Sorry it took so long to respond, all, but this was posted right before I went home for the weekend, where my internet service went phbbt till it was
too late to check ATS. Anyway, thank you for your patience, for those that still have an interest in this thread. I will do my best to address each
response in turn before posting the plan.
Originally posted by SkyWay
Most Senators and Congressmen have their own websites, and on their website they will have a button that says something like "contact." Click on
that button and you should be able to submit your idea to the representative.
Well, that's a bit of a problem. My local representative is a Republican. And, nothing against Republicans out there, but if Bush has flat out
ignored every other plan except "gimme another 20k troops" and he is the head Republican at the moment, I believe that any presentation of my plan
to the Republican party would be a wasted effort. Bush is, however, challenging the Democrats to provide an alternative plan since they are so
disenfranchised with the idea of a Surge. I am not a Democrat or Republican, but as far as I can tell, Democrats are the only remaining option left
with enough power to change Iraq's situation, as well as having the political and media strategic position to be able to hold a differing view from
Bush's. A Republican, even if they had the willingness to go with a different position, would be powerless to enact it.
Originally posted by makeitso
Maybe I can submit it to Gates? Rice? Someone?
Interesting question. I dug into it a bit and found out that their snail mail address is public. (...snip...)
Thanks for the links. I'll try those as well. I'm nervous about touching .mil pages, but perhaps it'll be the only way. Problem is, as far as I
know, the military doesn't make policy, they enforce the policy dictated to them by the Powers That Be, so again, not sure how much help it would be,
but perhaps they know who to refer me to. I'll try the links.
Originally posted by TruthMagnet
You suggest the Neo-Cons are NOT happy with the state of affairs in Iraq.
No, no, no. I would never suggest anything of the sort. The NATION is not happy with the state of affairs in Iraq. I could give a bowel movement about
how the NeoCons feel. They're the ones who "failed" in Iraq in the first place and refuse to accept any other alternative, which is why I'm so
hard-pressed to find a viable channel through which to deliver this plan.
Originally posted by Major Discrepancy
You have developed a comprehensive plan that will render all parties involved in Iraq satisfied with the resolution.
Yes. Or at least half of the people happy half of the time, which is usually enough to get the job done, because the rest will be "meh".
Originally posted by Major Discrepancy
The troops will come home, the killing will stop, democracy will reign, peace and tranquility will pervade the region.
Yes. More or less. Perhaps not immediately, but the effect, once started, will increase exponentially.
Originally posted by Major Discrepancy
Not since Henry Kissinger negotiated his way into Jill St. John's pants has such a diplomatic enterprise been equaled. The Major is duly impressed.
Why, thank you. It's a good thing that sarcasm is lost on me.
Originally posted by Major Discrepancy
Just one quick question. Despite the unparalleled cognitive ability to construe such an ambitious plan, you are unable to to find a way of conveying
it to the proper authorities?
Time for "Plan B" methinks.
Ah, you misunderstand me. I could rather easily deliver this plan to the Republicans, whom represent my district, my senatorial seat, and my state,
but as I mentioned earlier in this particular post, that would be a pointless enterprise. What I lack is the beaurocratic channel to get this plan
into the hands of SOMEONE WHO CAN AND WILL ENACT IT. As far as I can tell, that would be the Democrats, but unless you are a constituent of a
government rep, they do not read the letters, and I'm not represented by a single Democrat. Just my luck.
I attempted to email Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house, and have yet to receive a response, which, frankly, does not surprise me in the least.
Nothing against Ms. Pelosi, because if I were her, I wouldn't have time to read every email either.
Also, while your rapacious wit and wisdom do reflect rather well the irony of my problem, I fear you've associated civil engineering knowledge to be
the same as navigating government beaurocracy. Rest assured, as someone who's had family in both positions, they are absolutely nothing alike.
Originally posted by Nygdan
You could present it to us, here, and if it is as good as you think it is, you can get some feed back and public support for it.
Absolutley. I'll put it in a seperate post on this thread, since I have an idea it will be rather long. I'll work on it between calls, should be
ready in a few hours.