posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:04 PM
Wow, thanks for the welcome, everyone!
Originally posted by Mechanic 32
Welcome to ATS, sTeReO!!
Love your avatar, btw.
Thanks for noticing, I thought I'd make something special for this forum.
Originally posted by SkyWay
Welcome Stereo. Seen any ghosts lately?
No, I haven't seen any lately. However, I have had many experiences with them in the past. They followed my family around every time we'd move for
years and years. I finally figured out it was my daughter that was attracting them. She's sensitive to them. When she turned 18 and moved out, the
strange goings-on stopped. She is 21 now and told me just the other day that she still has experiences from time to time, but not as much as when she
was little.