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Spanking Bill Would Shield Schools

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posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Yesterday I posted an article titled CA Assemblywoman Introduces No Spanking Bill and now I would like to get your opinion on a similar story that would allow schools to spank children if and when parents grant their permission.

Sometimes it takes a little swat to get a kid’s attention, a Kansas state senator says.

And Phil Journey, a Haysville Republican, would like to add those little swats to teachers’ toolboxes for classroom discipline.

Local school officials say they aren’t sure they need that tool.

Journey plans to file a bill next week in Topeka that would shield school districts and employees who spank students from lawsuits and criminal prosecution if the local school board has adopted a policy on the application of corporal punishment.

The bill would require that parents give written permission allowing the school to spank their child.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Given the fact the author of the bill would require parents to sign a release and the purpose of the bill is to protect the schools from lawsuits I would be for it as long as their is no abuse by the teachers or school officials. How do you feel?

Keep in mend each and every day we all hear complaints about lack of discipline and this bill I think is a step in the right direction to bring discipline back into the school system especially when it comes to problem children.

[edit on 1/20/2007 by shots]

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 04:59 PM
I thought that it was a bill already on this, because must school my children has been in and I have known will give a release form for parents to sign if they want their children do be disciplined by the principal in the office when they do a major infraction in school.

And one of the main infractions is been disrespectful to the school staff.

This is only for grade school students up to 6 grade.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I thought that it was a bill already on this, because must school my children has been in and I have known will give a release form for parents to sign if they want their children do be disciplined by the principal in the office when they do a major infraction in school.

Apparently some states do allow it Marg although when I first read this story last week I was not aware some states still do allow corporal punichment. From what I can find apparently the states are split on the issue with I think 29 that disallow it but I am not sure on the exact number and its accuracy.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 05:59 PM
The principal that touches my child in that manner better find themself a way to get off of the planet in a hurry because the day I found them would be the last day they lived.

I know I read if you gave your permision. I certanly would not give my permision to someone to spank my child under any circumstances. I don't spank my child and he is a great boy. Although he is only three he already knows the rules of the house and we rarely have any problems.

My son has learned already to respect the rules and follow them. I don't need to spank him ever to enforce the rules. If he breaks a rule he gets a warning if he continues to break the rule he gets time out.

If I found out that a pricipal or teacher had spanked my son. I would not be a happy daddy and that person better find the place where bin laden is hiding out in cause they would be a wanted person in my book.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Although he is only three he already knows the rules of the house and we rarely have any problems.

My son has learned already to respect the rules and follow them. I don't need to spank him ever to enforce the rules. If he breaks a rule he gets a warning if he continues to break the rule he gets time out.

I am glad you put his age in I was going to ask it before I replied,but knowing now that he is only three all I can say is give him time, No one really can say for certain he will remain the angel you seem to think he is and to suggest he will remain that way his whole life is only hopeful wishing on your part. Sure he may but even you never know, hell he is not even out of diapers yet.

[edit on 1/20/2007 by shots]

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 06:41 PM

I am glad you put his age in I was going to ask it before I replied,but knowing now that he is only three all I can say is give him time, No one really can say for certain he will remain the angel you seem to think he is and to suggest he will remain that way his whole life is only hopeful wishing on your part. Sure he may but even you never know, hell he is not even out of diapers yet.

[edit on 1/20/2007 by shots]

Sure hes out of diapers. Shesh, we started party training him when he turned three. We have to keep up with the disapline throughout his whole youth. Im not saying its easy. It's not easy being a parent. It is tough work it is in fact the hardest job one will ever love.

Each age with children presents chalenges, he is an angel and I intend to try and keep him that way as long as I can, by alowing him to learn from mestakes and letting him know that he can trust me I hope to give him the tools that he will need for a long time to come.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Sure hes out of diapers. Shesh, we started party training him when he turned three.

Sorry bad use of terms on my part I meant to say potty training pants.
I do howevr find it odd you did not start training him until he turned three since most children are already trained by three yet continue to wet the bed until 5 or perhaps 6.

