posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 12:42 PM
Location fits ALL of Plato's points
errr no it doesn't
Plato states that there was a war between Atlantis and Greece
he didn't say anything about the Atlantic in his dialogue either
that was added later by Benjamin Jowett who mistranslated part of the text and that mistranslation is what most pseudoscientists like Jim Allen have
based their personal belief on
He also stated that it sank beneath the sea
remember that bit ?
this at no time happened to Bolivia
so what have you got
a place in a location not mentioned by Plato
which didnt sink as mentioned by Plato
which wasn't ever at war as mentioned by Plato
try reading some credible sites in future
i.e. ones based on the writings of plato and not based on whoever claims to have found it this week
this matches Plato only if you ignore practically everything he said
Also, one should read Plato's writings, and especially clue in on two things...
1. He states three times it's a factual story.
2. He states that he is assigning Greek names and ideas to make it easier for his audience to absorb...this is why the temples are to Greek gods, etc.
does he really now
so perhaps you can post all three quotes by Plato where he says its factual and also where he states he is assigning greek names
I don't think you've even read his two dialogues where he describes Atlantis
you're just repeating claims made by Jim Allen
heads up
he lied