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Nancy Pelosi: First Female President in US History

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posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 11:34 AM
In light of President George W. Bush's crimes (pre-emptive war, torture policies, illegal wiretapping, etc) and those of Vice President Dick Cheney's, and in light of Bush's absolute refusal to change course in his Iraq policy, they should both be impeached immediately.

If ever there was a clear-cut case for impeachment, this is it.

If that actually did occur, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would ascend to the presidency, making her the first female president in our nation's history.

Take that Hillary! And Condoleeza!

That is an outcome I would truly love to see. Jack Murtha could be her Vice President.

[edit on 1/13/07 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Jack Murtha could be her Vice President.

Oh geeze .. that flake Pelosi as President with her lap puppy Murtha as VP? Gawd .. thanks for that image. I'll have nightmares for a week.

Edited to add - the folks at Star Kist would LOVE for Pelosi to be president .. oh the perks she'd give them!!

[edit on 1/13/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:48 PM
Why do you call her a flake? Because she's a Democrat? Because she's from San Francisco?

And what's wrong with Murtha? What do you have against a decorated war vet who's served this nation with distinction?

Pelosi would do a much better job governing this nation than that sociopathic man-child posing as president right now.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Why do you call her a flake?

I met her on Veterans Day. She was a complete FLAKE.

No, not because she's a democrat. Hillary isn't a flake and she's a dem (the best shot the dems have at the White House IMHO).

San Francisco has nothing to do with it. Talented people come from all parts of this country.

I say Pelosi is a flake because that's what she is .. a FLAKE. A self - obsessed flake. And her 'smile' is painted on. Her face didn't move the entire 30 minutes I saw her. It was really freaky.

Those are my personal observations taken on Veterans Day and based on her speech, behavior and body movements. FLAKE.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

I say Pelosi is a flake because that's what she is .. a FLAKE. A self - obsessed flake. And her 'smile' is painted on. Her face didn't move the entire 30 minutes I saw her. It was really freaky.

Those are my personal observations taken on Veterans Day and based on her speech, behavior and body movements. FLAKE.

Well, on those grounds I would have to say that Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R., N.C.) is even flakier.

Anybody catch her little appearance on Meet the Press shortly before the midterm elections? She literally came unhinged. As a Carolinian, I have to say, I was completely embarassed by her assinine performance. She earned every bit of that electoral drubbing.

Don't even get me started on all the work she's had done on her face. A friend of mine at work recently told me about a function she attended with Dole. She said the whole time she was preoccupied with Dole's freakish appearance. "She never ever looked like that in the past," Mary said, shaking her head.

I've never met Pelosi, but I find her to be a charming, classy lady who so far is doing a good job driving legislation. I think in two weeks, this congress has already done more than the last. I hope they keep it up. Oh yeah, I also think Pelosi looks amazing good for her age. Not that that matters at all.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I would have to say that Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R., N.C.) is even flakier.

She's another flake. Definately. Her husband is a flake too. He should be commended for his service to our country .. but now he's a flake.

I've never met Pelosi,

If you did, and you kept an open mind, I would bet a box of donuts you would come away saying 'FLAKE'.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:41 PM
Well, you may or may not be right about that. If I ever do meet Madame Speaker, I will let you know exactly what I think.

I did not vote for Bob Dole when he ran against Bill Clinton. I did not think that being 'next in line' was a qualification. The Republican party is plagued with that idiocy. Of all people to run against Bill "superstar" Clinton... boring old Bob Dole. :shk:

I voted for Pat Buchanan in the primaries and left it at that.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:12 PM
To the chagrin of myself and many others, Pelosi has said that impeachment is off the table.

If it did somehow happen, Pelosi would be demonized by the right and accused of engineering it in order to become president.

Bush and Cheney definitely deserve to be impeached. And then tried for war crimes.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:51 PM
I will take her anytime over Bush and Cheney and who cares if Murtha is next to her.

I happen to like Murtha too.

