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81 yr old is visited by the Secret Service, after claiming "wrong person hung in Saddam's trial."

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posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 03:47 PM
One of my best friends Brothers was like a 5 th grader and wrote a message to the pres of the U.S. . ... that some sort of bomb was going to be used on him or something of the sort ... He was a 5th grader that had no means of ever building such a device much less getting it planted near the pres ... But the secret service none the less Came to his school ... Took him home .. searched his computer and all sorts of things ... WILD HOW ... THOROUGH they are to miss some of the things we have missed.

Originally posted by GENERAL EYES
It's been said before that certain factions of Governmental Security have no senses of humor...and it's true.

The Secret Service are humorless when it comes to such matters.

But I agree, it's a bit outrageous from a civilian standpoint.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Wow...I could get an all expenses paid 'holiday' stateside just for shooting my big mouth off...wicked !!!

Maybe the majority of posters at ATS will get to meet each other in one of those 'private resorts' that are dotted all over the US.

What to pack ??....mmmm

Seriously pathetic, how paranoid, how controlling.

They ARE hiding something from the American people or they would not even worry about geriatrics, kids and people like us in forums.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon

...HOW ... THOROUGH they are to miss some of the things we have missed.

Thorough my Aunt Fanny's great big butt.

Can you spell dictatorship?

ALL the man said, in a 'letter to the editor' was,

"They hung the wrong guy."

I happen to agree:

They did hang the wrong dictator.

Saddam Hussein at least restricted his shenanigans to his own territory. He did not direct trillion$ of dollar$ into First Strikes against innocent civilians in other nations, nor did he create foreign policy to promote war-mongering and corporate profiteering.

Most everything that has been done in the past 6 years in the name of honest Americans is an indictable offense.

And Bush would be impeached if half the citizens of this country had half the cajones of this one 81 year-old guy.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23

What's the harm in a little talk?

Everything. This goes against the very foundation of freedom of speech. Sure, you can say whatever you want, but if we dont like what you say, we will find a way to intimidate you.

You see, this is where you are blind. Our rights dont have to be taken away in one huge wipe. We are still free - sure until we piss the wrong person off and then we disappear, or get a visit from the secret service.

When will this country wake up??

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
Saddam Hussein at least restricted his shenanigans to his own territory. He did not direct trillion$ of dollar$ into First Strikes against innocent civilians in other nations, nor did he create foreign policy to promote war-mongering and corporate profiteering.

Most everything that has been done in the past 6 years in the name of honest Americans is an indictable offense.

And Bush would be impeached if half the citizens of this country had half the cajones of this one 81 year-old guy.

I couldn't agree more. Even now, after all we have learned about the failures of the iraq war, people still support this idiot (Bush). I am even more amazed by the fact that the voters overwhelmingly voted against the direction of the war in the last election. Seems like that fell on deaf ears - some of those are still towing their party line in this very forum. Sad.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 05:11 PM

by soficrow

Saddam Hussein at least restricted his shenanigans to his own territory. He did not direct trillion$ of dollar$ into First Strikes against innocent civilians in other nations, nor did he create foreign policy to promote war-mongering and corporate profiteering.

So I guess stealing 10 billion from Kuwait to fund a war he started with Iran because he thought he could be overthrown with sympathizers of Iran, and then refusing to pay his loan and instead invading Kuwait and murdering innocent civilians because he didn't want to pay, I guess that doesn't count.

I can't believe you people are saying things like this. You have know idea what a monster Saddam Hussein was. To even make the comparison to Bush is off the chart of extremism. You should not debase the office of the Presidency with such rhetoric no matter your political belief.

Saddam Hussein and his sons were monsters...I have studied a detailed history of their atrocities and they certainly deserved thier fate. President Bush had the cojones to make a stand and an example of them!

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by MrMedic

by soficrow

Saddam Hussein at least restricted his shenanigans to his own territory. He did not direct trillion$ of dollar$ into First Strikes against innocent civilians in other nations, nor did he create foreign policy to promote war-mongering and corporate profiteering.

