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Is Masonic Symbolism Christian?

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posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 06:05 PM
The thread about the Eastern Star got me thinking; some symbols that Masonry uses has Christian and occult meanings* Since I believe masonry to be primarily a Christian organization, and from the masons on this site that seems to be the case; my question is is it the christian meaning of all symbols used that are the ones that are accepted in masonry? Honestly my lawyer and his father are both masons, and are the most stanch presbyterians you would ever meet; I truly believe they would have a heart attack if they learned their was anything "occult" to masonry* So what of it? Is all mason symbolism of a Christian nature?

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 06:10 PM
It totally depends on the context in which we refer to as what is "Christian":


Paganism and Masonry

Most Christian sects have totally vulgarized the Christic-symbolism as taught by Master Aberamentho(Yehoshua).

As have many modern Masons:

Parting On The Square

But I don't pretend to be an expert on Masonic symbolism on every level of course.

It's just that some basic meanings have been completely over-looked.


[edit on 22-1-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:36 AM
To begin with, I would not say Christian in nature but Jewish in nature. At least as far as I've gotten, without getting into details, the majority of ritual work deals predominately with the Old Testament. This leads many to claim it is predominately Christian in nature, but these same people forget that Christians aren't the only ones that view the Old Testament as their own.

Regarding Occult influence it honestly all depends on the lodge. Their are some lodges that meet and have dinner, do 20 minutes of lodge business, and sprint to the nearest watering hole; that is not Christian or anything in nature, and in my view a very poor lodge. My lodge while not directly referring to it as the Occult would absolutely turn the toe-nails of your lawyer and his father if they are rabidly Conservatie Christians, which is relative if they are Presbyterians, (we discuss thing's that are not in the bible as terrifying as that sounds.)

We've talked about such topics as Sufism, the Kabbalah in regards to Sacred Geometry and the Tree of Life, Numerology, Hindu Meditation techniques, Christian Mysticism (you would be surprised how many staunch Christians have a problem with that subject after they learn a bit about it,) those are a few examples.

Is Masonry Christian in nature, absolutely not, but it is influenced by its membership which, at least in the majority of the U.S., tends to be predominately Christian and conservative Christians at that unfortunately. I feel that those that approach it as solely a Christian practice are missing the main point of Masonry and could get so much more out of it.


posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 02:11 PM
Alot of 'hidden' symbols used are from Judaism.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 04:20 PM
I don't know why people continue to ask whether Masonry is Christian or not... To my knowledge, Masonry has never officially decreed itself as being Christian... Is there Christian influence? Certainly. Are there Christians in Masonry... I imagine in certain types of lodges there are.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by adc
Alot of 'hidden' symbols used are from Judaism.

So...exactly what sort of symbol is "hidden"?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by adc
Alot of 'hidden' symbols used are from Judaism.

So...exactly what sort of symbol is "hidden"?

2 out of 3 tracing boards at any given time...

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:50 PM
The actual symbols? Well yes many are out of the OT. As far as rituals I suppose many things reflect it. Considering the prayers said as well, this could only add to the case.

As far as your pops and lawyer chap having a heart attack, some people are blind to the rituals. Some focus more on the words than well the secrets. That's why Masonry is neat, its like an easter egg hunt. Almost like an inner sect who understands and others who have no idea. Some would disagree with me on that, but you can obviously see why, by what I stated. Than again I have not done every degree available to fully comment on this.

Originally posted by Count Germails Lovechild
The thread about the Eastern Star got me thinking; some symbols that Masonry uses has Christian and occult meanings* Since I believe masonry to be primarily a Christian organization, and from the masons on this site that seems to be the case; my question is is it the christian meaning of all symbols used that are the ones that are accepted in masonry? Honestly my lawyer and his father are both masons, and are the most stanch presbyterians you would ever meet; I truly believe they would have a heart attack if they learned their was anything "occult" to masonry* So what of it? Is all mason symbolism of a Christian nature?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:16 PM
Thanks for evryones responses, and yes; I failed to distinguish Old Testament symbols from Christianity* I suppose Masonic symbols can be interpreted through whatever glasses you are wearing but esp if those glasses are of Christian, Judaic, or Islamic glass

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Count Germails Lovechild
So what of it? Is all mason symbolism of a Christian nature?

