posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 08:36 PM
Some posters on here I respect,
however, but lol,
However realise that Kundalini and what goes with it are a part of Yoga and just thinking its the snake of evil is a bit misguided.
Jesus without a doubt had full Kundalini awakening and control.
The issue is these days with no real daily practise, of the right yoga and meditation, and searchings for a very hard to achieve spiritual and
material synthesis.
Focusing on the Christ consciousness which is part of the Kundalini can be equally as dangerous, it relates to your heart Chakra, which is the bridge
between the lower material you sex/survival body and the higher spiritual aspects of ourselves.
Just being in the heart and mind can cause problems in health and mind as these essential parts of yourselves are not integrated, and you are out of
Many people with this so called syndrome, which is silly modern New Age pop psycho/spiritual babble its like saying "water syndrome" because some
people drink too much or others too little, or some have no salt in their intake.
Its not the water or salt or your kidneys doing it but your practise and balance in that regard.
Like it or not all of your chakras are linked, they all carry different aspects of you, you are spiritual yes, but also in a physical body.
If someone prays on Jesus and the heart Chakra aspect only, though much progress will be made, illness of mind and body can occur.
The way of Kundalini is the way Christ talked about it. Kundalini is the merging of yourself as spiritual being in this material plane with the
"God" "onesness" "Father" up there, a complete never ending cycle or loop of equal exchange of energy.
The reason Kundalini rises is to clear the negative emotions and karma at each chakra, becoming more balanced and purified, to ultimately reach your
crown chakra and then reach up and merge with "god"
It is the synthesis of material in total harmony with the spiritual.
By focusing or repressing it you just take yourself further away from this "one ness" and "fusion" or enlightenment as Christ did.
Without Christ having control and mastery over his sexual Chakra (creation and desire), the earthy ones blow the heart Chakra he could not have turned
the water into wine or fed the five thousand.
Without the support and rising energy from his Root Chakra he would not have walked on water.
In reality Kundalini and esp the description of it being a "snake" are just analogies for how the energy flows, and when integrated properly relates
to the realisation of your own energy and inter-dependence of all things. The one.
The kundalini or power, energy is blocked in us, it does not rise on its own, it must come from below us from the earth first of all, flows up into
the root chakra, and then rises, LOVE starts at the earth where it rises from, just imagine how many billion beings are working and laying down their
lives for your clean air, for your food, all the microbes, animals who sacrifice their lives for your food every day. That support and love is how the
Yogin's start their kundalini mediations, feeling love coming from below, not from a snake coiled in them.
Anyhow when you have through correct life, practise and meditations cleansed your chakra's which are just holders as such of your emotional garbage
and sins, they progressively becoming open and the channels of this energy clean out.
When and if you manage to rise this energy in a non polluted way from your root Chakra to your Crown Chakra (and most people get blocked on the heart
Chakra for many years without the right forgiveness/acceptance) opening each of your abilities and integrating your true human potential the only aim
of this energy, which is often visualised as White Light not a snake, is to burts through your crown chakra and then go and merge above you with
Shakti or God.
It is your soul rising, wanting to reach and be in union with god. It is a man penetrating a woman full natural desire but love and respect to. It is
the light wanting to illuminate the dark. The baby wanting to be held by its mother.
The Yin the yang balanced.
When it then merges with "god" or the "Son" merges with "father" enlightenment occurs as happened to Christ. The light fully is within you. In
the practises then it cascdes back down in a loop with further light and love and blessings from God into you, to the root chakra, your roots love
from below the earthiness of us in material without denying it but in balance and peace and love, then rises again to meet its father and cascades
down agian.
The circuit is complete, the electrician(you) has used the right tools (thoughts meditations actions, way of life), to fix the wiring (chakras and
connections) and turns the switch on (enlightenment) so the electricity (all that is father/God) light shines in the bulb in your home (body and
He is as important as the electricity in allowing and making the light to go on. The electricity cant, even if you believe the man in the power
station can scream orders at you, or its an empty powerstation, make you do it, or teach you how to use the tools, or do it for you.
In reality modern man cannot explain electricity properly, don't believe what you are told in school or scientists say openly, there are real
mysteries around it still, but we still use it, control it and progress by it. Kundalini should be looked at like this in a way, dont obsess about who
made the source of power, where it comes from etc, just get that light working and you can see properly, rather than groping around in the dark.
Kundalini as explained is just the merging of your soul wanting to rise to union with God oneness as it feels separated whilst we are in this plane
and feel so separate (illusion) from the love, power and bliss of the Universe and all that is, God.
Now though if a electrician works without proper training, or just tries to fix one part of the wiring, or turns on the power switch before earthing
the circuit, he will get a shock, burns or even blow a circuit!
It is too serious to dabble with, like electricity, we all like to jump into uch things as spirituality without thinking of this, mankind wants you to
study for years before you are allowed to be a simple doctor, or create wiring diagrams, in a similar way don't read too much from books or threads
like this, go and learn from a proper teacher if you want to ever fix your electricity yourself, or rewire your house to standards that are safe and
If you feel you will wait before then, by all means change a fuse or two (love, honesty and clean honest lifestyle) but don't be stupid enough to rip
the wiring out without knowing how to put it back safely.
The issues you have Op could by the sounds of them just be emotional, which the chakras carry too, but also in the mind as all problems stem there,
get out in nature much to ground yourself, walk and walk breath meditate, create balance wherever you feel there is not, get good exercise, try and
not spend all your time on spiritual thoughts matters as JC said be like a child again, leave the heavy thoughts alone, have some fun just joy and
laughter will Help much too.
Kind regards,
[edit on 29-1-2009 by MischeviousElf]
[edit on 29-1-2009 by MischeviousElf]