I can't believe you people are saying things like this. You have know idea what a monster Saddam Hussein was.

Yes, I do. I also know that two monsters don't make an angel.

To even make the comparison to Bush is off the chart of extremism.

Not at all, imo.

You should not debase the office of the Presidency with such rhetoric no matter your political belief.

Bush debased the office of the Presidency. I am just pointing it out.

President Bush had the cojones to make a stand and an example of them!

Bush used Osama bin Laden as an excuse to open up Afghanistan for an oil pipeline. Then he used Saddam Hussein as an excuse to go after Iraq's wealth. Next, he'll use another figurehead to go after more goodies for himself and his corporate buddies.

You may buy the cover-stories. I don't.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 05:34 PM
You still didn't refute the basis of my post...Saddam did do those evil things outside his country on multiple occasions.

Iraq's wealth??? Their economy was in tatters... The 8 years of war with Iran crushed Saddam's bankroll.That's why Saddam was borrowing money from other countries. He was so cash strapped he couldn't pay his military and feared they would revolt. So he invaded Kuwait to steal more.

It would be far easier and cost effective to get all the oil we need from Alaska or off the shore of Florida than to start an expensive war. I think a little more research might make your points a little stronger.

[edit on 1/22/2007 by MrMedic]

[edit on 1/22/2007 by MrMedic]

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by MrMedic

Saddam Hussein and his sons were monsters...I have studied a detailed history of their atrocities and they certainly deserved thier fate. President Bush had the cojones to make a stand and an example of them!

I do not think that anyone would dispute that Saddam, his sons and his henchmen were aniamls and committed atrocities against their own people, the Kurds and the Kuwaitis, to name just a few. You are most certainly correct.

The point is that Saddam could have been taken down in a cleaner, more covert way if a little more planning had of taken place. I was under the impression that the US military and government had snipers and spies?
Are we not always reminded of how they are the best and have the best ?

The fuss of a full scale invasion with flags flying smacks of occupation and only serves to fester the wound...I am not seeing any healing.
I prefer to think that this all a 'rip, shyte and bust' exercise with a hidden agenda.

It is my right to debase the US government and President Bush as fools as my future has been put in jeopardy by this bogus WOT. I am not a citizen of the US (nor would I ever wish to be) so I bear no allegiance to your flag and that pretty much lets me say what I want.

I am not bashing Americans...I like 'em... but understand this and do not try to twist what I say. I hate your corrupt government and that mental defective lying to and playing with the fears and minds of the American people. I hate my Australian government and PM equally...

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 06:19 PM
You have to realize the Secret Service has a very hard job.

There is a fine line between Gestapo, and the Secret Service- and they know this.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with going to a man's house to ask him questions after writing an article saying, "They hanged the wrong man" as this does imply the President.

You can say the President is a war criminal, is a bad person, is ugly, etc etc as this is a 1st Amd. right, but when you say things that threaten to harm a public figure, especially the President, prepare to explain yourself fully.

I personally don't like Bush, but this is irrelevant, you can't make statements like that. You can however, say he needs to be impeached.

There is a huge difference. So like I said, the Secret Service was not being the gestapo here, they were doing their job.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 06:50 PM
[edit on 22-1-2007 by greenmansmind]

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by IamnomanasIamallman
There is a huge difference. So like I said, the Secret Service was not being the gestapo here, they were doing their job.

So instead of looking for the real criminals of the state and still at large they go after American senior citizens for speaking out their opinions.

But what I can say . . . why a president needs a secret service if is not because they can keep their mouth shuts after discrepancies and clean up the mess of the elected officials they personally serve.

Funny they have a hard job alright, harassing American citizens.

Bush until this day is not a monarch (even when he thinks he is) is not a dictator ( at least have not call himself the supreme leader yet) but he likes the idea of dictatorship.

He say so before.

And he is an elected official by the people to serve the people, not the other way around.

