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Your usual alien abduction case?

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posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 11:54 PM
I�m a new member here, and I find this site very interesting. Given that there are so many fascinating stories I happen to know a case about a friend who tends to be abducted by aliens but not in the normal way. Before I continue I'd like to say that I really don�t care if anyone believes me or not - but it is still interesting anyway.

Well anyways this guy is about 18 years old, and like every 4 years or so he sees UFO's. His first encounter was when he was about 5 years old, and after that they happen regularly. Once he saw one of those ships (I think people usually call them big black deltas or something) with his younger brother right before Sept. 11. That day, in August, he tried to tell his family what happened, and he tried to convince his father that the US airways aren't really safe. Unfortunately, his family never believes him when it comes to odd matters like this.

Well anyway this was one of the many strange things that happen in his life. Even stranger are his alien abduction experiences or dreams. When most people are abducted they have symptoms of it showing them so (marks, open windows, memories). These people often complain of experimentation, tests, and all kinds of scary things. To an extent the same is true with my friend - to an extent.

When ever he is abducted it occurs after he goes to bed and sleep. He usually feels awake in these dreams but in a rather hypnotic state. When he wakes up, he often feels extremely tired like he didn�t sleep the night before. In addition his window is left unlocked; all the common symptoms of abduction. However, instead of complaining about scary tests and all, strangely enough he dreams, or remembers, that he�s actually the one helping the aliens.

Sometimes he has dreams where he explores the galaxy with them. However the strangest of all are the ones when he and his friends abduct other people. He often tells me about how they are usually frightened when they meet the aliens and even more petrified to see him. His job then would be to comfort the 'test subjects' because they should have nothing to fear.

Anyways to make a very long story short his abduction dreams occur, not as a test subject, but one of the abductors who is picked up for "work" every now and then. According to him, he has a great relationship with these beings in his experiences and he can communicate with them fluently. He can't simply call a UFO, but these events do occur every now and then usually in the spring and/or summer. While the events do happen, or in daily life, my friend often feels closer to the aliens than he does people.

My friend is offended (almost personally) whenever someone speaks about a "gray" as if it were a monster. He has a tendency to defend the �grays�. Well there is a hell of a lot more but my hands are getting tired and I�m getting sleepy.

By the way, if anyone thinks about asking where their home planet is just keep in mind that his job is not a navigator, rather he often refers to himself as a watcher or observer of humanity and all (that's his personality - he's rather an outsider and he often observes human history and actions). Well he's not sure what to make of the dreams because they occur after he sleeps - late at night and he has memories of boarding and leaving the craft and even going back to bed (where his room is as he left them when he goes back to 'sleep' but not the way he left it when he initially slept).

I have more info on this and would entertain certain questions. However I just posted this to see what you have to say and all...

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 12:10 AM
First of all, welcome to ATS.
It's nice to have you here.

Second, I have an open mind and encourage you to post all that you experience. This is just the place people with an open will ponder your experiences. What you say is very interesting.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:48 PM
Welcome, I can remember my first posts...

That's a very interesting story. I'd say tell us more if you can. Does he know why he was picked to comfort others? Is it because he's the outsider?

When you said this:

However the strangest of all are the ones when he and his friends abduct other people.

Did you mean friends as in the aliens or friends as in humans?

Very intriguing story, I would like to hear to more.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 08:57 PM
Well I really don know why my friend was picked, and neither does he. We can only speculate. Well for one thing I know he's different and I refer to his friends as the aliens, because he can relate himself better to them.

When he was yuong, his mother would always tell him about how his birth was a miracle. But I guess he has a certain connection with these greys in many ways. When he was younger he exhibited certain paranormal abilities like dreaming of the future, and the ability to realize things before they happened. For example many times when he was younger he'd dream things that would happen the next day, and try to tell everyone even me, what was to happen. Of course he never failed when it came to his predictions. Well this was an example of his many mental abilities.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:05 PM

I have read a bit about abductions over the years and your friends encounters do not hold any surpise info so they may well be legit.