I mean look how the Republicans in congress are stepping far and away from Bush madness and going against him.

Is over people Bush needs to be top before he finish his fulfillment of starting Armageddon in he middle east.:Lil:

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 09:25 PM
She's a flake.
Anyone who would wear white to Reagan's funeral has to be a flake.

And, I'm not surprised the impeachment is off the table.
I am beginning to see some waffling from the lsit of promises the democrats made to get elected.
Like ending the war...pronto.
And, $10.00 hour minimum wage
like THAT was ever gonna happen.

I'd rather see Hillary in teh Oval Office
I cannot believe I even said that.

Let's face it.
All the democrats are gonna do until the next election is hold meetings and call witnesses. Lots of photo ops. Little real progress.

Neither party is inspiring me these days :shk:

Welcome back.
It's been way too long since I've seen you around these parts!!!

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
If ever there was a clear-cut case for impeachment, this is it.

Ok, whats your evidence?

Jack Murtha could be her Vice President.

Its pretty clear that she wouldn't back him.

It'd be a sad state of affairs if women only got ot the presidency because they had a court kick out the men above them and hand the position to them.

Besides, you couldn't simultaneously impeach the President AND Vice President.

Impeach either, and the other decides who the fill-in is.

Infact, IF you impeach bush or cheney, Pelosi CAN'T become president. Because the president decides who fills a vacancy in the Vice Presidency, and if the president is removed, then the person appointed by the president to Vice becomes president.

Here's an interesting factoid:
Had the 25th Amendment not been passed, Democrat Carl Albert [house speaker at the time] would have become Acting President upon Nixon's resignation[...] and served as Acting President until the end of Nixon's term.

So, impeach bush, you get president Cheney and who ever he wants as vice. Impeach cheney, and his vice jumps up to the presidency and nominates whoever they want as vice.

So go ahead, impeach bush and cheney, just be ready to watch the inaguration of President Rove and Vice President Rice.

BTW, ECK: Welcome back.

Indeed, welcome back!

We are having an "ATS" presidential run, you might like to try it out.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Nygdan]

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Nygdan]

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

BTW, ECK: Welcome back. Indeed, welcome back!

Indeed, welcome back!

We are having an "ATS" presidential run, you might like to try it out.

Thanks. Its good to be back.

Ed. large quote and fixed quote tags.

[edit on 14-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
It just so happens a woman is now the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE. LOL I know that freaks lock-step Republicans out.

I'm really not all that familiar with pelosi. She's not really been on my radar. I've noticed that FOX has coniptions over her but never really understood it.

As far as a woman being a problem, I don't have a problem with it at all. I think that if the republicans were smart, they'd put Rice on their ticket. She's smart and has a good old dose of evil in her, all the qualities needed for a president or vice. The fact that she is a woman, or black for that matter, is meaningless, just as meaningless as her religious affiliation, which I'm not even aware of.

No woman on the Republican horizon can equal Mrs. Pelosi at this moment. Hillary can only dream of the power Pelosi holds.

Hilary is probably more powerful and influential than Pelosi. Pelosi is just the speaker.

They deserve to be impeached more than anyone who has ever held their offices. If you can't see that, I think you should check yourself into some kind of rehabilitation clinic.

Its going to take more than 'i really really really think they should be impeached' to get them impeached.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
pelosi. She's not really been on my radar. I've noticed that FOX has coniptions over her but never really understood it.

Its b/c she's powerful.

ECK: No woman on the Republican horizon can equal Mrs. Pelosi at this moment. Hillary can only dream of the power Pelosi holds.
NYGDAN: Hilary is probably more powerful and influential than Pelosi. Pelosi is just the speaker.

No. Pelosi is third in line to the presidency. She is the Speaker of the House. Few people ever reach that height.

NYGDAN: Its going to take more than 'i really really really think they should be impeached' to get them impeached.