We have a constitution that encourage criticism of the the people that we elect to office.

So the SS should start doing its job and stick to their job, cleaning after their boss, stick to bailing out the first daughters indiscretions and drunken buddies out of jail, and making sure that they do not get their butts in trouble and cause embarasment

[edit on 22-1-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 06:56 PM
What I am saying is there is a very fine line on this issue.

Regardless of if the President is bad, it is wrong to make statements implying he should be hanged.

It is appropriate to say he should be impeached.

It is my opinion that he has violated the Constitution numerous times and been a horrible public figure.

But let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Acting, or saying things that are outside of the Consitution as a citizen, regardless of the problem you face, is sinking down to the level of criminality.

Which is why the Secret Service was not wrong in this.

If it comes to be a day (and it might) where the Secret Service knocks down your door to interrogate you for saying "Bush should be impeached" then by all means you have a right to get ugly.

But until that day, you must abide by our founding principles, and that includes not being an idiot and saying the President should be hanged, regardless of the Presidents warcrimes and butcherings of the Constitution.

Does this make sense?

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by IamnomanasIamallman
Does this make sense?

I am just been ironic, but truly, if we the people keep giving away our rights an inch each time . . . you are right it will be a time when we can not even say "impeach bush" but that is why we can not allow ourselves get to that point to begin with.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

I am just been ironic, but truly, if we the people keep giving away our rights an inch each time . . . you are right it will be a time when we can not even say "impeach bush" but that is why we can not allow ourselves get to that point to begin with.

Tilli said the agents appeared more relaxed when he dug out a scrapbook containing more than 200 letters that he has written over the years, almost all on political topics.

"He said, 'Keep writing, but just don't make no threats,'" Tilli said of one of the agents.

Marg, why would the Secret Service of the so called dictator of America would tell a concerned American citizen this? The Secret Service was suppose to use a suppressed pistol and shoot him between the eyes.

Dam the Secret Service is tooooo soft. (going to my front door and barring it)

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 08:09 PM
I have to laugh that they needed to visit him just to told him no to make threats . . . but actually he mention not names.

I wonder if it was me they will be so niceeeee.

I probably will end up in some secret prison to be interrogated.

I guess I better start barricading myself.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 08:09 PM
I have to laugh that they needed to visit him just to told him no to make threats . . . but actually he mention not names.

I wonder if it was me they will be so niceeeee.

I probably will end up in some secret prison to be interrogated.

I guess I better start barricading myself.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 12:02 AM
There isn't enough there to meet the "credible threat" standard..Where's the intent? Where's the specific threat? I don't even see a target named as far as I know he could be talking about Donald Duck.

So much for free speech...

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 12:50 AM
I don't mean to be rude, but that is why you aren't a Secret Service member.

More now than ever, the Secret Service has to check out threats, or in this case subtle threat, because of the President's abismal approval ratings.

The Sercret Service probably had the easiest job when Bush first went into office, now it's obviously much more difficult.

The more security, the finer the line for freedom.

Realize there is a line, and no one in the Secret Service crossed it wiht investigating a man- no matter the age- implying Bush should be hanged.

This is beyond free speech- it's criminal. If you want to help take Bush out of office, then work for groups working towards impeachment.

Our system is set up for a reason, just because this administration has twisted the rules, doesn't mean we the American people can do the same.

Honor and Integrity is the way to a concrete solution, criminality and sneakiness is the equivalent to throwing dung into a fan (sorry for the visual

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 02:16 AM
Apparently a lot of people in here have no idea what the Secret Service has been all about all the years that it has existed....

The Secret Service investigates threats to the presidents and they have "visited people for years who have written letters, or written blogs which are direct threats to the president, whatever president was in office"...

This man recieved a visit, he is asked question as the SS is trying to find out if this man is a threat to the president, then he is told not to worry about it and some people want to claim this is a dictatorship?...

Some people really have no idea what to invent to support their fantasies...

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