No big deal either way all I can say is just wait sooner or later you are going to have to resort to at least a slap here or thre, well that is assuming you are the average parent.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by shots
No big deal either way all I can say is just wait sooner or later you are going to have to resort to at least a slap here or thre, well that is assuming you are the average parent.

That's not a very fair generalization. My parents not even once slapped/spanked me, and I ended up knowing how to follow the rules and regulations set forth. Of course, I broke minor rules every now and then in middle-school, high school, but it was not as if any of those rules broken would have resulted in any corporal punishment by most normal parents.

It isn't a necessity.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 08:31 PM
The job of disciplining the child is the job of the PARENT not the teacher, preparing the kid for the real world IS the teachers job. I would never allow a teacher to spank or slap any child of mine, I have none though, and I like it that way. However, should a teacher have a problem with a child of mine beating up other kids, torturing other kids, or doing anything of the sort, or being downright hostile or disrespectful, tell ME and I will do something about it.
In my area there was one student who WOULD NOT do his work and was RUDE and VERY disrespectful, called the parent, parent showed up, had a long talk about his actions. Next day the kid showed up, did ALL his work, VERY respectful, VERY polite. Not one problem since.
Spanking and slapping has a place sometimes, but doing it because it makes you feal good is not one of them. Thus we already have laws and bills saying it is against the law to abuse children. Lets go backup that law for once instead of adding beurocracy to it.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 08:45 PM
I think that it is the parents job to be both educator disiplinarian and figurehead to a child. A child looks up to their parents the way devout religious people look to god.

so should your childs god be a benevolent entity or a vengefull diety? Thats the question. Fear has no place in my childs life. I won't and can't teach him to fear me because when he grows up to be a teenager I want him to come to me first and I want him to know that he can always trust me.

my parents never hit me and I turned out to be just fine. I broke some rules myself but a few stern words by my parents set me straight again.

If you resort to violence to react to a childs misbehavior the child learns that violence is an acceptable way to deal with problems. If you teach your child to respect the rules and to use ideas and his mind to solve his problems that child will be better off.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 10:09 PM
I was brought up with discipline and respect for my elders and so was my children, and I have no problem with a person of authority that I feel comfortable with to do the discipline when I was not there, like my parents trusted also.

BTW both my children's where trained at age 18 months and 20 months and I have boy and girl so they can learn very early if the parents have the time and encouragement.

My children are now 20 and 23 and they knew that schools are a places to learn and not to disrupt or be disrespectful to the people that are trying to teach them.

When problems aroused. . . with teachers . . . my husband and I were always present to take care of the problems . . . from the teacher side and from my children side.

As usual my daughter never gave me concern of any kind but my boy will boy and he was the one that kept me most of the time looking after him in school but as today he is an outstanding young man.

I have no problem with corporal punishment.

But in today society we have to be very careful of what is going on in the lives of our children and as parent is not just one parents job to make sure the child is doing fine but the job of both parents to be present when they need us.

And corporal punishment should always be the decision of the parent not the govenrment of anybody else but the parent if they want it or not.

[edit on 20-1-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 10:38 PM
In this day and age were people sue at the drop of a hat. I think its great that the legislative branch is actually doing something to help teachers instead of hurting them.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 01:46 AM
You have one HUGE problem though: if a teacher touches a student in any way and the student squaks, the teacher faces job loss, suspention, and more than likely loss of contract, diploma, and jail time with a fine on top. It has reached the point where a teacher cannot legaly defend themselves against an attack in school, if they defend themselves they get fired on the spot because there is a lawsuit against the schoold district. I would LOVE to see some of you try and change a students mind in my area with your "talks," they just slug the teacher and move on, some even slug their parents. Why am I here? No teaching jobs in sane places because everyone is trying to get in them. I have not been touched once by a student however other teachers I know HAVE been decked heavy blows and the cops never touched the kids.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 02:13 AM
My concern is that the teacher would take advantage of this contract that parents have signed. As i read this post i was reminded of a girl i knew who was sexually abused by a teacher back in elementary school, and fear this bill may encourage more than just a whack on the behind.