Symbols are entirely subjective. They mean absolutely nothing on their own. You can not look at a symbol and get an 'objective' reading, you have to be taught what it means.

So one group can take a symbol, and teach it as meaning one thing, while another group can teach it as meaning something completely antithetical to that.

I don't think that there is any single, universal, agreed upon, taught meaning for all symbols used in masonry. This is probably becuase the symbols weren't introduced by a single person, or even a single committee, but rather by many people, from many traditions, over a great amount of time.

And further complicating the matter, people have, within masonry, re-interpreted previously used symbols. THis means that some people will agree with the reinterpretation, and it will be popular, while others won't, and will keep the different interpretation.

So there is no way to really say what the symbols really are. They only have the subjective meaning that a person is taught that they have, iow, their meaning is nothing more than how you actually use them.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Symbols are entirely subjective. They mean absolutely nothing on their own. You can not look at a symbol and get an 'objective' reading, you have to be taught what it means.

This is a commonly held belief.

And it is used by many to justify the use of the inverted Pentagram.

See this: Explanation of the Esoteric Pentagram

But Mantrayana and other forms of Esoteric Science, teach that Geometric patterns, Words of Power(Mantra/Hekau) and Sound in general, are all inter-related.

It is also taught that one can Intuit the Objective meaning of a symbol in Meditation.

This is of course related to the Mandalas, Thangkas, Yantras, etc. which are for utilized in Tantric-Visualization Meditations.

The Objective Outer and sometimes Inner meaning of a symbol, may or may-not be able to be communicated verbally(taught).

But the Objective Secret meaning, must most definitely be Intuited in Meditation with it's corresponding Mantra given by the Guru.

In the Beginning, from the Empty Void(which is Pure Being); AUSARES, from the ATEM, brings manifestation through the Word of Power(AUN), as to fecundate the Eternal formless Matter or NU:

The Universal Saviour

"I (Osiris) brought my own name into my mouth as a Word of Power, and I forthwith came into being under the form of things which are and under the form of Khepera (Creator). - The Book of Knowing the Evolutions of Ra, and of Overthrowing Apep (Egyptian)"

"In a year he (Prajapati) desired to speak. He uttered 'bhurbhuva svar'. 'Bhur' which means earth; 'bhuva' which became figment and 'svar' which became the sky…with his mouth he created the gods. - The Satapatha Brahmana (Hindu)"

"This is the beginning of the Ancient Word… the potential and source for everything done. - The Popol Vuh (Mayan)"

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - The Holy Bible (Christian)"

The Word is universal. It is known by all great religions and spiritual traditions.

The entire creation is made by the Word. The Cosmic Christ is the Word.

The Word in Greek is the Logos. The Logos is the Supernal Triangle of the Kabbalah.

The following free on-line books are also recommended:

Logos, Mantra, Theurgy

Geometry of the Word
The word produces objective geometric figures. These geometric figures crystallize materially when they are endowed with cosmic matter. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…All things were made by him..!" John 1: 1. The geometric figures of words are concretely recorded on a magnetic tape for use in recording sound. Thus, it is enough to pass the needle over the recording tape for all the words pronounced by the speaker to resound with intensity again.

When phonetic combinations are made with wisdom, mantras are produced. Therefore, a Mantra is a wise combination of letters whose sounds determine spiritual, psychic, and also physical effects.

Before all the languages of the Tower of Babel were scattered upon the face of the earth, only one language, a language of Gold, a universal idiom existed. That language has its perfect Cosmic Grammar. The letters of that golden language are written within all of Nature. Whosoever has studied the Nordic Runes and the Hebrew, Chinese, and Tibetan characters, will be able to intuit such a "Cosmic Language" with its enigmatic letters.

