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Doomsday clock updated!! 5 mins to midnight

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posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 09:50 AM
Thats umm close.i think from 2001 things are going down worse and worse.We will be lucky to have our next generation look back at this decade cuz as things are going there wont be any life on this planet
Now when will they play iron maidens song 2 mins to midnight

[edit on 17-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

[edit on 17-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:35 AM
Yes .. they decided to include global warming into the mix when deciding the time on the clock and that is why it moved forward.
LAME. I know folks here will mostly disagree with me, but I think that's just PC and a commercial for the left wing political agenda. 'Global warming' hasn't been definitvely established as real let alone that it could be anything other than cyclical and natural.

Baaaah humbug. (let the flames begin

I understand we are wallowing in our own filth, but the spirit of the doomsday clock has always been for other reasons and I would just like to see it stay that way.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:39 AM
The recent spike and moving of the clock forward is down to North Korea testing a nuclear weapon, Iran playing around with nuclear technology and climate change being added as a major threat to humanity.

I think we're living in an "age of change", but people during the cold war waiting for the four minute warning probably thought the same thing but for them it never came, for us theres alot that could happen.

I don't think we'll reach the point where we'll all be cosmic dust in the memory of the Universe, but I think things such as the effects of climate change and the middle east truely errupting in war will be the two biggest threats we'll face in the near future, but anything could happen...

image originally from BBC article Climate resets 'Doomsday Clock'

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:39 AM
I disagree with you FF,global warming is real and is beyond human scope.Its not natural but artificial,its not being done by humans,think who are doing it?

to other members plz stay on topic and dont put the article paras here as it will be negative to this thread

[edit on 17-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

[edit on 17-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:45 AM
It's weird...

In 1991 it starting to go up again....

1991: Bush Sr.
1994: Bill Clinton
2000: Bush Jr.
2008: Hilary Clinton?

Those neo-cons...

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
I disagree with you FF,global warming is real ....

I'm sure a lot of people here disagree with me on many things.
It has not been decided if global warming is real or not.
I'm sure you can pull all sorts of info in favor of it.
I can pull just as much against it.

My point is - the clock shouldn't move on something that hasn't been determined to be real or not. That's just political and
. UK wizard brought up the NK NUKE tests .. that's fine. THAT is what it should move on. NOT on 'global warming', which may or may not even be real.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
'Global warming' hasn't been definitvely established as real let alone that it could be anything other than cyclical and natural.

We must be imagining this completely unseasonal spring-like winter we've been having over here in England then... and this is a relitivley mild case (no pun intended) as far as it goes...

Dude, wake up. U think that GW suddenly becomes "real" once a bunch of people sit down and "decide" its "real"? I dunno what u've been smoking, but its obviously good #%@$. Puff puff pass my friend, puff puff pass

[edit on 17-1-2007 by john_bmth]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

It has not been decided if global warming is real or not.

I think you mean you haven't decided if it real or not. Even the President of the USA doesn't deny GW is happening. Heck even Exxon doesn't even deny it's existence anymore.

Climate change should be added to the clock along with anything else that has the potential to wipe us out.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:04 PM
Indeed... In Quebec we just had our first big snow...

But in the US they seem to have a nice cold wave right now, just heard on the news the president declared state of emergency in 2 states

How come the US has a winter and not us poor canadians?

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:36 PM
Of course global warming should be considered part of the equation!

Don't you think people are gonna get kinda hot under the collar (pun most defiantly intended!) when there aint any thing to eat?

Deploying Nukes may let off a little steam; reduce the number of hungry mouths etc.

I don't think GW is going to happen in the slow way we have been brought up with - on the contrary, we may reach a point of no return where things will accelerate seriously out of control.

Bearing in mind CO2 is our main 'green house gas' at the moment, what about the vast amounts of frozen methane, which if released will be 23 times as potent as the old one part C 2 parts O!

Throw in Global Dimming (or the reversal of) to boot things could go very pear shaped very quick!!!!

Simply put, Armageddon may not be nuclear, but it may be just round the corner.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I know folks here will mostly disagree with me, but I think that's just PC and a commercial for the left wing political agenda. 'Global warming' hasn't been definitvely established as real let alone that it could be anything other than cyclical and natural.

That's a hacky arguement. Are you Carlos Mencia? wakka wakka
Anyway, who benefits from the agendum of, "convince people that we're warming up the planet?" Nobody, it would be a waste of time unless there were genuine worry.

On the flip side of the coin, who benefits from the agendum of, "convince people that nothing we've ever done has hurt the planet?"

Personally, I don't believe much of anything anymore. Anything can be a lie unless it's experienced with one or more of the five senses, and even then it could still be a lie. My skin tells me that this winter has been warm. This could be a coincidence, or maybe the earth is going through a natural cycle, but the fact still remains that unless my skin is lying, this winter has been warm.

In addition to my senses I also believe in money, and the very idea of global warming is a massive threat to many multi-billion dollar industries. And I don't mean a small, 'some of Haiburton's stockholders might get screwed,' type of threat. I am talking about an economy crippling, earth changing, superpower dethroning type of threat.

So my skin and money are telling me that global warming is "probably" true.

Of course I could be wrong.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 01:43 PM
You guys do know that at anytime the clock

can be moved back to 11:30?