You have one HUGE problem though: if a teacher touches a student in any way and the student squaks, the teacher faces job loss, suspention, and more than likely loss of contract, diploma, and jail time with a fine on top. It has reached the point where a teacher cannot legaly defend themselves against an attack in school, if they defend themselves they get fired on the spot because there is a lawsuit against the schoold district.

Well a teacher i work with got very upset at the students about a month ago and threw a globe across the room, nearly hitting a students head. I was very upset and went straight to the office to tell the principle, but one of my students got so upset she started giving herself eraser burns and eventually got sent to the mental hospital. The teacher was punished in no way at all. So it's definitely not like that at my school. Of course I work in the special ed department, so maybe these things are treated differently with mainstream teachers.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 03:21 AM
I agree entirely with Lizzie.

I just love how they put it in the article. "Little whacks" indeed. Pardon me if I say poppycock.

I'm pretty iffy on corporal punishment at ALL, much less by some stranger who may or may not ten years down the line turn out to be a sexual predator. All I can see this doing is giving teachers the right to hurt students. They can always make up a 'major infraction' because who's going to believe the child who got in trouble?

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 06:12 AM

And one of the main infractions is been disrespectful to the school staff.

By far the most distrubing part of this thread!!!!

These are teachers were talking about. If they have to resort to spanking a child to keep them in line during class, maybe they shouldn't be teaching. Not kids anyway.

What message will that send to the children? "Maybe if little johnny won't let me play with him I'll spank him on the playground so I get his attention." Yes i know these are little kids. but they are very impressionable.

This is a parents right and not one that should be delegated!

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:23 AM
One thing...any corporal punishment done in the school is done with witnesses present, it is never to be done without. To prevent that very thing.

When I was in school spanking, or hacks, were allowed. Never once did I ever see some kid spanking another to get them to play.

Hacks were used to enforce the neccessary discipline required for learning. In the classroom, the teacher is god. Argue all you want, I did. But at the end of the day when all is said and done, the teacher is to be respected, period. To take away their tools to maintain that respect is to prevent them from doing their jobs properly.

Parental permission is a good idea, though. I think you would find that alot of parents wouldn't have huge issues with a swat on the butt as an attention grabber.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:34 AM
Well the least you could do would be to legislate what type of weopon to use so as to not break any fingers.
Like a belt or a leather strap. A heavy wooden paddle could break fingers.

And for the folk with a difficult child that a parent refuses to allow punishment, how about send him home telling the parents they are going to have to home school him. I say him cause it will usually be a boy.

Some children will live thier entire life and not need a spanking while others could use one daily. Poor teachers.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:35 AM
the alck of discipline comes from, the amount of crap that kids take in today, kids cannot be kids anymore. every bad thing thing in society is aimed at kids, and kids just cannot handle it, just look how the music industry projects itself at kids.

it is not about spanking, it is about, kids cannot be kids anymore, by 5 years old they are getting so much crap, thrown at them, whatelse do people expect.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by whoknew

And one of the main infractions is been disrespectful to the school staff.

By far the most disturbing part of this thread!!!!

Get a grip!!!!! I raised my children and I have been ON all kinds of situations

You sound like somebody that has not clue what goes in schools and what children are capable of doing including grade schools.

[]Read the newspapers and watch TV

When parents do not control children at home and have not time to take care of their children needs at home because they are too tired, to busy and to lazy the schools and teachers are the only ones taking these troublesome children's all day long while the parents take a break from them.

Wake up!!! and take a grip, go visit a school for a day.

I was a teacher for 9 years and schools are not the gardens of property and good behavior that they used to be in my times.

Respect and behavior is teach in early years when children are learning the proper acceptable behavior in society, by the time they enter junior high and high school trouble children are already that Trouble.

Seagull, you are right the spanking is always done in front of witnesses and the parent is call before, the teacher is not the one that submit the punishment but the principal, at least in the schools I have been in and where my children has attended.

I have witnessed the spanking and to tell you the true it has been nothing more than a small smack on the butt and the child cry more out of knowing that he has done something bad than for the spanking itself.

Some people love to talk about issues that they have no clue what they entitle.

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