Sexual - Laryngeal Relationship
An Intimate relationship between the sexual glands and the Creative Larynx exists. When a young man reaches the age of 14, his voice is transformed into the voice of a mature man. Such a transformation is due to the hormone-releasing activity of his sexual glands. Therefore, the intimate relationship between the sexual glands and the Creative Larynx is incontrovertible!

Of course some symbols have different levels of vibratory-strength than others, whether helpful or harmful; while some symbols may be vague, jumbled, incoherent and not mean much at all aside from the subjective value assigned to them.

This book too:

The Seven Words

...Nevertheless, Paul has already achieved the Resurrection and is presently incarnated once again; he is Master Hilarion, author of the book, Light on the Path.

This is the doctrine of the First Fathers of the Gnostic-Catholic Church.

To this doctrine belonged Basilides, Saturnius of Antioch, Simon Magus, Carpocrates, founder of various convents in Spain, Marcion of Pontus, Saint Thomas, Valentinus, St. Augustine, Tertulian, St. Ambrose, Ireneaus, Hyppolitus, Epiphanius, Clement of Alexandria, Marcus, Cerdo, Empedocles, St. Jerome, etc. This is the ancient doctrine of the Nazarenes, of the Sethians, the Peratae, the Valentinians, the Justinians, etc.

This is the ancient doctrine which was known in all the ancient schools of mysteries, and which Christ taught in secrecy to his seventy disciples.

This is the secret science that I, Samael Aun Weor, am diffusing publicly to initiate the Age of Aquarius. This is the secret doctrine of our Divine Savior; all this Gnostic Wisdom is enclosed within The Pistis Sophia.


[edit on 24-1-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 01:31 PM
^^^^^^^I find a lot of wisdom in Tamahus above post: if the meaning of symbols are entirely subjective then the symbol in essence has no meaning, or at least no universal meaning* If I am not incorrect on this, theourgy teaches that their is a powerful force, or meaning "behind" symbols, a universal essence of nature that transcends all dogmas and interpretations* This is where the intellect becomes the barrior to emotional comprehension* Also, this brings the question, how were these symbols first wrought? And for what reason? Their is also a deep philosiphical question here, that is one of cultural relevancy vs underlining meaning* Are there universal mores' or guidelines under which societies might no, i would say) or is there only cultural relevancy which states that the guidelines for society are to be determined by its culture at that particular time? If symbols are completely subjective they in essence mean nothing* If there is even a trace of objectivity to symbolism then many people are wrong about their meaning and continue to spread falsehood

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Count Germails Lovechild
Also, this brings the question, how were these symbols first wrought?

The Inner meanings of Positive symbols that lead us to the direct Comprehension of our Original Nature(Neter), come from the Divine Knowledge-Wisdom(Nous) of the Christ!

The Universal Saviour

"I (Osiris) brought my own name into my mouth as a Word of Power, and I forthwith came into being under the form of things which are and under the form of Khepera (Creator). - The Book of Knowing the Evolutions of Ra, and of Overthrowing Apep (Egyptian)"

"In a year he (Prajapati) desired to speak. He uttered 'bhurbhuva svar'. 'Bhur' which means earth; 'bhuva' which became figment and 'svar' which became the sky…with his mouth he created the gods. - The Satapatha Brahmana (Hindu)"

"This is the beginning of the Ancient Word… the potential and source for everything done. - The Popol Vuh (Mayan)"

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - The Holy Bible (Christian)"

As for your other questions....

The Word Gnosis is from Greek and means "knowledge." The knowledge that is referred to here is not limited to intellectual knowledge; it really indicates a specific type of knowledge that is experiential and that has a specific purpose: the complete development of the Human Being.