Without knowing for sure I have to guess that your friend is a hybrid, part human and part gray. His ability to communicate with them and his sympathy and desire or complicity to assist them indicates this.

The hybrids are not that rare anymore but more likely unawares of their situation. Unlike many abduction scenarios where unique bloodlines or DNA was selected for certain desireable reasons, your friend is indicative of genetic work by the grays and he may well have substantial mental programming that has not been revealed yet.

Does your friend have any information on the purpose of abductions and the long-term plans of the grays?

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:06 PM
Well I guess he was picked to comfort others (the abductees) because he is a human. Who better to comfort humans that other humans? I mean people are scared to death of grays because they often fear what they dont know. I guess when the aliens need a liason or something they sometimes pick him.

Also he tells me that they not only dont solely conduct tests on people, but they observe society too. His favorite example is nature when we observe all kinds of animals, we would take some from their natural habitat and study them, however this isnt our only method since we study their natural habitat too, by going there ourselves. While this anagoly represents aliens testing humans, lets also remember that the aliens are in fact aliens so their methods would be alien. As a result the analogy isnt perfect but close.

Well the thing is my friend really wants to get hypnotised because while he may not have all the answers, he's certain that there may be clues hidden in his subconscience.

Linked to his subconscince I think is the images he sometimes sees when he closes his eyes. I am told that after these abduction experiences, he sees like a familiar alien image whenever he closes his eyes. Eventually this image disappears but it only recurrs after these experiences.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:14 PM
Hmm, some kind of mental imprint by the grays on his mind.

The problem here is that while your friend is appearing to agree to his interaction with the grays for all intents and purposes, he in fact may not wish to assist them. That is one problem here. Their hold over him may be far greater than he or others can understand.

Secondly, he has no idea of the project that he is assisting and as a result he should question whether it is best for him to continue this due to the possible negative implications that may be the reality of this operation.

What I am suggesting and which much of the UFO community is thinking these days is that the gray aliens are breeding a new race of humans which more closely resemble their own kind. This race of hybrids are expected to REPLACE the current human population in the future.

Now if that sounds scary to you (and it should), consider that the gray aliens are often little more than a type of cybergenetic probe eg. a biomechanical robot which is manipulated by annother lifeforce or entity. Thus, that gray is not really a gray in many instances and it is difficult to trust them as a result.

You friend needs to confront these creatures and ask some hard questions before he continues to serve them. I am not certain that his assistance is for a negative project but if it is then he should know.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:18 PM

heres some things you could help your friend do

1: setup a video camra in his room to at night
2: put up a light/motion sencer with a alarm

3: you siad your friend has the "6th sence" well, you could the day before have him right down what he thinks is going to happen at school/work make him make a list and make him give it to you then check off what he got wrong/right

please post back with updates

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:19 PM
Dear Neo

Well according to what he tells me the greys only wish to study us. The thing is one day when people make it out to space, all this testing and all may benefit us all. While we are further advancing and trying to reach space, it would be best for the greys to know their neighbors.

The truth is (and I agree with him), the human race is a warring and conflicting race. We are often bent on killing each other (to prove this look in the news and I bet you can find three examples).

He wrote this to me once:
"Rather than be taken suprise by our actions and culture one day, it would be best for them to study us and know why we act the way we do, so our actions wont take them by suprise. You can see the effects of a suprise encounter in say Star Trek when humans finally meet the Kligons or Romulans. In a way, as we prepare ourselves, they prepare themselves. The 'greys' are obviously a very curious race, who really means us no harm."

Well he views the grey's progress as a delicate operation that could have some pretty big benefits if it dosent turn to disaster to the end.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:28 PM
theneo i hate how you present this knowledge as if it were provable fact. we dont know for sure, and there are so many different views on this id just like to add:

dont scare your friend, many people have many different views of how the freys do what they do, why, and what their motives are. take all of it with several POUNDS of salt.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:39 PM

how old is your friend? dose he know u made this thread about him? maybe he could post for him self

PS:neo check u2U

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Dmsoldier

how old is your friend? dose he know u made this thread about him? maybe he could post for him self

PS:neo check u2U
It seems like he's referring to himself in the second person. That's how I take it.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by TheSilentTunundor
Dear Neo

Well according to what he tells me the greys only wish to study us. The thing is one day when people make it out to space, all this testing and all may benefit us all. While we are further advancing and trying to reach space, it would be best for the greys to know their neighbors.

