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There Is No New World Order

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posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 11:35 AM
There is no such thing as the New World Order. I say it was a rumor begun by very high officials within the Goverment a long time ago as a "Straw Adversary", a "Paper Tiger", or a "Boogeyman", you pick the name you want to use there.

It was created, because the military, the Government, and the power's that be know that information gets leaked out to the public and or figure things out, becuase people are intelligent like that. They knew that people would figure out the agenda of whatever scheme they were cooking up.

I was taught a long time ago, that the Government says one thing and does something totally different, it's called duplicity. The duality of words is a finite or sometimes very easy way to "let people think what they want."

Franklin D Roosevelt was one such President. From the History Channel, we've learned that F.D.R. was the type of man who liked to "never let one hand know what the other was doing" in regards to him making up his own spy network from millionaires to move stars.

I say that the New World Order was made up, so people along the decades who were intelligent enough to figure things out, people who heard sensitive information leaked, would constantly look like a "LONE NUTCASE" to the mass public. Looking for the "imaginary boogeyman" behind every shadow, or trying to dig out the "imaginary straw adversary" from under some rock.

This would be another form of "Divide and Conquer", just like racism, to divide the races against each other so that they could not unite together in order to learn to be at one with the universe. Another form of "Divide and Conquer" would be religions and the never ceasing "division" about which religion is better, which religion "actually speaks to God". I mean this one specifically is self evident within history itself. The Churches have made people go to war over who's the better "Savior of Mankind" in regards to the Crusades where the "Christian" went to war against the "Muslim" and even to this day it's happening with the Pope re-telling the stories from ancient days of the "Dark Ages" and royally pissing off the Muslim's to where he had to "apoligize", which was the worst apology I've ever heard.

"I'm sorry if that's what you heard, and were offended" is what he said, which is another way of saying, "you misunderstood that I offended you, and now I have to get up here and apologize."

If you take a look at some of the other threads I've started, you will see what I am talking about more readily.

A World At War With Itself

A Nation At War - Racism

Here's a simple example of "Divide and Conquer" right here in ATS, the thread was started by someone else about how people keep de-railing threads.

How Can We Get Rid Of These Discussion De-Railing Pests?

Here's another thread I began about "Shell Games" and the use of keeping people's attention "divided" in talking about the New World Order as if it were real.

The Shell Game of the New World Order

Here's a thread someone else started about "Divide and Conquer."

Divide and Conquer

Here's a link to an English Composition Assignment I did, called "Appeal To The Crowd."

Appeal To The Crowd

Privacy through the use of taking it away? I think not. To "protect your privacy" they want you identified. The problem is, now they know where you are, who you are with, and to some extent what you are up to.

The War on Terror...Stealing The US Constitution...Privacy Is The Last Refuge Of Revolution...

President Bush even stated the the War on Terror is WWIII. I remember submitting this as a newstory when it first came out. The link does not still work, due to the story being old now, but look at the original link. Within the link, it says exactly what it is, a declaration of WWII.

War on Terror is WWIII

The New World Order was a created myth in order to subvert the public's attention to a fictitious "Evil Enemy" within the Government. This is so the public is too busy chasing it's tail to see what's really going on.

There Is No New World Order

[edit on 18-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 12:53 PM
People should be mad at themselves, at being duped into believing in a "mythical creature" like the New World Order. Am I saying there's things that are not things happening within the Government that you or I disagree with? No, I'm not saying that, at all.

What I am saying, is that you should be paying attention, very close attention as a matter of fact, to what's going on within politics, and how things are being changed right in front of your eyes.

This link here, is exaclty what you should be watching for.

Line Up To Be A Registered Dissenter, A Registered Complainer, A Registered Trouble Maker

The use of the New World Order, is a Straw Adversary, a scarecrow in order to keep you from the truth.

[edit on 18-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 04:05 PM
Very thought provoking posts.

