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Shut Up!

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posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Shut your face!
Shut your pie hole!

I don't want to hear about your job. I don't want to hear about how much money you make. I don't want to hear about your new computer. I don't want to hear you complain about your debt. I dont want to hear about how much money you don't make but should or could or did.

I don't want to hear about your in-laws, your cousins or your mother. I couldn't give a ratts rear end about your neighbors either.

I did not see that on TV last night, last week, or last month because I do not watch such lame entertainment, or worship and idolize actors and actresses. I do not know what he said or she said or how so-and-so is wearing her hair these days! I don't freakin care!!!

Just because they are famous and you worship them and all they say and do-does not mean I do too!!! Just because you know their names to whom their married, and whats new with you-know-who does not mean I want to. I could read People Magazine if I wanted to too (I don't!)

And I don't have any advice how you should get your hair cut or if you should color it or try to look like so-and-so!

I do not want to know what new home you are looking at or what new car you want to buy, but I'm sure you'll strive for everything the television sells to you to strive for.

I do not care what he and she are driving now either.

I do not want to hear how you wish you could stay at home with your kids but must be a workaholic instead...for (your) their materialistic good.

I don't want to hear how all people of faith are deluded religious zealots or how all athiest will burn in hell.

JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:33 PM
You may have come to the wrong place.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:39 PM
That felt pretty good.

Just needed to vent a fraction of what I bottle up without being inflamatory or baiting or flaming someone here for an arguement.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:40 PM
Its all good, I was just trying to break the mood.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:42 PM
No, I came to the right place.

Love ATS/BTS....just needed to let off steam about stupid people so and figured why not rant a little just to get it out.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 02:53 AM
Ok Bill O'Reilly


I can so relate to most of everything you were venting about though, it's enough to drive one crazy ain't it ?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 04:20 AM
I imagine that you would probably think that you would be happy if every would just vanish.

Kind of reminds me about an episode of Twilight Zone (or Outer Limits don't remember which, both good shows) where this man wished that everyone would just "go away". In the end of the episode, everybody did.

So you see him wandering through the streets of a once bustling metropolitan city, which now looked like ghost town. The cars and buildings etc., were still there, but no people. He yells through the deserted streets "Where is everybody??! Where did everybody go??!!" Great episode. I miss those old shows.

On another note, if there were no people you'd have no one to share your rant with.

[edit on 1/23/2007 by Mechanic 32]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 04:27 AM
I hear ya 2l82sk8 !

I can sympathize,i`ll tell you why.

See in my job i get to meet lots of people,by the way i make loads and keep accurate records on my new computer,though there`s always room to make more i guess,but fortunately i dont have any debt,except for the tax man but dont get me started,but anyway my job can get a bit monotonous and i`m always told by the inlaws,cousins and now my moms just started as well that maybe i should be doing something else.

They just wont let up though!

The only relief is from my neighbors who never bother me.

Anyway Oprah (you go girl!!!) was saying yesterday (you may have caught it yourself 2l82sk8 ?) that sometimes if we get down in the dumps that a change of hair style may just be the ticket,well considering thats what Paris would do,and she`s just the bee`s knee`s,i think it safe to assume you love her too.

So i`m a bit stuck on what my hair style should be,any pointers would help me out a lot,cheers in advance.

Anywho besides that i`m looking to buy a new house,but what with the prices here just now,i`m not sure if thats a good thing,i might just settle for a new car,i saw my neighbor just brought two new cars a little sporty number for the Miss`s (porche i think?) and he got a new Toyota land cruiser,i could see myself in one of those,what do you think?

But when i think about it,the money would be better off spent on the kids,its just with the amount of hours i have to work i feel like spoiling myself every now and again,know what i mean?but they should come first ya know bikes computers clothes outings etc

But i must be rambling a bit,so i`ll stop and get back to the faith threads where as a believer i`m called deluded by hell bound Atheists.

Cheer up,your not alone.

Bye for now.

See ya

[edit on 23-1-2007 by gps777]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 04:51 PM
You have voted gps777 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

OMG, You rock!!! I feel all warm and fuzzy inside after reading "all" about you

Now I have to visit the "what made you smile today" made me smile, and laugh "Much"

To the the rant refering to ATS people, or just people in general? Just curious.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by jensouth31

Now I have to visit the "what made you smile today" made me smile, and laugh "Much"

Awww thanks Jen

I was hoping the OP had/has a laugh for medicinal purposes and not push him/her over the edge.

I would hate to hear he/she ripped off their clothes and ran screaming like a banshee down the street with arms flailing above their head all because of me.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by gps777

I was hoping the OP had/has a laugh for medicinal purposes

And with that, how could the OP have not had a good laugh..and found something to smile about regarding the rant? It was good medicine

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
I imagine that you would probably think that you would be happy if every would just vanish.
well...most people...and the rest could be on vacation ar far away...

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
Kind of reminds me about an episode of Twilight Zone (or Outer Limits don't remember which, both good shows) where this man wished that everyone would just "go away". In the end of the episode, everybody did.

(snip) He yells through the deserted streets "Where is everybody??! Where did everybody go??!!" Great episode. I miss those old shows.

Oh yeah...I vaguely remember seeing that one! I wish they'd put those re-runs back on. The one with the boy who kidnapped people for his family always creeped me out! ::::shiver::::

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
On another note, if there were no people you'd have no one to share your rant with.

