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Force Disclosure - Plan to expose the UFO phenomenon!

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posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:20 PM
If there really are so many people that are demanding disclosure why don't you just start a petition where all say they will vote out the current president, congressman, senator... in their area unless they agree to full disclosure. I know not all of them know something but some know enough and nothing scares these people more than losing their power. That is what democracy is for. If you don't like the fact that these people are keeping secrets and allowing other agencies to keep even bigger secrets then elect somebody that will put a stop to it.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Tiloke

You know the signs at the facility say"photography of this area is prohibited"

Do you think the mass media will just ignore that? Do you think the guards will ignore the dozens of cameras? These are legitimate questions and deserve answers, not to be brushed off because I dont think you shoud do it.

I know this is a little crazy..But this picture has a warning sign that states no photography? Not no transmitting...Well last I checked Tyco makes some pretty cool R/C cars that are big enough for a remote mounted video transmitter? With the right know how of some people in electronics it might make for some neat footage.

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[edit on 16-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:23 PM
then whats the meaning of force if you're not going to do anything except march? that's looking at only wasting peoples time marching in the street and blocking off peoples routes to work..and bbq too? people will joke like

"haha look at those guys, they're going to be cooking bbq for the aliens?"

if anything is going to be "Forced" it's going to be be against the law someway or anything,marching up to a United States military installation/base and demanding full disclosure and whatnot, they could throw in the patriot act over everyone and send people over to the detainment camps we've been hearing about.

If you're gonna be smart about it, the best way i see it would be to at least try to get an interview by some news station, have people all over the united states and try to make as much news station interview the people about the disclosure subject as possible.

make it appear in the news enough, and sooner or later it'll start catching on.

same with what Hitler did basically, the big lie theory, no matter how obsurd it is, if you keep on telling the lie people are going to start believing it, if you keep on saying it.

except this would be people trying to get this out for a disclosure
"..government is keeping secrets from us about ET's, we have a right to know, please everyone unite..blah blah"

look at how the immigration turned out with all the mexicans and whatnot, they made the news pretty in the number of hundreds of thousands all over the united states in the news.

do it this way and there will be a minimum if not none of people getting arrested and whatnot.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:28 PM
My guess is that going to Area 51 would be a waste of time. Not because it wouldn't do anything, which it wouldn't, but because anything having to do with ET was moved to another base the minute Area 51 became the most famous place in the country. I truly believe that all things going on there now are from this planet.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:32 PM
The main topic of the Disclosure Project 2.0 could be to try to get the government to completely DENY any knowledge of UFO's or aliens visiting the earth.

Have you ever heard anyone in the government come out and say that 'the United States has no information or proof of aliens or UFOs'?

NO! Because they would be outright lying to the public.

Imagine a giant protest just asking the US government or the president himself even to deny any knowledge of UFOs or aliens on public TV! That area 51 does not have nor ever has had UFOs or crashed alien bodies, even though we have all of these high-profile witnesses saying otherwise.

If they don't exist, it shouldn't be a lot to ask to make us go away... c'mon, say it!

[edit on 16-1-2007 by Miah]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Miah
Let's just assume that the government knows that we are being visited as many here believe.

We seem to have proven that pictures and videos and even mass witnessing to UFOs does not convince the masses. We have also proven by the Disclosure Project that even mass media exposure with highly credible witnesses will not do the trick. So what will?

I had one idea on how to accomplish this that I shared here:

Others are looking for a way to infiltrate area 51 and other bases:

We've got some smart peeps here, what's your idea? If we wanted to all put our heads together to prove/expose it, how would we do it?

If you are one of the peeps that believes we are just supposed to wait for something to happen and/or it cannot be done, please take those comments elsewhere. This thread is to discuss a proactive plan to force disclosure.

Would love to hear your hypothetical ideas, have fun with it!

[edit on 16-1-2007 by Miah]

Is that the only for sure exposure will be in "time" like fifty years or so, just like Los alimos, where they developed the Nuclear bomb.
There is the thought which just comes to mind, which is it maybe a NON- U.S. government installation maybe controlled by the Russians, Gorbie is set up in a closed U.S. army base right under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco, CA.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Miah, you have every right to present a hypothetical plan to force disiclosure to find out what's really going on at area 51. I too as well as everyone here would love to have disclosure of information in this specific area because we really would like to find out more about those black op projects and why all of our tax money is going towards that and not toward a national healthcare plan for low income family's who are subsisting only on minimum wage incomes with no health insurance. But this is just one example amongst many of where our tax money should be going to but is not.

Having said this, listen to those here who are giving you sound advice on those very important issues you need to be aware of if you decide to follow through with such an endeavor (a forced protest). It's clear that those security forces at Area 51 are not anything to mess around with but still... maybe there's a way to work around that by having a mahatma ghandi type protest at the mailbox instead. Anything is better than nothing at this point in time and I'm surprised this has not been done before.
I would say that it's very ironic that a discussion of a forced protest of any sort would be taking place here or anywhere else for that matter on the day after Martin Luther King Day of all days!
Very ironic indeed and if you recall, MLK was a big fan of Mahatma Ghandi too!

[edit on 16-1-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:51 PM
The crackpots here only hurt the cause, it very well may be on purpose.

Mod Note: Aliens & UFO’s Forum Posting Conduct – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Miah
Now that the 2 pansies got that off their chests, can we get on with some pro-active ideas?

Miah seriously , your insults are unneeded. This is the third time in this thread alone you insult other members and not respond to the message.