I have not had a chance to check out the links yet but wanted to thankyou
for providing them so that I may seek more on this subject.

I can see where you are coming from and agree about 'duplicity'.

I will get back to this thread when I have a read more instead of posting something that sounds lame due to my ignorance.

thanks again

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 05:25 PM
I'm happy to help with anyone who might try a thought provoking new look on this. It's not that there isn't a conspiracy within the Government, or a conspiracy within "Secret Organizations", it's that the actual conspiracy may in fact be a conspiracy within a conspiracy.

I just got done reading the book, "Blank Check : The Pentagon's Black Budget" and I highly recommend it to anyone who might want to be better educated as to how Washington D.C. really works and the fact that Congree can be duped through lies, corruption, and "hidden agenda's" that are not their own.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
I'm happy to help with anyone who might try a thought provoking new look on this. It's not that there isn't a conspiracy within the Government, or a conspiracy within "Secret Organizations", it's that the actual conspiracy may in fact be a conspiracy within a conspiracy.

I just got done reading the book, "Blank Check : The Pentagon's Black Budget" and I highly recommend it to anyone who might want to be better educated as to how Washington D.C. really works and the fact that Congree can be duped through lies, corruption, and "hidden agenda's" that are not their own.

Here's the link to that book, if anyone wants to read the book. I hope everyone enjoy's the book.

Blank Check : The Pentagon's Black Budget

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 07:44 PM
I am so totally surprised that this thread has gotten only one response. I would have figured people who be fighting tooth and nail over this topic. Where is everyone? Where is all the people that would be fighting to defend that there is or isn't a New World Order?

Does everyone have the night off? Or is everyone working?

[edit on 19-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 11:11 PM
I think that people want to believe.

I see it as basic human nature, fear of self responsibility.

Look at it this way.

As long as there is some mythical, mystic, foggy clandestine group that can be blamed for anything and everything; then we do not need to take full responsibility for anything that we as humans, create or destroy. We will always have a scape goat to blame it on.

I don't believe you will ever get many responses to a thread like this for that very reason.

It is somehow comforting to think that "we" can not be faulted. That the stupid and irresponsible actions of those in power are somehow manipulated by this undercover group of phantom people.

Also human nature is the absolute "non" necessity of proof of these groups. Our imaginations will provide whatever proof we may need. This is evident in many, MANY, threads on here where a poster will make statements like, "It's a fact that," or "There is no doubt," all the while posting their own opinions and only their opinions. Yet they believe these opinions to be the truth, and as such are appalled when someone refutes them.

Perhaps at this stage of human development, we actually need these fantasies, perhaps they are our crutch in troubled times, our mental crutch if you will, that carries us through.


posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 01:42 AM
Ok, I'll bite...

Let's suppose, for sake of debate, that you're right; that there isn't any NWO.

The next logical questions would be thus:

Who then created the myth?
Why was it created?
How do we explain the fact that only 2% of the people control the wealth of 1/2 of the entire planet? Money Ownership

With these things in perspective, one must at least look at the situation, and then ask the very real question; What do these people do with all of this money? This is where I'm having the trouble believing that there isn't a NWO. This money, as I and many others believe, is being used to influence events, economies, and politics around the globe. As we all know, money is power. This power can be used both for good and evil, as it's merely a tool to be used as the owner permits.

Why is it that we always assume the worst in people you ask? It's simply because, after having viewed the actions of those at the proverbial top, we all can see that they are no longer concerned with our wellfare, but instead with their own agendas. Does this mean that they are necessarilly a member of some super-secret cabal that has designs to control all of the world? Of course not!! It's just a curious point of concern that the majority of these wealthy individuals associate with one another more than they associate with those that helped to get them to where they are.

To me, this reeks of corruption and secret agendas. Call me paranoid.. At least I can say that I'm not sticking my head in the sand by just ignoring the warning signs of an impending Aristocracy.

