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D4rk Kn1ght's prophecy is coming true!

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posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 10:13 AM
About the strange lights appearing in the sky...I thought nothing of this incident my fiance told me until now. Last week he said while driving to work in the morning (around 4 a.m.) he saw a blue, spherical shaped object in the sky. Sorry, no photographic evidence but I believe his account.

If DK's prediction is coming true, we're in deep....

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 11:19 AM
right...I can't be bothered to read all of every thread involved in this DK prediction but I just wonders whether the "Dark Knight" thing might be some sort of reference to ...maybe Condoleeza Rice? ...maybe Barack Obama? ...maybe Eddie Murphy? ...Chris Rock? ...Richard Blackwood? ...Lenny Henry?

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 11:26 AM

But just look at the world around you. See any peaceful nations that are powerful? nope me neither.

USA / Russia / China / UK ect ect filled with peace loving people in power? nope didn't think so either.

Are they hate filled power hungry people run by corporate greed? yes they are.

In an utopian world we would have cars running on water because oil compaines cared about the environment, planes that flew most of their flights in space because it was faster and less damaging to the environment, people that didnt have to starve because the real powerful countries didnt spend trillions on war, they spent it on food and homes for the hungry and homeless.

We live in a hate filled, hate run world, and, if they keep getting their way, its only going to get worse....Oh and don't forget they actually WANT alot less of us...they even said it themselves.

I had to bring this up again, because it is the same information that has been given to me.

I have no idea about what exactly is going on. I do know that there is something taking place, which is not public knowledge.

Other than my Dad, Brother and myself saw a flying orb of light in 1969. We were ice fishing on a lake, it was dark and we had a half hour drive to get back to the road. I was looking at the stars when I noticed one of them moving across the sky. I thought nothing of it till the light stoped and began to dance around. I told my Dad and brother about it. Dad stoped the truck and turned off the head lights so we could watch the light dance was easy to spot as it was brighter than the stars around it and it danced for about 30 seconds. We were all watching the light dance when it stpoed, went straight up and vanished leaving a visible streak kind of like a trail which lasted for a couple of seconds.

Now almost 40 years later, I brought up this sighting to my Dad and Brother. They still believe as I do that we saw a UFO. I had not thought about it again, because at the time just like today, people just want to scoff at you.

The speed the light was traveling across the sky, was fast, (I had seen plenty of airplanes at cruising altitude, this was quite a bit faster, that was what drew my attention to it) but when it quit dancing and went away from the was kind of like The Enterprize hitting warp speed.

I am a real doubting Thomas. What the three of us saw, was hoax. There was and is no real proof, just eye witness accounts.

I will throw this in here.....If there was a natural desaster heading our way, dancing lights could be some sort of bug out by the Aliens or Earth people with technology that is not public. Abandon ship, it is going to get rough down there.......

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:21 PM
Cocker... In response to your questions regarding the size estimating done in the video: If all that was being seen by the camera was a steel cable a fraction of an inch in diameter then we would not have seen anything. A cable that thin, which at the time of the video was moving away from the shuttle and already beyond 70mi, would simply not be visible. The video points out that the cable was energized (by virtue of traveling through energized space) and was ionizing the nitrogen that had been mysteriously dispelled from the attached satellite's tanks. So in essence what we're seeing is glowing neon-like field of nitrogen that is surrounding the cable. Sereda goes on to say that he uses the 12mi length of the tether cable (not the diameter) to estimate the diameter of the UFO's. Still, not knowing the distance the UFO's are behind the tether I don't see how he could make the estimate.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by surrender_dorothy
right...I can't be bothered to read all of every thread involved in this DK prediction but I just wonders whether the "Dark Knight" thing might be some sort of reference to ...maybe Condoleeza Rice? ...maybe Barack Obama? ...maybe Eddie Murphy? ...Chris Rock? ...Richard Blackwood? ...Lenny Henry?

You sir get the "Do not feed the Troll award" for the week.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:36 PM

I have now watched part 2 of the video and have a better understanding.

I find his faster than light gravity theory very interesting.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:39 PM
take the cable length (which we know) and then measure the UFO in comparison to the cable ie 6 ufo's = 1 cable lenght (not the figures used, but just for demonstration) so that makes the UFO a minimum of 2 miles across, at the very least. Why the very least? well if it was real up close then its two miles, and if its further away its 4 , 6, 8 miles ect....

Simple really.