Anyone who's paid attention knows BushCo is nothing but a hive of war criminals. And anyone with a conscience knows what should happen to war criminals.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 02:39 AM
The Dems simply do not have to votes to impeach Cheney and Bush. Cheney and Bush pretty much have to be caught red handed on national TV in front of thousands of reliable witnesses buggering girl scouts and clubbing puppies to death in order for a significant amount of the Republicans to break rank.


posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 08:47 AM
to eastcoast and marge

I am not going to advocate for the current administration as I really only like a handfull of politicans right now and most of them are on the fairtax congressional scorecard.

the people you advocate for are nothing but a bunch of outsourcing socialist liberals who will run this country into the dirt and model it after the EU, pelosi and franks are both AGAINST the fairtax and pelosi is a proven joke, screaming she will clean the house of filth yet vouches for people like john murtha and alcee hastings who are disgraces to the country, if anything you said was actually true about bush he would not be in power right now they all would be jack abramoff status.

most of the democrats these days are not in the interest of the working class like myself who has a family, the point is all you people are so quick to trash one side and then hop on the otherside which is just as dirty and has decades of practice. I pay my taxes and the liberals scare me as they are all about bigger government and higher taxation, negotiating drug prices? give me a break. democrats dont support the fairtax because it would take away the power they spent decades on to create and make confusing as possible.

I'm an independant and im only 23, you people im assuming you're young are the future of this country, I suggest looking into the people you vouche for and educating yourself on the taxation system and who is for our best interests rather than ignoring reality and jumping behind party lines. the sooner the people become mor educated the sooner people who represent US THE AMERICAN PEOPLE will be voted into office.

[edit on 14-1-2007 by ape]

[edit on 14-1-2007 by ape]

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I did not vote for Bob Dole when he ran against Bill Clinton.

I don't think I did either. I can't remember for sure ... but I remember thinking Bob Dole was just a throw away candidate. I'm pretty sure it was someone else - not Clinton and not Dole. I just can't remember who now ...

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
I'd rather see Hillary in teh Oval Office
I cannot believe I even said that.

I agree with you. (which might frighten you!

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
To the chagrin of myself and many others, Pelosi has said that impeachment is off the table.

Either she figured out that there isn't enough solid evidence to impeach, or she was bought off. Considering we are talking about politicians ... it could be either or both of those - IMHO.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Anyone who's paid attention knows BushCo is nothing but a hive of war criminals. And anyone with a conscience knows what should happen to war criminals.

So, your official position is 'its obvious and doesnt' require any kind of demonstration'.

Okey Dokey.

No. Pelosi is third in line to the presidency.

Sure. And if Bush and Cheney get simultaneously assasinated, she'll be president.

Barring that, Hilary Clinton has more national appeal, and more influence and pull, than Pelosi. No one is asking pelosi to run for president in 2008.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 11:08 AM
Both Nancy and Hillary are in their 60s. Heck, they are almost as old as John McCain. Oh-eight is the year for all three of them to make it or retire.

Q. In the last century, how many House members made it to the presidency?
A. One. Gerald Ford.

And that won’t happen again. Here’s my “origins” tally from the 20th century: Senate, 6, Gov. 5, Vice President, 4, (not counting LBJ who I put in Senate), House, 1. War Hero 1. Politician, 1. (Hoover.)

Running the House with 435 members + 5 voting delegates - is a full time job! Being a senator on the campaign trail is not. Hillary is well placed. She has money, talent, good looks, and a husband no one can match!

Pelosi is out, Hillary is still in the run.

McCain has bombed with Bush43. Iraq. Wednessday, B43 promised he will begin to add another 500 KIA to the 3020 already KIA. Say Hello Vietnam! It is one thing to die before you know you're leader made a terrible mistake, it is quite another thing to die after everyone knows! That is called dying for vanity. For hubris. For dying in vain.

January 20, 2009. Say Hello, Madam President!

Q2. Where is VP Cheney? (The alleged brains behind Bush43. The puppet master.)

[edit on 1/15/2007 by donwhite]

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