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Phil Schneider - Youtube video

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posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 01:27 AM

Admin edit: changed title to reflect subject matter.

[edit on 17-1-2007 by SimonGray]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 01:30 AM
Yeah, thats Phil Schneider how cool is his mutilated hand! (no disrespect RIP)

I believe him cause he was murdered in '96

All the legit ones who were in the UG Bases and speak out murdered.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by Selmer2]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 06:52 PM

HA! In your face! Not only does this dude say Dulce exists. He killed 2 greys!

Oh god, you've proved all theories with one piece of anecdotal evidence!

Its going to take more than one mans word to convince me and most people on this board that there is a base at Dulce. If he knows it exists why didnt he show anyone where it was?

Find the base, and I'll listen.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 07:34 PM
The brave die young. He went down fighting. He's in a much better place without grays.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:32 PM
I saw this video a few months ago. He seemed to be sincere, but I'm still kind of skeptical of Schneider. I won't discount what he says, nor will I believe it whole-heartedly. Just need more evidence than he provided.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:53 PM
at least more and more people are seeing these video's
The more and more poeple see them the better everyone is.
if its real then WTF. if its not. its a start to try and get some answers from the government.... i hope.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by thedangler
The more and more poeple see them the better everyone is.

Firstly the more and more people that see this video, the more people start to believe the rubbish that Phil Schneider is saying. He claimed to be a scientist yet didnt give any scientific evidence for the far-fetched claims he made.

Originally posted by thedangler
if its real then WTF. if its not. its a start to try and get some answers from the government.... i hope.

Well if its not true then how is it a start of anything? Why would anyone be asking questions of the government if Phil Schneider was lying? You are clearly a die-hard believer in the Dulce myth who will continue to believe even if Schneider is lying. But my question is where is the evidence?

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:21 AM
just a shame they got to him, when he was just about to put all he knows down into video interview, bit like what albielek did. he was going to do that video thing, but just before they got him.

if you go here you can listen to what al had to say about phil

its a good listen, not sure about it though. interesting al said phils wive questioned whether it was phils body they found.

persoanlly i think that phil was the last person to come out with any real knowledge of these certain things. i just wished he told us all what he knew, and tried to keep of the alien issue, where he cannot back it up.

just had a feeling he could of told us all alot more about just what humans are doing in our name. shame, because i just think all the stuff that comes out today cannot be trusted at all, because these guys are so good now at manipulating the general public.

[edit on 17-1-2007 by andy1033]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by sTeReO
I saw this video a few months ago. He seemed to be sincere, but I'm still kind of skeptical of Schneider. I won't discount what he says, nor will I believe it whole-heartedly. Just need more evidence than he provided.

the problem is we the public just cannot get the facts, and will never be able to know if these are truths. if you are waiting for someone today to come out with something, i would not hold my breath, because any info realeased today is just totally controlled.

even bob lazarr admitted they use mind control at area 51, to protect the secrets.

the phil thing, is something you either think is true or not, there will be no one coming out nowadays stating something and trying to prove he was right.

if i was anyone on this board today, and anyone come out nowadays with info, it would be impossible to believe that he or she is telling any sort of truths.

thats why i say that phil was the last real person to come out with any stuff that the public can hold onto, and the fact that his vids are so well known, shows that alot of us, understand there was something with him, and he was indeed trying to get stuff out.

just a shame he could not tell us his whole story. the people know we have no evidence, and there will be no evidence of what he says, other than the fact does what he say come true. on the alien issue we cannot know about that stuff, but only a little of what he talked about was the aliens. so you just have to take it or leave it, simple as.

[edit on 17-1-2007 by andy1033]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by gfad

Originally posted by thedangler
The more and more poeple see them the better everyone is.

Firstly the more and more people that see this video, the more people start to believe the rubbish that Phil Schneider is saying. He claimed to be a scientist yet didnt give any scientific evidence for the far-fetched claims he made.

Well if its not true then how is it a start of anything? Why would anyone be asking questions of the government if Phil Schneider was lying? You are clearly a die-hard believer in the Dulce myth who will continue to believe even if Schneider is lying. But my question is where is the evidence?

When did he claim to be a scientist? I thought he said he was a geologist, and military base engineer. What kind of evidence do you expect him to give...Is he supposed to provide us with a dead alien, and a working UFO craft? That would be ideal, but very illogical. If a person did work at a secret base, do you think they would be allowed to just walk off with evidence in their pocket?

You call it a myth, but can you provide evidence that this is a hoax? I've heard many who say its all bs, but everyone of those people can't provide any evidence of it being bs.. Not trying to be an arse, I just would like to know what the evidence is for it being bs.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Ok you're right, he didnt claim to be a scientist yet a geologist and engineer should still understand the fact that you can't just make claims without backing them up.