Oh, and all that UV vibration stuff was awesome indeed....loads of people have touched on this over the years, so its good to see its coming more main stream.


posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 12:58 PM
Well however large the UFOs are is beyond the fact that they are intelligent beings and are doing some type of ritualistic "dance," that could possibly be relaying a message and/or showing off for that camera...hmm...

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 01:15 PM
Bit that got me was that they re programmed the satellites that would be interesting to find out just what they programmed into it!

Great video, awesome.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by surrender_dorothy
right...I can't be bothered to read all of every thread involved in this DK prediction but I just wonders whether the "Dark Knight" thing might be some sort of reference to ...maybe Condoleeza Rice? ...maybe Barack Obama? ...maybe Eddie Murphy? ...Chris Rock? ...Richard Blackwood? ...Lenny Henry?
I was very offended by your remark,and I am white.
The world is already in a heap of trouble without remarks like this.VERY DISTASTEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 03:46 PM
That is why he won this weeks

* Do Not Feed The Troll * award.

If he cannot be bothered to read the threads, don't grace him the time or your energy.

Back to the video... I am now totaly in awe of this video. UV cameras he says? well, i have no idea how a civ would get their hands on one...any ideas any one?

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 04:21 PM

I hate to sound silly....but could your prophecy have anything to do with Planet Nibiru and Lucifer?

I have read this thread and your other one. I'm just curious.

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 04:22 PM
no...all must grace me with their time and energy...tis what i live off...

though it must be said. I meant no offense by the previous comment. I suffer from dyslexia you see and have much trouble reading for more than ten minutes. I thought the dark knight joke was in good humour. perhaps I was wrong.

Can anyone set me clear on what this dark knght thing is then? anyone? I have save the dyslexic!

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght
Back to the video... I am now totaly in awe of this video.

Like I said before, lights in the sky and UFOs have been around for years.

With all this activity going on already and you say this light shows will start in 2007, how would you know it was from a satellite or something? Besides the description you gave on this sign you are looking for, is there something else? When this sign occurs, do you think it would be a mass sighting or do you expect only a few will see it?

UV cameras he says? well, i have no idea how a civ would get their hands on one...any ideas any one?

I guess they are available. UV cameras are the latest tool for UFO hunters. There was one guy who mounts a UV camera next to a regular camera and says that some UFOs only show up in the UV spectrum.

[edit on 1/22/2007 by Hal9000]

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000
Like I said before, lights in the sky and UFOs have been around for years.

That is a very vague answer .

Of course there have been lights in the sky...they called them stars. Now as you say things in the sky for years...well I believe before the 1900s the only things that could fly were birds. So what was in the sky then ? was it moving stars?

Now there have been cataloged events of UFO's for centuries so objects in the sky for years were UFO's. No planes, no helicopters, no balloons, no weather balloons, nothing. So I ask you what all these strange lights are?

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by antmax21
Now there have been cataloged events of UFO's for centuries so objects in the sky for years were UFO's. No planes, no helicopters, no balloons, no weather balloons, nothing. So I ask you what all these strange lights are?

That is exactly my point. They have been around for a long time, so the next time another UFO or lights in the sky happen how can anyone claim to have predicted it?

[edit on 1/22/2007 by Hal9000]

posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 08:46 PM
Hi There,

Phew! Talk about paranoia...these threads have it in buckets. I take it then that 'Blue Beam' is an act of manufacture of the mythic 'Rapture'? This, I can actually take seriously, because organised religion, particularily the 'fundamental' side of it, is awash with members ill with psychoses and neuroses, driving and energising their paranoia to the cause of extreme acts.

Think about this. Science (I believe) is on the right track to providing understanding on the very nature of consciousness, though I think we are still talking decades before it all starts to come together. Your religious fanatics will never allow such understanding to be made public. They have a agenda concerning the so-called 'rapture', and they think they can force it, but it all has to play out as per Revelations. These people are psychotic with their beliefs, and they will kill to ensure it happens, because you and I mean nothing to them. By holding a 'free' mind and voice, we are failures, sacrificial as Satan's fodder...this is the part we are to play out for them.

