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~Left Wing~ Secret Societies

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posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:54 AM
Yes LEFT WING societies. No masons or skull and balls or rockefellers or illuminati or any of that #e.

I havent been here for a while, have there ever been any posts about discordian or erisian movement? What about Dillinger and the JAMs?

Thing is, i had a chance to join right wing ages ago and i could have been all the way at the top but i'm just not that kind of guy. To hell with them i said, i dont want any of that, i want freedom! I want to join LDD or ELF or JAM whatnot and i haven't found a way in yet......

I'm not sure what steps to take, maybe post a newspaper note somewhere in Chicago or California asking for directions?

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 08:39 AM
Maybe you could elaborate on this whole Right vs Left wing group thing. Also, for those who don't follow secret societies as much as everyone else, if you could let us know who LDD, ELF, and JAM are. Thanks.


Originally posted by Freeman
I havent been here for a while

Actually yes, you have been here. You just got your thread closed by masqua for alleged posting of "material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate":

[edit on 17-1-2007 by Reality Hurts]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 09:40 AM
Dont get smart with me. I havent been in this SECTION for a while.

And that material i posted is not "false" and i sent pm to the dude who locked it.

Now, the right vs left and all i will explain it in a little while...

Allseeingeye, where are you man, you know anything about anti illuminati??

I can tell you one thing for certain if illuminati exist and exist they do, there is amost certainly a counter illuminati society. Its a big world out there, how does one find them?

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 09:43 AM
Aren't the illuminati left right and center???

They sponsored and financed the world wars, communism (and the bolshevik revolution), nazism (and the holocaust), capitalism, and the state of Israel.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 09:50 AM
Yeah by left wing i just meant anti illuminati

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 09:50 AM
The whole right/left thing doesnt matter when youre talking Illuminati level NWO control. The whole conept of dividing politics to begin with was set up to make us easier to dominate. It pits us peons against each other while the elites just laugh and tax, laugh and tax. All the while commen folk caught up in left vs. right actually root for and support the loss of their liberties by chosing a side.

Both sides have the same end and partisan bickering just speeds it along. We think its a win if new legislation or taxation sticks it to the other guy. Newsflash, it sticks it to everyone.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 09:58 AM
True... It's a facade. IMHO they were even behind the feminist and civil rights movements of the 60's. Left or Right.. It doesn't make a difference to them, as long as they stay in control of the finances (and with that, the power) of the world.

[edit on 17-1-2007 by TheBandit795]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Aren't the illuminati left right and center???

No. The actual, historical Illuminati were left wingers. The enemies of the Illuminati were right wingers, and it was they who invented the first anti-Illuminati conspiracy theories.

The most famous of the anti-Illuminati right wing organizations is the John Birch Society.

They sponsored and financed the world wars, communism (and the bolshevik revolution), nazism (and the holocaust), capitalism, and the state of Israel.

No. The actual Illuminati ceased to exist long before the Bolshevik Revolution, and their members were not wealthy enough to sponsor anything like that.

As for the Nazis, they revived anti-Illuminati conspiracy theory in Germany. The Nazis were the ones who invented the myth that communism was a Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati attack on white German culture.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:32 PM
Then we have two different definitions of the illuminati. I apologize in advance if my definitation is wrong, because as I have understood, they are the international bankers & their friends & families.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Then we have two different definitions of the illuminati. I apologize in advance if my definitation is wrong, because as I have understood, they are the international bankers & their friends & families.

By "Illuminati", I refer to a semi-secret society of liberal revolutionaries founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 in Bavaria, in what is now Germany. The Illuminati patterned itself after Freemasonry, but had political revolution as its goal.

The Illuminati was soon infiltrated by the Bavarian police, and disbanded. Some of the most famous German thinkers and artists of the periods were members of the Illuminati: Goethe, Mozart, and Comte de St. Germaine were on the membership roster.

Their name, "Illuminati", comes from their ideal of embracing Enlightenmnet principles. They wanted to overthrow the Bavarian Electorate, and establish a democracy in its place. They were demonized by their enemies: the wealthy feudal lords and the Roman Catholic Church. Most of the modern Illuminati conspiracy theories originated with these, because they knew if the people feared the Illuminati, they would not support them, which they would have almost certainly done had they known the truth.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
As for the Nazis, they revived anti-Illuminati conspiracy theory in Germany. The Nazis were the ones who invented the myth that communism was a Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati attack on white German culture.

Actually, Marxism/Communism(a product of Zionism(left-hand path Kabbalah)/Black Lodge of the Illuminati who are awakened negatively) are anti-Judeo(Right-Hand Path Kabbalah)-Masonic(Primitive)-Illuminati of the White Lodge(who are Awakened Positively).

Marxism=black Magic!?

A. Hitler knew this(he was on the Right-Hand Path in the beginning), and was unfortunately defeated by the Zionists that he fought in the beginning(A. Hitler was later converted into a Black Magician); and the foolish Nazis even furthered the Zionist plans by killing so many Jews:

A. Hitler and the Man with the Green Gloves

More explanation:

The Nazis are also said to be responsible for many of the pseudo-Gnostic, pseudo-Theosophist, "New Age" channelling spiritualist type of groups in South America, which have spread here.

[edit on 18-1-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 11:59 PM
As I've mentioned before, the Bavarian Illuminati had members who were Adepts of the White Lodge; such as Comte de St. Germaine, Goethe, Mozart, Cagliostro, etc.(who ML also just mentioned).

Marxism(from the Black Lodge) is not for the common working man, as they would like us to believe.

Want to see the cruel, degenerated products of Marxism?

