G'day all,
To begin qith let me comment on some previous quotes -
By Tasrob - "Then we had the Port Arthur massacre, where a "crazed lone gun man shot dead 35 people" and then a law was passed and all guns had to
be surrendered. "
Incorrect. When the law was passed only semi-automatic rifles and pump action shot-guns were ordered to be returned under the firearms amnesty.
refer to the following link which is a news release from the Kennet State Government of Victoria dated Wednesday 5th of August 1998-
Quote - "Between the launch on 13 August 1996 and its close on 30 September 1997 the national firearms “buy back” scheme produced an outstanding
result in Victoria. Over 200,000 firearms were surrendered in Victoria and over $100 million was paid in compensation. The number of firearms
surrendered in Victoria was over one-third of the national total of in excess of 600,000 firearms. "
Quote - "2. Police Ministers agreed to:
· a ban on all semi-automatic firearms (with limited access for farmers and clay target shooters) ;
· a detailed national uniform approach to the licensing of shooters and the registration of firearms; and
· a national “buy back” scheme to compensate owners of firearms prohibited by the ban and to be handed-in by owners."
Quoted by Sirino - "Under the current laws you can apply for a permit to own a bolt action/lever action rifle (with a reason - farmer or participate
regularly in target shooting clubs). Owning a handgun is a little harder as you have a 6month trial period where you can only use someone elses/clubs
rimfire 22"
Incorrect - anybody can sit a firearms liscencing test and if passed can get a 'Permit to Aquire" to purchase a rifle. The usual reason is for
hunting and you have to specify that you will be hunting pests and varmints. Prior to handing in the paperwork you must go to the "Department of
Environement and Sustainability" to purchase a permit to shoot on Crown land which is Government Land and in most cases are classified as State
Forests. Which are slowly running out in number as the Green Group are pressuring the Governments to reclassify many State Forests to State Parks
just for the fact so that many hunters cannot "legally" go and hunt there.
Once that has happened you pay the fee and the paperwork goes away and it can take anything from 1 month to 6-7 months to get your liscence in the
mail. To purchase your first firearm, there is a one month "cooling off" period to give the people who may have rushed into the purchase of a
firearm for the wrong reason to think about it and reconsider the purchase.
Sirino also quoted - "Oh yeah and it is worth noting that the port arthur massacre (obvious setup - blame the retarded guy who has only limited
airrifle experiance) the killer used semi automatic weapons which were already illegal."
Incorrect - Semi-Automatics were legal to purchase beforehand. After the legislation was passed the government made them illegal from that point on,
thus the firearm buyback.
Bolt action Rifles, Lever action Rifles and double barrel Shotguns are classified as Category B firearms. These can be legally obtained through due
process. Category C firearms such as semi-automatic rifles and pump-action shotguns can only be aquired with the necessary paperwork and the like for
law-enforcement, some guards, and farmers with a genuine reason. such as large land parcel with a genuine pest threat or the like.
Even after these laws were passed, you can still purchase a pump-action rifle like the Remington 7600 with a magazine capacity of a maximum of no more
than 10 rounds. Even thou on the black market you can get a 30 round 'banana clip' for this firearm. You can still purchase a lever action shotgun
with a 5 or 6 round capacity yet you can have a pump action with the same amount of rounds. How does that work, something to do with how quick you
can discharge all the rounds with a pump as opposed to the lever.
Let me tell you, theres not much in it in how quick it can be done.
And for the quote that "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" is very very true. If you know where to go and who to ask you can get
an illegal firearm quite easily.
In regards to the Port Arthur Massacre, let me forward you to the following link which proves that this was planned upto 10years before it happened -
Quote - "There is reason to think the Port Arthur massacre was planned as early 1987 when, after a specially called Premier's meeting in Hobart in
December 1987, the New South Wales Labour Premier, Mr. Barry Unsworth stated, "there would be no effective gun control in Australia until there was a
massacre in Tasmania""
Quote - " At the same time a long list of facts or discrepancies were overlooked. Any calls for a royal commission fell on deaf ears, the media were
later instructed not to talk about the subject anymore and the files have been closed for 30 years.
The Port Arthur massacre occurred on 28 April there was legislation prepared by mid May with plans for a national buyback of automatic and
semi-automatic rifles."
Quote - Prior to 1996 Australia had huge number of sporting shooters traditionally used in time of war to both train and supplement our miniscule
armed forces.
However, since the psyop at Port Arthur more than 400,000 reserve forearms have been pulped instead of stored by the Federal Government. - Joe
Quote - "
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in
1-----Nazi Germany established gun control in 1938 enabling the government to round up 13 million defenceless Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill
and impaired human beings, imprisoning them in concentration camps, and by a conscious process of attrition, destroyed them.
2-----The Turkish Ottoman Empire established gun control in 1911, proceeding then to exterminate 1.5 million Armenians from 1914 - 1917."
This will happen in the states but going by your history, it'd have to be one hell of a massacre to drum up the public support necessary to force
this legislation through your congress.