Do I believe that there's a NWO, actively persuing a global aristocracy? Yes I do. What makes me think this? The actions of the elected leaders, or rather their inactions. They seem impotent to make any real change worth making, and that tells me one thing; someone's controlling them. That control should be in the hands of those citizens that voted them in, but more often than not, the votes show differently.

Too many subtle nuances to ignore. It's my contention that the NWO does exist, and that it's alive and well, controlling people worldwide.

Just my few cents, mind you.

For Democracy,


posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 07:55 AM
Well, you certainly raised some good questions there. I thought I answered quite a few of them within the first post in this thread. The reason the New World Order doesn't exist, is that it is a "Paper Tiger", a "Straw Adversary", or "Boogey Man", which is to say, it is a fake enemy.

It was created by who? That I couldn't answer to you. I know I've heard it talked about since I was a small child and I'm 33 now. My parents, their parents, etc were discussing it. The thing is that I see, is that it was created, to make you, Me, and every other "conspiracy theorist" chase their collective tails.

Another words, it was created to keep you occupied, looking for an enemy that is not there, a shadow within a shadow. Am I saying there's no corruption within the Government? Nope, that's not the same thing. Am I saying there's no Secret Socities running things behind the scenes? Nope, there are plenty of those out there.

The reason for this subterfuge within subterfuge? It's to keep you looking, keep you guessing, and keep you ignorant to the real facts. To keep you looking like a "lone nutcase", a "lone conspiracy theorist", a "lone person", or "one of those crazy nutcases who will believe anything."

Am I saying all of those things are about anyone on ATS? Nope. What I am saying, is that perception is everything. If your family, friend, co-workers, or anyone "thinks" you're one of those people mentioned above, then your credibility is automatically null and void and you are considered a "fringe element" within society.

The rich being rich? 2% of the the population owning half the riches? This has nothing to do with the New World Order, it has everything to do with rich people keeping poor people poor by the ignorant, the poor, and the lesser people from learning how to become rich by knowledge, nothing more.

The New World Order, is essentially a control mechanism put into place to make you see something that is not there. It would be equivalent to having a mouse in a maze and have the smell of cheese there without the actual cheese. This would literally drive the mouse mad trying to find the elusive cheese that is not there. The mouse knows it can smell the cheese, but can never find it. What makes it worse, is that sometimes the mad scientist will open a wall with a clear sheet of glass, so the mouse can occaisionally see the actual cheese but can never get to it.

Are you the mouse, the cheese, or the mad scientist screwing with the mind of the starving mouse?

[edit on 31-1-2007 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:04 AM
The problem with that line of thinking is, and you even mentioned it in your post, that if the "cheese" is real, and the "mouse" can get whiffs of it, then it must exist. So in this case must the NWO. For the conspiracy to have been created in the first place, it must have had some basis in fact.

The truth of the matter is, that "those with the gold make the rules." That's to say that those 2% that I spoke of before are the ones that control the wealth of the planet, and can influence the behaviours of the politicians into their favors.

To answer your question with your own analogy, I'm neither the mouse, the mad scientist, nor am I the cheese. Why am I not? It's a simple matter of philosophy.

To be the mouse, I'd need to be stupid enough to believe everything that I see and hear. I'm neither. I see, hear, and then think. The key word here is think. I must contemplate all possible options, take the most likely, no matter how "out there" it might be, and accept it as the current theory. That's standard procedure when it comes to logical assumptions.

To be the mad scientist, I would have to have been the one that created the whole charade, in which case I wouldn't have any reason to be here, other than to dissuade anyone from learning my true identity. That cannot be further from the truth, since I'm trying to point out through logical steps that there must be a NWO, created to control all "below" them. How could I, if I was the mad scientist, stab myself in the back like that? Not a logical assumption, therefore, it's invalid.