Watch these DVD's:

Tibet - Cry of the Snow Lion


Biography - Dalai Lama: The Soul of Tibet (A&E DVD Archives)

[edit on 18-1-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Freeman
I can tell you one thing for certain if illuminati exist and exist they do, there is amost certainly a counter illuminati society. Its a big world out there, how does one find them?

Here is how you attract them. Start waving your hands and cluck like a chicken, they will come to you. Talent like that is hard to pass up. Seriously, that is the truth.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Freeman
Yes LEFT WING societies. No masons or skull and balls or rockefellers or illuminati or any of that #e.

Masonry and the Illuminati are Left Wing groups. The Masons are EXTREMELY liberal, they fomented liberal revolutions throughout the world, and the illuminati were also left wing liberal radicals.

have there ever been any posts about discordian or erisian movement? What about Dillinger and the JAMs?

That is from RAW's "Illuminatus!" Trilogy, they are not 'real' groups. The Discordian group is a spoof on religion.

I want to join LDD

You want to be a Little Deluded Dupe???

maybe post a newspaper note somewhere in Chicago or California asking for directions?

Since RAW is dead, you're not likely to have any success with the groups from his fictional novels.

The discordians are real, and you can join them, but they don't actually do anything. Just go out and buy the Principia Discordia to find out if you can tolerate it.

Reality Hurts
if you could let us know who LDD, ELF, and JAM are. Thanks.

Little Deluded Dupes, Erisian Liberation Front, and Justified Ancients of Mumu. fnord.

Then we have two different definitions of the illuminati. I apologize in advance if my definitation is wrong, because as I have understood, they are the international bankers & their friends & families.

The Church and State reacted against the Illuminati with a black propaganda campaign, scaring people into beleiving that these liberals wanted to destroy all religion and all nations. After the Illuminati were smashed, the propaganda had proved so effective, that people assumed they must've gone underground. When the French Revolution happened, many years later, it must've been the illuminati. When the people started revolting against the pope ruling as a temporal sovereign, it must've been the illuminati. Later, when people supported a UN, it must've been a machination of the illuminati. When the english went to war against the nazis, it must've been because of the illuminati. When the cfr, bilderberger, or trilaterals formed, it must've been the illuminati.

The greatest trick the devils ever pulled was convincing people that they existed.

In my understanding anyway.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Marxism(from the Black Lodge) is not for the common working man, as they would like us to believe.

I strongly disagree. But we must separate Marxism from Stalinism.

Marxism simply states that there are inherent contradictions within capitalist economics, and that when such a system becomes global, it will collapse from those internal contradictions. Marxism further states that the economic system which will replace it will be based on cooperation instead of competition, which will be an evolutionary step in society (similar to capitalism having earlier replaced feudalism). Private profit will be eliminated because, finally, everyone will have access to everything they need.

It was only later, well after Marx's death, that so-called "Marxists" perverted his philosophy, making it a basis for tyranny. Karl Marx would not have considered the USSR from the days of Stalin forward, nor the People's Republic of China, to be socilist, communist, or "Marxist" in any form.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 07:20 AM
OMG!!! I didnt realize the KLF had NWO ties!!!!

KLF is gonna rock you.

Or nobody has any idea who the KLF is and I just dated myself.

Oh well, I still think its funny.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 05:46 AM

I had a nice long post prepared few month ago for this thread but i didnt post it becuase at the time i thought it was a security threat.........

I saved it some where and now i cant find it again. Therefor i will quickly give you 2 examples of recent activities by both left and right wing secret societies:

Anti Illuminati:
There is a thing called EZ test for example, and when you put a drop of that on MDMA it turns purple color, if the substance you dropped it on is 2C-I it will turn green, if its meth it will turn brown.................. thing is you cant really make any profit from such product, you not gonna get any bank loan to create something like this in a laboratory, but our people need such product so the erisian libeartion front or one of the other created this thing from scratch

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 05:53 AM
Now as for illuminati, recently they have been distributing MDMA pills on the streets of Amsterdam.

These pills had extasy in them and also they had highly toxic poison mixed in to it............. And they were using crach heads to sell them to public......

Thats just two examples of what secret societies get up to.

I was in a lot of # lately and i couldnt post anything until now.

Ohh and i am still in need of help so if you reading this and your in my corner, please come and pick me up. You can send me a pm, you can send me a letter you can send me SMS mesages or call me, either way i am tired of fighting lloi***s all by myself!!!

ps. and one last thing, just while re reading the first post, i have to say i must have been binging on some strong booze when i said in i conteplated joining those #ty bastards..... i dont even remember where i got the info that i had chance to join them "on the top" lol.......... silly silly me

pps. i know where it was coming from.... back few months ago my vision of the whole network of secret societies was wrong........... i guess i could say i was overshaddowed .... by many things........ things a a lot clearer now. Time is moving fast... so be quick, dont waste time, i need you! I am ready.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by Freeman]

[edit on 19-4-2007 by Freeman]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
By "Illuminati", I refer to a semi-secret society of liberal revolutionaries founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 in Bavaria, in what is now Germany.

Seeing as how the left-right paradigm didn't even come into use till 1791 at the French Legislative Assembly, where the Royalists sat on the right and the radical Montagnards sat on the left, then how could the Illuminati be 'left wing'?

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

Seeing as how the left-right paradigm didn't even come into use till 1791 at the French Legislative Assembly, where the Royalists sat on the right and the radical Montagnards sat on the left, then how could the Illuminati be 'left wing'?

Actually, the French Parliament thing is an urban legend, but by "left wing" in the the sense of the Illuminati, I was referring to liberalism, which they championed.

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