Now, societies around the globe are under extreme pressure to maintain their lifestyles, quite a few of the necessities that provide their ballast are running down or out. Fossil fuel, fresh water, and other esential resources are not as ubiquitous or as plentiful as we are being told. I think we have far less of these essentials than what is being maintained (simply to keep the status quo). The Iraq conflict and the presence of western forces there support this view, a conflict being waged on bogus reasons.
We have global warming effects kicking in more severley and a little more rapidly than what can be hidden from the public's consciousness...we are all ill-at-ease because we sense something ambiently odd with our traditional climates in our own part of the world. Greenland is warming up and thawing out rapidly, 'ice-shelves' the size of France are breaking off from Antarctica, and Siberia's 'perma-frost' is all but dissappearing, uncovering vast tracts of peat areas readying to release collossal amounts of methane into the atmosphere, which is a more dangerous gas to have there, because it traps the sun's heat far more efficiently than carbon dioxide and chloroflourocarbons. Our planet is changing, and we have contributed to that change. There is nothing we can do to stop it, but if we act now, we can at least lessen the impact for future generations.

Sea levels are going to rise, and we are going to lose landmass to it. Storms are going to become more frequent and severe in strength, due to the amount of energy in the air from the trapped heat. All this will drive large groups of peoples to migrate, which is going to create tensions world-wide, wars will become more frequent, and the potential for nuclear war will become greater. These are not conspiracies, they are not made-up fears, but actual facts that are unfolding each year, slowly and incrementally gathering pace. Throw into the mix religious paranoia, and you see a race unfolding as to which disaster is going to be the first to claim civilisation...yet again.

I say yet again, because I think the theory that mankind comes and goes in jumps of near-extinction events is plausible. As a civilisation we are morally bereft to heed our own concerns, nor are we spiritually altruistic enough to master our hedonism...we will allow our needs to drive us to the very edge of the abyss, if not actually into it. As things become more worse, we will become more selfish and aloof with one another, and this has already started against the weaker nations...we will cannabilize and culleach other.

I just wish I could gleam a hint of a silver lining in the dark clouds that have gathered over us, but I can't. I hate writing out these kind of posts, but even as a sceptic on most things, I have a mind open enough to look at these issues. We have entered a dark phase!

[edit on 22/1/07 by elysiumfire]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Hal9000

Originally posted by antmax21
Now there have been cataloged events of UFO's for centuries so objects in the sky for years were UFO's. No planes, no helicopters, no balloons, no weather balloons, nothing. So I ask you what all these strange lights are?

That is exactly my point. They have been around for a long time, so the next time another UFO or lights in the sky happen how can anyone claim to have predicted it?

I don't know if I expressed myself well enough, so I will elaborate a little further. This is not just for antmax21, but for everyone.

As I said there have been UFOs and moving lights in the sky for centuries. There are cycles, but for the most part we see them on a regular basis, and there is no reason to think they will stop. Someone who claims that we will start seeing lights in the sky starting in 2007 as DK has, would be like me predicting that in the near future it is going to rain in Seattle. You already know it will happen so how can I get credit for making the prediction that it is going to rain?

Earlier I and another showed that there have already been sightings that match the description he gave for the sign he is looking for that tells him that it is time to leave civilization because all hell is going to break loose. One of these was a hoax and the other was unexplained.

So all I'm saying is that I would not rely on any sightings as a sign for anything to come. You can believe what you want about this fake rapture event, it doesn't matter to me, but I personally don't think visions in the sky would be enough to cause civilization to collapse.


posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:41 AM
Not to speak for DK but I've been enganged in this subject for several separate threads. My impression (DK, correct me if I'm wrong) is that the whole lights-in-the-sky things is not so much that there will be lights in the sky (HAL correctly points out that that has been a constant phenomenon) but that the phenomenon will become MUCH more frequent and widespread and the sightings far more compelling in form.

On a separate note, watching the Sereda YouTube videos, does anyone know what his credentials are? I know "Photographer and UFO Investigator" but does he have the background to be doing quantum theory? Just asking.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:15 AM
I think that in my first origional thread I made it abudantly clear what would start it all off...lights and 'visions' in the sky, starting slowly at first, building up in frequency and scale.

Now, im very, very well aware that UFO's are seen almost on a daily basis, but, if you read the origional thread, you will see that I did not just say UFO's, very far from it.

HAL9000, i cannot work you out at all. Your asking stuff that should be plenty abundant in my first thread, which you state that you have read, and yet... and yet you seem to be planting questions here for me to answer / trip up over myself... and yet seem to want more...I am puzzled, but never mind, because as i stated before i will endevour to answer all questions in the fullest manner that i can.

Now, you comment about it being similar to saying it will rain soon, lmao that was funny.

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