And lastly, to be the cheese, I would need to be trying to suppress any thoughts about the NWO, yet laying a few tidbits out here and there to keep the myth alive. If I were in such an outfit, I'd not be concerned with the specifics of the myth, so much as I would be about trying to keep all eyes off of the myth. Why draw unnecessary attention to something so devious?? To me anyway, it doesn't make any sense.

Maybe I'm missing something, I dunno. All that I DO know, however, is that this is one of the more interesting debates that I've had in a while. I thank you for that. Plenty of food for thought. Best Regards.

For Democracy,


[Edited for punctuation.]

[edit on 1-2-2007 by TheBorg]

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:34 AM
As you've said TheBorg this is a very good discussion related debate and one of the few that didn't go off onto tangents or name calling for once.

What I mean when I explain that there is not a New World Order is exactly what I stated before. The cheese being there as a temptation for the mouse in the maze is a semblance or resemblance to what the mouse really wants, the cheese. Sometimes, the cheese seems so real, and sometimes the cheese is real but it's a facade of what it really should be.

This is of course a conundrum within a mystery enwrapped in a shroud of infinite possibilities. To see the New World Order, to even hear it within the speeches of the President of the United States of America is all a ruse, a sham, a scam, and one big farce.

"They", being the powers that be, whoever or whatever demons you choose to place within that power structure, or whichever conveiniant evil bastard sitting on Capitol Hill you want to choose, want you to see a shadow to chase. They want you to see "the real deal" of the New World Order, in order to keep you occupied from the true agenda.

The true agenda...quite stealing away all your God given, democratically war fought, blood shed, lives and loves lost, rights.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
"They", being the powers that be, whoever or whatever demons you choose to place within that power structure, or whichever conveiniant evil bastard sitting on Capitol Hill you want to choose, want you to see a shadow to chase. They want you to see "the real deal" of the New World Order, in order to keep you occupied from the true agenda.

The true agenda...quite stealing away all your God given, democratically war fought, blood shed, lives and loves lost, rights.

But the very people you speak of as "the powers that be" are pushing "the true agenda" of doing just what you stated.

Who are these people, if not the group responsible for the NWO theory itself? The farce is really the lie that they aren't involved in anything mischievous. For that to be the case, then there would be no need for secrets, now would there?

That being said, the secrets remain, and they atop them, professing all the while that they do everything for our best interests, when they do nothing of the sort.

You've illuded to it yourself, that the illusionist is weaving a masterful illusion on all of his unwitting audience members, and they are, for the most part, none the wiser. I plead the case that in fact, several know the true meaning of his "act", and are wondering how this could possibly be working. The illusion isn't lost on all, it's merely ingested, processed, and rejected as the farce that it really is. It's when they begin to start giving away the secrets of the trade that the illusionist has them "removed" from the collective audience.

All of this is analogous to the real world, where things like this happen everyday. It doesn't mean that just because there is an illusion that the illusionist doesn't exist. It merely means that we've not gotten enough information to figure out just who this illusionist really is, and what he's doing.

Again, the cabal that runs the NWO is alive and well, and I see nothing here, or anywhere else for that matter, that can suggest otherwise. Maybe you can provide something that I've missed.. I would challenge anyone to do that.

Good luck, and God Speed.

For Democracy,


posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 07:35 AM

Just a quick question here. I do NOT want to interrupt your debate.. (Excellent reading here)

Again, the cabal that runs the NWO is alive and well, and I see nothing here, or anywhere else for that matter, that can suggest otherwise. Maybe you can provide something that I've missed.. I would challenge anyone to do that.

Good luck, and God Speed.

As there is no actual physical evidence that I am aware of, as to the existence of the NWO; would it not be more prudent, in a scholarly sense, to concentrate on attempting to prove one way or another and not just believe.... What is the foundation for a belief in something unproven? Usually it is going to be a faith based belief such as religion. Do you think the NWO qualifies for that type of belief?

It is impossible to prove a negative is it not?

Just my two cents here. I am not as informed on this subject as you two, but I, as usual, have questions...