I don't expect him to come out with an alien space-craft but he did make claims that he COULD back up, but didnt.

For example, at his lecture he often passed round rocks that he claimed were composed of elements outside the periodic table. Not only did he not offer the rocks for scientific analysis which would surely add gravitas to his claims, his scientific backing does't even make sense; the newest elements being synthesised, only exist for less than a millionth or billionth of a second, a blip on a spec graph. And they definately can't form compunds that are stable enough to make up a solid object.


posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 04:10 PM
I think a more important question you should be asking is that surrounding his death. How and why did he die? If this topic can be investigated thoroughly then it would open up more doors. If he did commit suicide, who or what would profit from this? If he was murdered, again who or what would profit from this.
Everyone is overlooking is death, it should be the first place to look at. For example it is said he strangled himself with a hose, why do this when you have a pistol beside you? This stuff needs to be addressed.


posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by gfad
For example, at his lecture he often passed round rocks that he claimed were composed of elements outside the periodic table. Not only did he not offer the rocks for scientific analysis which would surely add gravitas to his claims, his scientific backing does't even make sense; the newest elements being synthesised, only exist for less than a millionth or billionth of a second, a blip on a spec graph. And they definately can't form compunds that are stable enough to make up a solid object.

I did watch one video on google, in which he sold some rocks to people in the audience. I wonder if we could track these people down and submit these rocks for analysis. Someone out there has some of these rocks.. If what he said about these various rocks and samples were true, then they should yeild some interesting results which could be held as proof of his claims.

From what he said, they're were people after him as soon as he started talking. One person in the audience even stated that secretive agents had just arrived at his lecture, sporting g17 license plates. Its interesting how many of these so-called witnesses to this phenomenon commit suicide

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 06:31 AM
As I understand it he passed the rocks around for inspection by the audience but then collected them after. You are right, these rocks must be somewhere but they are probably in a field somewhere just where I bet he found them. As I said, what he says about these rocks CANNOT be true, it doesnt fit with any current research into the physical properties of the ultra-heavy elements.

I'm also, no offence intended, a bit sick of hearing people use the fact that he is dead as additional evidence that his ridiculous and unfounded claims are true. Just because he died under suspicious circumstances doesnt make any of the things he said true!

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 12:43 PM
There was one video in which he let people view the rocks, but there is also another video, in which he conducts a lecture in a small room. During this lecture he sold samples of rocks, and photos. I would've loved to see the one in which UFO's were supposedly fleeing the nuclear bomb test in the bahamas. His story to me is not all that far fetched. There's tons on evidence for intelligent alien life visiting this planet, and its not hard to imagine an underground base in which these entities could reside.


posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by gfad
I'm also, no offence intended, a bit sick of hearing people use the fact that he is dead as additional evidence that his ridiculous and unfounded claims are true. Just because he died under suspicious circumstances doesnt make any of the things he said true!

That's very true and I agree with you 100% but we still have to find out WHY he died. It does deserve a clear explanation.


posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 01:13 PM
Does anyone know if Schneider claims to have lost his hand in the Dulce Wars? It seems he is the only human to have claimed to have been attacked with a laser weapon(according to his account, possibly a biological energy weapon) who survived. Would there not be traces of radiation from this, abnormal healing, etc. I am interested to know if there is any forensics evidence of abnormalities.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 06:45 AM
Im taking the risk of being flamed to hell

Isn't a geologist a scientist?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Selmer2
Im taking the risk of being flamed to hell

Isn't a geologist a scientist?

yep thats what i thought to. strange. on the internet they call a geologist an Environmental Scientist. lol

Originally posted by Lightman9202
Does anyone know if Schneider claims to have lost his hand in the Dulce Wars? It seems he is the only human to have claimed to have been attacked with a laser weapon(according to his account, possibly a biological energy weapon) who survived. Would there not be traces of radiation from this, abnormal healing, etc. I am interested to know if there is any forensics evidence of abnormalities.

no he lost some of his fingers, they look like they were burned of, he said the alien used some sort of colbert radiation. he also shows, his chest on one i thing, has a huge scar or something, saying it burnt his ribcage and it took him ages to recover in some hospital.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by andy1033]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:06 AM
Come on, when will people accept the fact that this guy is lying! Did anyone realize that he is claiming that Los Alamos is a BIO-Tech center?

Los Alamos is a Nuclear Weapons research center. Folks, this is common knowlege. No Offense, but why does it seem like people keep missing the most obvious flaws and contradictions in what this guy is saying?

Also listen to the part where he claims to have lost two fingers in a battle with Grays. Has anyone noticed that he still has five fingures on each hand?

How long will this Phil Schider going to continue to fool people with his lies? Please, this is getting embarrasing! Our motto is DENY IGNORANCE!


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