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VERY STRANGE Moon Anomalie??? Does anyone know what this is?(calling Mr Lear)

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posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 05:52 PM
Fair enough.

GOOD DISCUSSION GUYS, i say 98% sure that its a picture anomalie then.

(i always keep 2% open, 1% in case we're wrong, AND another one percent will ALWAYS remain open untill I go and see the area with my OWN eyes

OK, slightly off topic (although i did start the thread), what about this.

An interesting MARTIAN rock

Many would scream "ROCK", but WHAT A SODDING ROCK EH?!?

Can some one PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use there imaging skills to find if this is real, im sure it is......but its SooOOOooo Strange, that there is EVERY possibilityof a hoax.


posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 06:16 PM
And also, THESE TWO

Im sorry to say that i have niether the software nor the know how to look into these images. (i shall be learning though as it is obviously useful to know

I mean, they are REDICULOUS by far. Too UNCANNY to be there?

Thanx in advance people.

If anyone knows if they have been discuss here before, please point me in the right direction

PS. cheers to zogon for contributions, and for saying how to embed images in the post.....NO end to the fun you can have with that

Nefertiti Source

Kings Head source

If the ORIGINALS are needed for photo analysis, please let me know an i shall try to find them.

Thanks for ALL you imput guys

Its collaborations like these that premote the ATS moto, DENY IGNORANCE!!

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 06:54 PM

Or am i going abit TOO far there

yup way out in left field LOL

That term "air brushing" gets tossed out a LOT here at ATS

In the days of the Lunar Orbiter and the early Apollo pictures there was no airbrush... no digital imaging...
The Lunar Orbiter photos stayed on board until they crashed on the moon... only video of the images reached Earth then they printed negatives from the video signals. Editing was done with a q-tip like swap and developing fluid...

At the time they never anticipated every home computer with high graphics capability

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:08 PM

Well its certainly comforting to know that "what you see is what you get" with regards to lunar images.

Does this apply to ALL lunar images? (excluding the ones taken from earth of course)

if not, can you list the ones it DOES/DOES NOT (which ever is shortest) apply to, so i can apply that to my reasoning when looking at images.

Thanx in advance my man

PS. and can i just say, you have a sick amount of ATS points....dont care much for Politics eh?

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Anomic of Nihilism

If the ORIGINALS are needed for photo analysis, please let me know an i shall try to find them.

Oh yes most definately the originals are needed... for proper analysis.
I really wish these sites would just post the source file number... from Malin

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:28 PM
This is a test. Please do not touch your dials. This is only a test.

I should post this in the moon anomolies thread, but it'll work here, too. Okay, what is this thing? A rock? A sphere?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:45 PM
Cant believe i actually found a site linking the source, theres virtually none.

Ok, when look at the image, you will have to turn it upside down, the bottom will have a WHITE terrain, the Image that kinda JUMPS out at yer, is just above the first DARK DIAGANAL LINE above THE WHITE AREA.

Here it is

MOC narrow-angle image M03-05549

I'd say its most deffinately there, and could quite easily be ground markings....

but DAMN, what sexy looking markings eh?

Can anyone "bring out" the image better? to some how "see" what conditions are creating these markings?

PS. still trying to find the other one, thats the one (and the hand) that REALLY intrigue me, such an amazing looking face, and that hand is just simply freaky

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:55 PM

Im liking the detail on the enscarpment in that pic, where is that from, have you got the source?

As for the "sphere" in the image, although its low resolution, you CAN see that the object is quite reflective, but without anything else to compair it to,to try and get it in context, its hard to say if thats odd or not.

Based on that it is out there by itself without TOO much debrie around it, its most likely a rock,debrie from an impact maybe, but its just to hard to say with the object at that resolution.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:18 PM

im getting good at this.

I found the "Crowned Head" source. not to hard to find on this one.

Keep the same way up, and its over half way down.

