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Genius Nikola Tesla

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posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 05:24 AM
This guy was nothing short of an absolute genius. This is a few paragraphs about him from the following website:

“World-renowned Serb-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. He is best known for his revolutionary work in, and numerous contributions to, the discipline of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th century.”

“Aside from his work on electromagnetism and engineering, Tesla is said to have contributed in varying degrees to the fields of robotics, ballistics, computer science, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics”

"The man who invented the twentieth century."

“Immediately after Tesla's death became known, the Federal Bureau of Investigation instructed the government's Alien Property Custodian office to take possession of his papers and property, despite his US citizenship.”

The more info you read on this guy the more interesting it gets. He apparently was involved with the government in experiment on death rays and weather control. By use of some sort of free energy which has a seemingly endless supply. He also have been said to make a crude prototype transport device and was actually witnessed using it.

As most of you will know that free energy is supposedly how alien crafts are fueled making it possible to travel large distances.

So did we have a solution to the energy crisis 50-100 years back have we be polluting our planet needlessly? Are these people in power (like oil owners) suppressing this discovery and using it for making these so called death rays weapons?

If anyone is interested in this so called free energy, one of the best sites I’ve found is this:

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 09:24 PM
He was also an insomniac and extremely lonely. All he did was work. I sure hope he had something awesome to show for it. I agree, he's amazing. I also see him as very sad. Most of his inventions were claimed by others. All of his work was stolen by the government. Only Henry Ford gave him a chance. Sad story.


posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 09:38 PM
Im not ashamed to admit it but Tesla is one of my heros. The other is Robert Anton Wilson and he died a few days ago RIP-RAW

Originally posted by Lucas_1984
So did we have a solution to the energy crisis 50-100 years back have we be polluting our planet needlessly?

Yes we did! Tesla had funding from JP Morgan, well until he learned that the electricity was going to be wireless and would be incapable of sticking a meter to charge people money for. So yeah, wireless and free ( free as in it costs us so very little) energy... for the whole planet!

Are these people in power (like oil owners) suppressing this discovery and using it for making these so called death rays weapons?

God yeah. All science is being repressed, even from the simple fact that science is all funding based (agenda driven). And then of course there is the science being led by corporations. Go a step further and you could say the NWO is surpressing science, dont want us travelling the sloar system just yet - get a mortgage and go to war pay yer taxes.

It breaks my heart knowing we as a whole planet could be so much further than we are.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 09:55 PM
He is one of my heroes too, expecially now that I am working on electronics. I do beleive that some his inventions can be used on a big scale and enable us to stop buring so much oil/coal. Some of his idea are out of this world genius, others were insane.

There is also a far fetched theory that his directed energy weapon was what caused the Tunguska explosion in 1908.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 04:48 AM
new heard about this guy before, good reading! thanks! =]


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