posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 11:29 AM
I know how you feel, nothing is worse than getting no response to your endeavors. Sometimes I think that even negative responses are better than no
responses. I get a lot of critical comments on my stuff, in fact, the better i et the more criticizing comments I get.
I don't know why artist types have to be so passive aggressively competitive
Your stuff is looking cool too, I know you were using ArtRage, did you use a Wacom tablet?
I need to get a new one myself as my old one is all busted up. I suppose I'll get one when I start making some money. Art sucks, lots of work,
little money :bnghd:
Well, anyways, here's one I did last night, more space stuff, this time a planet with city lights visable on the dark side, lemme know what you