formation and skin cell development is
abnormal in this disease. Mutations within this gene were found to be the major cause of Harlequin Ichythosis.