Yeah, I'd have to keep a few ATSers around...however I'd have to banish a few as well!

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by gps777
I hear ya 2l82sk8 !

I can sympathize,i`ll tell you why.

See in my job i get to meet lots of people,by the way i make loads and keep accurate records on my new computer,though there`s always room to make more i guess,but fortunately i dont have any debt,except for the tax man but dont get me started,but anyway my job can get a bit monotonous and i`m always told by the inlaws,cousins and now my moms just started as well that maybe i should be doing something else. (snip)

Anyway Oprah (you go girl!!!) was saying yesterday (you may have caught it yourself 2l82sk8 ?) that sometimes if we get down in the dumps that a change of hair style may just be the ticket,well considering thats what Paris would do,and she`s just the bee`s knee`s,i think it safe to assume you love her too.

But i must be rambling a bit,so i`ll stop and get back to the faith threads where as a believer i`m called deluded by hell bound Atheists.

OMG ROFLMAO!!!!!! I wish I'd had a chance to read your reply sooner. But better late than never. My life went downhill and I had to take a rather emergency trip accross the country after writing that vent on the trivialities of life and certain people that annoy me so much right now....I've return as annoyed with the world as ever it seems, so your reply still came in real handy.

Well done.
and thanks for the smile. I needed it.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by 2l82sk8]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by gps777
I was hoping the OP had/has a laugh for medicinal purposes and not push him/her over the edge.

I would hate to hear he/she ripped off their clothes and ran screaming like a banshee down the street with arms flailing above their head all because of me.


... and don't worry last time I ripped off all my clothes, I calmly walked down the dark street discussing the pain of the world. I am not describing or trying or implying drug use or anything....but I was a young experimenting teen back then...boy those were the days...I bet I couldn't get away with walking naked down the streets these days-not even with my best of friends....but oh how cathartic it might be.

then again...running down the streets screaming might prove to be cathartic as well...

Thanks again for the smiles

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by 2l82sk8

You know what they say “Laughter” is the best medicine. It makes me smile that you saw that. gps777 really put a lot of thought into that reply, and everything was in specific order to your rant

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Well,I am with you on the not caring about "celebrities." :shk: I couldn't give a rats' ass what so-called "celebrities " are doing. I often wonder why the fascination with them...

[edit on 7-2-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well,I am with you on the not caring about "celebrities." :shk: I couldn't give a rats' ass what so-called "celebrities " are doing. I often wonder why the fascination with them...

[edit on 7-2-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

The worst part is like it's their imaginary family or friends! Like somehow in the huge void in their actual personal, or family, or fantasy life...they can fill it by being knowledgeable on all the stars?

But even that isn't enough-to have the gossip...they have to share it, talk about seen as "in the know" or have others that want to gossip or ooooh and awww over the rich and famous for it to really serve it's purpose for them.

Or it's like their secret need or desire to be seen as a celebrity themselves, so they fill the void with reporting on outside celebrity, so the others obsessed with celebrity- can be "in the know" too through them because of this inside scoop they are somehow and by telling others all about what they know about who's who and what they do makes them one step closer to the celebrity than others.

UGH. I mean I have a few fampous people of the opposite sex that intrigue me or attract me, and I'll briefly discuss that with someone who also has an interest or a comparison-but thats as far as I go.

I don't know why this really bothers me lately-but I've just become disillusioned by some I've respected in the past, and irritated by others that seem to just fall into the abyss of trivial pursuits-to the point of wanting to not just imitate a "look" but knows all the publically exposed personal life and curent events of such person. YIKES.

Maybe it wouldn't bother me so much if I had a simpler, superficial life such as they...and not such an introspective, dark brooding nature at times, with my skepticism, and occassional cynicism...maybe if I wasn't facing deep personal issues of losing a loved one to the ravenous beast of cancer.

"He's what in his mid-80's now?" she said dismissively...and continued with "So do you think I should get it cut short like _______(WTFC) or grow it longer, just get a trim and get highlights, more like______ (again, fill in the blank with WGAF)"

like since my step father is so old, it should be expected he'd die of something now and her freakin hair cut and celebrity worship were more urgent matters at hand...

That wasn't the entire reason for that rant-but she sure personifies those I'd like to shout out a big STFU to.

:bash: :bnghd:

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by jensouth31

Originally posted by 2l82sk8

You know what they say “Laughter” is the best medicine. It makes me smile that you saw that. gps777 really put a lot of thought into that reply, and everything was in specific order to your rant

Yeah, truly it was perfection and I appreciated the effort. it paid off. I like 777's humor indeed. Strikes me right.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by 2l82sk8

"He's what in his mid-80's now?" she said dismissively...and continued with "So do you think I should get it cut short like _______(WTFC) or grow it longer, just get a trim and get highlights, more like______ (again, fill in the blank with WGAF)"

like since my step father is so old, it should be expected he'd die of something now and her freakin hair cut and celebrity worship were more urgent matters at hand...

You see that's a perfect example of why I believe the intelligence level of most people in this country is not very high. This is the kind of crap they conversate about...

"Oh, did you hear that slamming new beat by, yada yada?" Who cares? I certainly don't. Yeah, it takes a lot of intelligence to discuss video games and record sales.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:09 PM


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