But, I give up, Your absolutley right. This is whats going to happen.
Your going to get thousands of people together and hold up picket signs outside the signs at Area 51. For some unknown reason the media will see this as the greatest thing to ever happen and will have helicopters, camera, remote transmitting trucks, the whole works. It will be bigger than the O.J. chase and the Micheal Jackson trial put together. For some reason the guards will completely ignore you and allow you to braodcast images of top-secret military facilities. Than, after 3 days of BBQ and holding signs, George Bush himself will walk out to meet you all and say,
" You were right, we give up. Aliens are real and we have ufos right now. we also have free energy but dont want to give up our money-making oil yet. We were going to keep it a secret but we had no idea we'd be up against a bunch of BBQers with signs. You really fixed our wagon."

So, yep your right, how could I have ever doubted you.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:04 PM
ok - just my opinion - but here goes

you can have 10 , 10000 ANY number - it does not matter


and they dont even need to kill that " first victim "

look @ kent state , the guard only shot 4 people - and were heavily out numbered

but what happened when the bullets flew ?

panic , and mass running away

i do not mean to call the KS protestors cowards or anything

but it is a fundamental human nature

there may be 10ooo of you - but when the guy out front goes down with a GSW

what will you do , please anser honestly

PS - answers like " whip out my ak-47 and smoke the cammo dudes "

is just the sort of armchair commando idiocy i mean

PPS - you realise that any armed / hostile excalation of TRESPASS - a felony in its own right -

will merely justify the response you incurr - and they have far more firepower than you can ever hope to bring to bear

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

PPS - you realise that any armed / hostile excalation of TRESPASS - a felony in its own right -

will merely justify the response you incurr - and they have far more firepower than you can ever hope to bring to bear

You have voted ignorant_ape for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

Indeed. This is one of the few places where its legal to post a sign that says "WE WILL SHOOT YOU" and mean it. You simply being on that land could constitute a death sentance, and the government thinks thats A-OK. Thats where you want to go to protest the government?

Originally posted by Miah
The crackpots here only hurt the cause, it very well may be on purpose.

Another great insult. Thats four in just three pages. I dont see anyone insulting you, just your idea.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Tiloke

Originally posted by Miah
Now that the 2 pansies got that off their chests, can we get on with some pro-active ideas?

Miah seriously , your insults are unneeded. This is the third time in this thread alone you insult other members and not respond to the message.

But, I give up, Your absolutley right. This is whats going to happen.
Your going to get thousands of people together and hold up picket signs outside the signs at Area 51. For some unknown reason the media will see this as the greatest thing to ever happen and will have helicopters, camera, remote transmitting trucks, the whole works. It will be bigger than the O.J. chase and the Micheal Jackson trial put together. For some reason the guards will completely ignore you and allow you to braodcast images of top-secret military facilities. Than, after 3 days of BBQ and holding signs, George Bush himself will walk out to meet you all and say,
" You were right, we give up. Aliens are real and we have ufos right now. we also have free energy but dont want to give up our money-making oil yet. We were going to keep it a secret but we had no idea we'd be up against a bunch of BBQers with signs. You really fixed our wagon."

So, yep your right, how could I have ever doubted you.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by Tiloke]

Tiloke, why are you here, seriously? To shoot down any attempts to mass protest for the right of the people to know the truth? Or are you so delusional that you seriously think the best plan is to sit back and do nothing at all?

You conveniently avoided the question twice now; Was the Disclosure Project a waste of time?

You know that everyone here respects what it tried to do, and the people who testified for in it. No way do you plan to deny that. But you will try to to shoot down another attempt?

You go ahead and continue to downplay what is being discussed here (BBQers) like some government agent. We can see right through you.

The rest of the over 1000 people who have looked at this thread know that more protests consisting of thousands of like-minded people is what is needed.

We could march anywhere, like the "Sidney Shehans" and "legalize pot"ers we could march on the White House lawn and get nowhere looking like some crackpots. OR we could break the mold and do something that would actually get the mass media and public's interest. We could legally protest right in front of the sign that you conveniently posted which would be a spectacle that would raise eyebrows around the world.

It is legal, it would get the media's attention, and this would get the message out that something is going on, and we the people have the right to know what it is.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Please read this through carefully...

It is the courteous discussion and debate of ALL sides of EVERY issue important to humanity. AboveTopSecret will never endorse a specific "side" or position on any issue by allowing those whose agenda needs attention or support to recruit that support on this site PERIOD.

By allowing that sort of acitivity (recruiting or "gathering") we endorse the "recruiter's" position by proxy.

My suggestion is for those who feel the need to recruit people to their cause is to go to any of the thousands of sites who embrace that activity or create a site yourself and get busy.


posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:58 PM
Ok, Now Im mad. How in the HELL can you compare what you are planning to the disclosure project?

I think that the disclosure project was a HUGE step in the right direction , and its a pity that everyone in the country hasn't watched at least one DP video.

Your "plan" to wave a bunch of signs while cooking a steak pales in comparison to the disclosure project. The only reason I can think of for you bringing it up is so mabye some people will think this is big too, but its not. It's a BBQ in the hot sand. Even if you cross the signs. ( For some reason your very vauge on actually crossing them or not)

The disclosure project has hundreds of qualified, educated, and former VIPs from high up that testified about their participation in the extra-terrestreal cover-up. You have a bunch of guys with pick-ups and BBQ's. Its no comparison.

You are still failing to explain HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET THE MEDIA THERE??? I went ahead and fired off a couple of emails to Faux News and CNN to see if they would be interested in spending a lot of money and manpower to come film you and your fiends waving a sign in front of Area 51... I'll let you know the response.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 10:13 PM
Since the OP started this thread less than a week ago on the very same topic, I think it would be better if the responses were directed there instead.


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