This one really is rediculous, im having a hard time believing this is just one of those "your brain likes to see faces yudda yudda", and yet its splitting my head apart thinking its really there.


From here

And check out the work this guy has done, this relly reminds me of the work done by Maurice Cotterell on the "Jade Mask" of the Mayans.

Amazing to see, taking the facets of the mask at defferent angels and mirroring them. Dipictions of figuers meditating,images of deities and all kinds of stuff hidden in the structure of the mask.

Impossible to think how they did it, and TWO of those figuers (as i have the book in frount of me now "the Tutankhamun Prophecies") looks VERY VERY MUCH LIKE TWO of the GOD DAMN figuers in his pics 5th and 6th one down.

This Is interesting

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Anomic of Nihilism
I'd say its most deffinately there, and could quite easily be ground markings....

Nice work your hired welcome to Pegasus LOL

But the face is a more important one to be sure I am sure you will find it

To Papajake

Can you print from a 16 x 20 negative?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Anomic of Nihilism

I found the "Crowned Head" source. not to hard to find on this one.

keep up the good work You get a bonus LOL

Now how about save me some time and circle the spot? I will make a good copy clip to post on the website. You can write a blurb to go with it...

BTW the lossless gif option at Malin is the highest resolution version

This Is interesting

This site did not let me access as my firewall detected a spybot. I would suggest if you went there to check for spyware right now...

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:15 PM

Nice work your hired welcome to Pegasus LOL

Doesn't take much to get in there then

Now how about save me some time and circle the spot?

I would absolutely LOVE to do that for you......

if only i knew how

However, i will accept instruction on how to do it (a link to something will do:up
and i shall endevor to learn

Bare in mind i dont have photo shop.

I will make a good copy clip to post on the website. You can write a blurb to go with it...

thankyou very much

Do i get a T-Shirt and cap
or just my name

BTW the lossless gif option at Malin is the highest resolution version

Thanx, thats useful to know

And cheers for the heads up on the spyware thing, that really p****s me off. My computer is cluttered enough without those things, i get bloody loads of em.

And with regards to where the face is, its over half way down, you seriously cant miss it, slap bang in the middle of the frame

would appreciate a little guidence on the "circle the image" thing, but dont worry if thats to much hassle.

going to bed now, at time of posting this its 4:13am

I think i left my life behind the sofa somewhere

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Anomic of Nihilism

Im liking the detail on the enscarpment in that pic, where is that from, have you got the source?

I'll fess up to the source, but not quite yet.

although its low resolution, you CAN see that the object is quite reflective

It's actually a fairly hi resolution image, just enlarged quite a bit.

Based on that it is out there by itself without TOO much debrie around it, its most likely a rock,debrie from an impact maybe. But without anything else to compair it to,to try and get it in context, its hard to say if thats odd or not.

I should have worded my question differently. Does the object in the photo look natural or artificial? Here it is again.

Before I reveal the source, I want to give you the opportunity to tell me what you think of another image. This one is from John Lear's moon anomally thread. It was found by a member (whose name escapes me) and called "The Bus". The same question applies: does the object in the center of the photo look natural or artificial?

Remember, this is a test, merely for fun. There's no correct or incorrect answer.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

To Papajake

Can you print from a 16 x 20 negative?

Not in-house, but I have a source that might be able to get a print made, and even have it scan digitally at a high resolution. I'll look into it today and let you know.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:47 AM
PapaJake....(i thought i recognised that pic

I would hazard a guess....

(actually thats wrong.......I KNOW....)...what/where that is...but unless you want me too, i shan't give the game away

The other one you mentioned, the "BUS", is VERY interesting, it does appear to have an angular structure, but the "darker/shadey part of the object could quite easely be an optical illusion made fom the shadows.

Would love to see that pic lightened and "enharnced" abit.

Any chance you dould do that, to try and bring it out abit more

[edit on 24-1-2007 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:48 AM
I like your idea by the way, it prooves a VERY good point.

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