The truth is (and I agree with him), the human race is a warring and conflicting race. We are often bent on killing each other (to prove this look in the news and I bet you can find three examples).

He wrote this to me once:
"Rather than be taken suprise by our actions and culture one day, it would be best for them to study us and know why we act the way we do, so our actions wont take them by suprise. You can see the effects of a suprise encounter in say Star Trek when humans finally meet the Kligons or Romulans. In a way, as we prepare ourselves, they prepare themselves. The 'greys' are obviously a very curious race, who really means us no harm."

Well he views the grey's progress as a delicate operation that could have some pretty big benefits if it dosent turn to disaster to the end.

Since you quote Star Trek then I will work with this. What is the prime directive of the Federation in regards alien lifeforms and civilizations? Do you think the grays are behaving thusly as an advanced lifeform re: our situation?

You suggest that the grays have a problem with our current behaviour. What is this to them? Furthermore, are they not manipulating human behaviour in the background? They are manipulating your friend are they not?

You state that the grays are our neighbours, correct? Then why do they not introduce themselves as any good neighbour would?

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:55 PM
dose your friend have any "reliable info on duce"

that he could give us since he talks to the grays, they should know aboute duse

or maybe a51?

i would realy like to see if yoiur friend would make a recording of them taking him, it would realy be big proof!

[Edited on 15-12-2003 by Dmsoldier]

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:57 PM
OK I'll help my friend do that stuff to like be sure if he was dreaming or not. The thing is these occur every 4 or 5 years or so in the summer or spring. Since his last experience was in 2001 (the August before Sept. 11), his next experience would logically be about 2005 or 2006 in the Spring or summer.

Well there is another thing about his ability to predict or dream the future, and the story there is rather strange within itself. There is a possibility the last sentence can discredit my story, but as I said before I dont care you you believe the story - Id rather see the reactions.

Also - to Neo we dont really know everything about the 'Greys' because they are alien to us, and so they arent necessarily evil or wrong (that's only a label created by a society). Anyways most ppl dont know their plans because our own accounts of their actions come from other people.

Here's something interesting - in one of his dreams he actually got a glimpse of grey reproduction. I know that hard core fact would better suit you and perhaps it is a dream - who knows? But he is the only person I ever knew to come up with knowledge pertaining them to a reproductive state.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:06 PM
ok it's prettyy obvious that Im referring to myself in the second person but I have legitmate reasons why.

First off my personality is much different than yours well if you read the thread or continue to you can see why.

Second I dont see why any race would come to contact us immediatly. The human race is mostly a paranoid race, and definately more warring than anyone else. Most of our deaths come at our own hand (when the Europeans settled America or with our 2 World Wars so far). If they come and greet us who's to say we wont be ready to launch a counter invasive attack? After all we have no other point of reference when it comes to strangers other than human history.

Also who's to say that they havent come to us before? After all there were many civilizations with interesting stories whose history was wiped out not by an alien but human hand. Would you be quick to meet a race a us?

BTW I am 18 and hapily attending college right now. I only came to this forum after months of reading it. Eventually certain things have been hapening lately and I feel that I am more ready to observe more human conditions. In fact I do tell those very close by (my mother, my best friend, even my brother who was there with me during my last sighting) I find ppl interesting.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:10 PM
one more thing I'll try to get info (in fact Im planning to) but based on my experiences, oneday you might get your chance to see them for yourself.

Also from what I know I dont really know Dulce but I suspect some foul play from Area 51.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:18 PM
Last thing - I do know about the prime directive, and well like the world of Star Trek, that rule is only ideal (it's nor really life), - lol, tell it to Bush

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:07 PM
Ok so you were talking about yourself then right? What do you parents and friends think about your situation? Have you ever predicted something that would happen to them and were proven correct?


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