"Gnosis is lived upon facts, withers away in abstractions, and is difficult to find even in the noblest of thoughts." - Samael Aun Weor

[edit on 24-1-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 07:00 PM
More helpful info on Mantra and the Third Logos or Grand Demiurge Architect here:


METU NETER Vol.1, Pg. 221-224

...The phase of birth (rebirth) is under the dominion of Khepere (Aima, the fertile mother in the Canaanite tradition), while the phase of decay and death is symbolized by the Hennu or Af (dead flesh) boat in which travels the “aged Ra” (Ama, the dreaded sterile mother, and Kali).

Khepere or Aima brings all things into manifestation through the 50 sound units of power residing in the 3rd sphere. These sound units, which are the basis of all hekau, are metaphorized as the eggs of the beetle symbolizing Khepere, the 50 gates of Binah, the 50 skulls strung as the necklace of Kali (the Indus Kush Seker), the 50 oarsmen propelling the boat of Ausar, and they are analogous to the 500,000 or so eggs that every woman is born with. At this level, these spiritual powers do not manifest the things of which they are the germs, but the underlying structure (divine plan) that provides the order governing the harmonious interaction of the forces shaping the formation of things, and their interaction. These structures appoint the places in space and time ordering all manifestations. Incidentally, because it’s creative function corresponds to the female gender, which the Canaanite tradition supports (the Goddess Aima), this deity often appears (possesses) in its female form when invoked. As such, her name is Sekert

...The discipline of adhering to the cycles governing life that this sphere imposes upon us is for the sake of enabling us to succeed in the use of words of power, as their manifestations are ordered by the law of cycles in order to keep them from conflicting with each other. All hekau (plural of heka) are based on 50 single sounds units which are symbolized in the Phoenicial Kabalistical system as the 50 gates of Binah, or the Goddess Ama through which all things in the world come into being, and are recycled. In India she appears a Kundala or Kali, the Great Mother who wears the necklace of 50 skulls. As mistress of the words of power, and mother of all living things, she is depicted traveling in the boat of the star Sepdt (Sirius), which is propelled by 50 oarsmen. These sound units are distributed throughout the 14 chakras making up man’s subtle body. As this sphere corresponds to the highest manifestation of man’s spiritual power, it is the dwelling place of the power aspect of his spirit. In the Kamitic tradition it is the Shekem (Sahidic Coptic “Shkum”); in the Kabalistical, the Shekinah; in the Indus tradition, the Shakti. Men who wielded this power were given the title of “Shekem”. In fact, this is the true title for the Kamitic king of kings. The term found its way into the Arabic where we find that the great royal leaders are called Sheik. In India the kundalini yogis are called shakta, and their counterpart further up north are called shamans. It is important to note that all of these cognate terms all begin with the letter “Sh”. Egyptologists commonly render the term as “Sekem”, even though many words written with the hieroglyph for “S” appear as “Sh” in the Coptic, Hebraic, and Phoenician. We see the same in the Hindu rendition of many Dravidian words. For example, Shakti and shakta are also rendered sakti and sakta.

© Ra Un Nefer Amen

For the entire excerpt^^^ see the link.

The following should also be kept in mind:

How is tantra related with the development of the kundalini?

It is necessary to attain the most absolute sanctity and the most terrific chastity to acquire the development, progress and evolution of the Kundalini. – Kundalini Yoga: The Mysteries of the Fire by Samael Aun Weor

Sanctity: moral purity. While we have anger, lust, fear, pride, envy, jealousy, resentment, self-love, self-hatred, etc., we are not sanctified. We need to eliminate all of our psychological defects.

Chastity: pure and clean sexuality, without animal lust or desire. This term is incorrectly used (like " celibacy") to mean "without sexuality."

Kundalini: "Kundalini is a compound word: Kunda reminds us of the abominable " Kundabuffer organ," and lini is an Atlantean term meaning termination. Kundalini means "the termination of the abominable Kundabuffer organ." In this case, it is imperative not to confuse Kundalini with Kundabuffer." - The Great Rebellion


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