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Presidential Conspiracy

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posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 03:57 PM
Follow this timeline if you can:
1) Bush steals election with help of Jeb Bush and Diebold
2) Declares War on Terror by attacking own citizen's
3) Get's reelected yet again after running against a Skull & Bonesman who is practically part of his family. I'm talking about Kerry. So obviously this was a show.
4) For 2008 they have a special presidential race running for the public. They know the public is not believing their story's, and are kind of angry about 911. So what do they do? They make the presidential race interesting by throwing in the first women ever to be considered president. ANDDDD the first ever black male to be considered president. Interesting that it is a very appealing race to the public. Right away the government get's the public excited about this fake election where the puppet head for the president of the United States will be chosen.

They're using the first black male and the first women president race to evade us from the truth that they are engaging a nuclear war against the world.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 04:04 PM
Haha! Why the hell would you just blow the world up? If they want to blow up the world they will have to call all their troops scattered everywhere home, sorry I forgot - they don't give a (sweet poopy) about them! And they won't need them when everyones dead anyway! Whos going to be the puppet then? Its got to be a Bush.

Replaced vulgarity with childish word

[edit on 21/1/07 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 04:06 PM
I'm saying this because I'm heard that they are pushing law's that will allow small nuclear arm's to be used as an offensive means. they already use hydrogen bombs

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 05:12 PM

I'm saying this because I'm heard that they are pushing law's that will allow small nuclear arm's to be used as an offensive means. they already use hydrogen bombs

Well yes, nuclear bunker buster are now conventionnals weapons. They ``don't harm the civilians``, and the army believe their own propaganda. So yes, they'll use nukes, but little nukes.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 05:44 PM
The point of this thread was to point out that for the first time ever a women will run, a black will run, and they will run against eachother.

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