Thanks for your time..


posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 09:31 AM
Stick your head in the sand why don't you. Look around and really tell me you don't see Globalization everywhere.

Why don't you Educate yourself:

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Stick your head in the sand why don't you. Look around and really tell me you don't see Globalization everywhere.

Why don't you Educate yourself:

Who exacly was that sheep shot directed at Royal76? I'm not a sheep. I am aware of globalization and it's good and evil sides. I've been studying the New World Order for a very long time.

As a matter of fact, My entire lifetime.

I just know when people are attempting to pull a scam.

I know the New World Order looks real, feel real, and smells real...crappy.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
I know the New World Order looks real, feel real, and smells real...crappy.

and if it smells like crap
looks like crap
and sounds like crap, it is crap

the NWO is just a boogey-man
a way to scare people off of globalization without letting them weigh the pros and cons themselves...
it seems to be a tool of ignorance

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 04:10 PM
It is amazing how many people on here are the ultimate in authoritative knowledge...

The minute anyone comes along and asks a question about something that they believe in, then comment's emerge about being sheep and having one's head in the sand..

Questions to all of those...

If your belief is so strong, if you are so very certain of what you believe in; why are you too afraid to risk some small amount of questioning?

Do you really feel you are showing ANY amount of intelligence by spouting ridicule anytime someone questions your beliefs? Your not.


The single most often used tool of the uncertain..


posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis

Just a quick question here. I do NOT want to interrupt your debate.. (Excellent reading here)

As there is no actual physical evidence that I am aware of, as to the existence of the NWO; would it not be more prudent, in a scholarly sense, to concentrate on attempting to prove one way or another and not just believe.... What is the foundation for a belief in something unproven? Usually it is going to be a faith based belief such as religion. Do you think the NWO qualifies for that type of belief?

No I don't, and that's a very good point. It's one that I'll need to do some thinking on. I'm in the process of doing some research on this very topic. Figured I'd start showing a bit of what I'm finding in the near future. I'm amazed by just how many people are involved in a group that's sole purpose is to influence the world's affairs. What's even more amazing than that is how many of these same people associate with one another on a level unprecedented by any other group.

It is impossible to prove a negative is it not?

Just my two cents here. I am not as informed on this subject as you two, but I, as usual, have questions...

Thanks for your time..


Well, mathematically, I can prove a negative.. 1 - 3 = -2. Therefore, nagatives are proven to exist. It's a simple mathematical proof. In this case though, no. It's something that will take serious digging to find. I'll keep everyone posted.

And since when are you not as informed?? You seem to have more points than me, last time I checked.
Anyway, any other questions? Ship em over!! Oh, and vote for me for ATS President!!
(sorry, had to get the harmless plug in there!!

As always, thank YOU for YOUR time.

For Democracy,


posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 07:49 AM
You know what Borg,

I just might endorse your bid for my President...

You would definitely make a fine one...


posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
and if it smells like crap
looks like crap
and sounds like crap, it is crap

To use that line of false logic against you:
If it smells like the NWO,
Looks like the NWO,
And sounds like the NWO, it is the NWO.

This here is what we call a two-edged sword my friend. I can use it just as much as you to prove the very same points. My point is just as valid because of it. I have some measure of evidence for what I claim. Can you say the same?

the NWO is just a boogey-man
a way to scare people off of globalization without letting them weigh the pros and cons themselves...
it seems to be a tool of ignorance

No, the NWO is just as real as this planet is. The NWO is linked to so many different things that it's almost impossible to tell one piece from another. It's all interconnected in so many ways that it's a tangled mess. It's not being used as a way to scare anyone from anything.

I guess what I'm trying to figure out here is how almost all of us can agree that there's a select group of very elite individuals that control the entire planet, and at the same time, disaknowledge the fact that that is classified as the NWO. If someone could help me out here, I'd be ever so grateful.

Thanks for your time,


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