Of course, it wont. We live in strange times and like the tape from "Mission Impossible" we will self-destruct very soon.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Global Warming as a theory that has entered into the human vernacular is one thing, it being caused by man is another. There are global cycles that have warmed in the 1000s of years. If the original propaganda of global warming was needed to bring more attention to ways to reduce pollution & such, that’s a good thing. I don’t think that humans have effected the climate even a glitch, let alone global catastrophe. The land, at least the US, is cleaner. Actual many industrialized countries are getting be better, but not all. It has not been proven, even if the President & the head of Exxon have used the phrase. I needn’t point out how absurd that would be anyway.

As FlyersFan stated, I also feel it is more politics then valid science. Since it’s inception global warming has been a mechanism for panic & knee-jerk political decisions. The Doomsday clock is decided by an editor, so who really places much in that?

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 02:51 PM
So if the US nukes Iran, will it be more safe or less safe? No more Iranian ``threat`` but nukes have been used and the confrontation US/Russia-China is approching...

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by john_bmth

Originally posted by FlyersFan
'Global warming' hasn't been definitvely established as real let alone that it could be anything other than cyclical and natural.

We must be imagining this completely unseasonal spring-like winter we've been having over here in England then... and this is a relitivley mild case (no pun intended) as far as it goes...

Dude, wake up. U think that GW suddenly becomes "real" once a bunch of people sit down and "decide" its "real"? I dunno what u've been smoking, but its obviously good #%@$. Puff puff pass my friend, puff puff pass

[edit on 17-1-2007 by john_bmth]

And how do you know global warming is actually whats behind the changing weather patterns?

Have you stopped to consider that the climate has changed ON ITS OWN throughout history, without mankinds intervention?

Or have you considered that tectonic activity has been vastly increasing in frequency and magnitude also, and not just the weather.

To put it simply, global warming is a scam designed to take away more liberty and wealth from the people of the planet.

Whats really happening is in relation to 2012, its a natural cycle that the earth goes through, it has nothing to do with pollution.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by john_bmth
We must be imagining this completely unseasonal spring-like winter we've been having over here in England then ...

Nope. It could be very warm. That doesn't mean Global Warming is real and it doesn't mean that it is man made. It could be completely cyclical and natural.

Dude, wake up.

I'm a girl. It's dudette.

I dunno what u've been smoking,

Nothing to smoke... nothing to drink ... nothing. Many scientists are not convinced that Global Warming is real or that even if it is real that it isn't natural.

Originally posted by Jake the Dog Man
Global Warming as a theory that has entered into the human vernacular is one thing, it being caused by man is another.

Exactly. Thank you.

Originally posted by Umbrax
I think you mean you haven't decided if it real or not.

No. I mean that many scientists haven't decided it's on real .. as well as many people. Until science is completely sure that there is such a thing and that it isn't a natural event, I don't believe it should be included.

If you all want to move the clock up due to something that may, or may not, be real ... then I'm sure you are happy to see it move. I am of the opinion that since 'Global Warming' hasn't been decided FOR SURE then adding it at this point is a political statement. Nothing more.

Whatever. It doesn't matter. It's just a stupid made-up clock with no meaning in the grand scheme of life anyways. It's not worth fighting about.

[edit on 1/17/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 06:38 PM
I would have to partially agree that GW is a stretch. We don't have conclusive long term data to show that this is not a cyclical event. However there is no disputing the fact that tonnes of crap is being put into the air and that is having an increase on breathing disorders and the like.

One study I read showed that CO2 emissions to be about 11 billion tonnes for humans, globally, as opposed to nearly 200 billion tonnes, globally, from decaying plants/animals and the oceans. Sorry I don't have the source trying to track it down.

As for the doomsday clock no I don't think GW should be included however shouldn't the fact that its been put closer to midnight be enough to worry about?


posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 06:51 PM
There are cyclical occurences like drought, increased temps, ocean temp increases and such over 1000's and 1000's of years.
They can get pretty good idea's of this through ICE and the earth.

What you all fail to ignore..

is that in the past 100yrs we have ADDED to so much TOXIC crap to the atmosphere, that if this 'cyclical' change occurs, its NOT going to be like OTHER occurances.

Im not saying the doomsday clock is representing this,

but Global warming, and a drastic change in weather IS HAPPENING.
You cannot ignore it, or simply brush it off claiming ' its natural '

It might very well be NATURAL for it to happen,

but after we have polluted and affected the planet SO badly, if it naturally occurs AGAIN, it will not be as before.

dont kid yourself, we are destroying the planet!

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:07 PM
A move to a NWO would be the greatest chance man kind has. Only then would car's be removed from use and the enforcement of use electricity be enforceable.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by atsrules
A move to a NWO would be the greatest chance man kind has. Only then would car's be removed from use and the enforcement of use electricity be enforceable.

Thats right. They show you theres a problem, then sell u their solution..

but Global warming, and a drastic change in weather IS HAPPENING.
You cannot ignore it, or simply brush it off claiming ' its natural '

It might very well be NATURAL for it to happen,

but after we have polluted and affected the planet SO badly, if it naturally occurs AGAIN, it will not be as before.

dont kid yourself, we are destroying the planet!

Weather changes are happening, but one can not say it is definatly global warming, although we are most certainly poisoning the planet, there is no doubt about that statement.

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